Bridges in Herford

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All public bridges in Herford are included in this compilation . Not taken into account are the many culverts through which streams flow under streets and tracks.

Because the Werre , the Aa and the city moat flow through Herford , there are many bridges here . More than 20 road, railway and pedestrian bridges cross these three watercourses. In addition, there are 17 bridges of the railway systems over roads and numerous road bridges over other roads. The building department of the city of Herford is responsible for the maintenance of 46 bridges.

The Herford bridges have no official names, which is why they cannot be found in the Herford city map. However, some have colloquial or unofficial names or are named after the street that leads over the respective bridge or after the former city gates. There is the Lübbertorbrücke and two Bergertorbrücken over the Werre as well as one of the oldest Herford bridges, the Steintorbrücke over the city moat.

Bridges over rivers


Railway bridge on the Herford – Altenbeken line

Railway bridge on the Herford-Altenbeken line

Coming downstream from Bad Salzuflen , a railway bridge on the Herford – Altenbeken line crosses the Werre in the area of ​​the Ludwig-Jahn Stadium and the H2O leisure pool . The bridge, like the Lippische Bahn, as the line is also called, was built in 1880, whereby the original bridge was so destroyed by the bombing in 1944 that it had to be replaced by a makeshift bridge.

Wiesestrasse bridge

Melcher Bridge

The bridge on Wiesestrasse, which was renovated in 2011, crosses the Werre in the area of ​​the Kiewiese and the H2O.

Melcher Bridge

Approximately in the middle between the Wiesestrasse bridge and the Bergertor, a pedestrian and bicycle bridge connects the Weddigenufer with Salzufler Strasse (L 712) at the level of the University of Church Music of the Evangelical Church of Westphalia . The Melcher Bridge was renovated in 2011.


Werre weir at Bergertor

At the Bergertor, which got its name from the Stiftberg , was one of the five Herford multi-gate systems. In the Werre there was an island at this point, over which the bridge led. In 1795, the former Bergertorbrücke was torn away during a flood caused by a thaw. It was replaced by a new bridge in 1797. On the bridge or the island there was a customs house, as it was at the other city gates. After bridge and road money were no longer collected here, the city set up a police prison in 1884. In 1937 the customs house was demolished.

From 1902 to 1964 there was a restaurant at the eastern end of the Bergertorbrücke, in front of which the Bergertor stop of the Herford small railway was.

In connection with the construction of the inner city ring, the dismantling of the island began in 1969. The two weirs that were on either side of the island were replaced by a weir further upstream. Then the bridge that ran across the island was demolished and replaced by two parallel bridges. While the southern bridge in the direction of Bad Salzuflen has two lanes, there are four lanes on the northern bridge, two each in the direction of Berliner Straße (L 712/778) and Bergertorstraße (L778).



The Lübbertorbrücke connects the Neustadt with the Neustadt Feldmark with its six lanes and a median . It is a new building from the years 1963 to 1965 when Mindener Strasse was expanded and Berliner Strasse was rebuilt. North of the Werre on both sides of the bridge were the Lübbertor stops of the Herford small railway.

Pedestrian bridge between Lübbertorwall and Werregärten

In the area of ​​the Friedrichs-Gymnasium a pedestrian and bicycle bridge has been connecting the Lübbertorwall and the Werre gardens since 1971.

Herder Bridge

The Herderbrücke is an old pedestrian and bicycle bridge between Augustastraße and Herderstraße. This opens near the district police, the District Church Office and the company Bugatti Hansastraße. Today's bridge is a new construction from 2010.



The Hansabrücke on Hansastraße was built in 1900 as a basket arch bridge with three vaults over the Werre below the confluence with the Aa. From 1902 to 1964 the Herford small train drove over the bridge. After the Hansabrücke collapsed on February 9, 1946 as a result of the Werre flood, it was rebuilt as a simple girder bridge with a central pillar in the water and a lane width of ten meters at the same point and put into operation on May 1, 1949. Due to the collapse, the small railway line was also interrupted for three years.

In 2014, up to 14,000 vehicles drove over the bridge every day.

Due to damage to the structure, the asphalt roadway and the railing, the bridge was demolished between December 2015 and July 2017 and replaced by a new one at the same point. The status of the work could and can still be followed using a construction diary on the Internet.

Bypass bridge

The bypass road crosses the Werre in its northern section in the course of the federal highway 61 in the area of ​​the Herford sewage treatment plant .

Schweichelner Strasse bridge

At the city limits of Herford- Falkendiek to Hiddenhausen - Schweicheln , the Schweichelner Straße crosses the Werre.


Braker Street

At the city limits of Bielefeld-Brake in Elverdissen, Braker Strasse (L804) leads over the Aa. On the Bielefeld side, you can take Elsener Straße to Bundesstraße 61, which is called Herford Straße there.


The bypass bridge over the Aa is located near the Bielefelder Straße junction. It was originally built in the 1930s and rebuilt as part of the motorway-like expansion of the bypass road ( B 239 ), which was released at the end of 2007. It is 162.50 meters long and stands on 88 bored piles with a diameter of 1.20 meters that are up to 14.50 meters long.

Dirt road bridge

Directly next to the bypass road, a field path with a field path bridge leads from Bielefelder Straße to Altensenner Weg.


Pedestrians can cross the Stephansbrücke from Bielefelder Straße between the Westring and Jöllenbecker Weg to the Leutesdorfufer and Stephansweg. It was renovated in 2011.

Railway bridge

The Herford – Altenbeken railway line crosses the Aa in addition to the Stephansbrücke.

Pedestrian bridge at the vocational school center

A pedestrian bridge connects a parking garage on Bielefelder Strasse with the vocational school center and the Vodice embankment.


Hermannstraße runs over the Aa between the vocational school center and Bielefelder Straße. The bridge was renovated in 2010 and 2011.


At the western end of the “Unter den Linden” wall, the Hertabrücke crosses the Aa above the Radewiger weir. The pedestrian and bicycle bridge was built at the end of the 19th century to open up the promenade that ran along the old city fortifications as a walkway.

The Hertabrücke was named after the daughter of the then district architect Ernst Grote, who was born in Angora (now Ankara ) in 1890 and was a teacher at the Herford daughter school . She died in 1911.

The bridge is an iron structure resting on quarry stones with an Art Nouveau character and wooden planking. In 2006 it was completely renovated.

Radewiger Bridge

The Radewiger Bridge at the confluence area Radewiger Straße / Bäckerstraße / Elisabethstraße below the Radewiger Mühle, which has been verifiable since 1224, is actually called the Niedermönken Bridge. It was named after the lower monks who lived at the time of the Poor Clares (on Clarenstrasse ) until the Reformation in the Franciscan monastery in Mönchstrasse.

At this point, which connects the old town with the Radewig, the oldest bridge construction in the city is believed. The first bridge could have been built around 1200 years ago. In 2012 a new building with a width of 8.50 meters was built.


On freedom

On the street Auf der Freiheit (L 712) near the Sparkasse Herford and the Herford district court , the four-lane inner city ring crosses the Aa.


The Freyabrücke is a pedestrian and bicycle bridge on the Steintorwall, where the moat flows into the Aa and the Bowerre formerly flowed into the Aa.

Schiller Bridge

On the last section to the confluence of the Aa in the Werre, the Schillerbrücke crosses the Aa on Schillerstraße. In 1878, a wooden bridge was built at this point, which was given the name Bow Bridge and was renamed Schiller Bridge in 1905. It was renewed in 1931 and widened in 1970. Due to damage to the bridge, it has only been accessible in one lane since 2011. The bridge has been demolished since September 2018 and replaced by a new building that is scheduled to go into operation in 2020.

In the background the Deichtorbrücke over the city moat


At the confluence of the Aa and the moat, the Wallsteg was built in August 2008, despite considerable resistance from the population. It is a walk-in steel structure that protrudes from the stone gate wall over the Aa.



The first Deichtor and the bridge were built in the first half of the 13th century. Today's Deichtorbrücke, which crosses the city moat on Bielefelder Strasse, dates from 1877. Until 1939, the stretch of Bielefelder Strasse between the bridge and Radewiger Strasse was called “Deichtorstrasse”.

Stone gate bridge

Pedestrian bridge at the Daniel-Pöppelmann-Haus

At Daniel-Pöppelmann-Haus , a pedestrian bridge crosses the moat as an extension of Brudtlachtstrasse. It connects the city center in the area of ​​the Gänsemarkt with the Kreishausstrasse, so that the employees of the district administration, the tax office and the Brax Leineweber company can easily reach the city center.

Stone gate bridge

One of the oldest Herford bridges crosses the city moat at the Steintor, where the Deichtorwall and the Steintorwall meet. The stone gate bridge was planned by a French fortress builder and built in 1808. It was built on the spot where there was a four-tower complex with two stone and one wooden drawbridge in the Middle Ages . The wooden bridge could be pulled up in the event of an attack or siege. The current bridge was renovated in 2007.

Bridge of the Road On Freedom

Directly next to the Steintor, a four-lane bridge was built at the station crossing as part of the construction of the inner city ring, where the street “Auf der Freiheit” (L712) crosses the city moat and a bicycle and pedestrian underpass.

Railway bridges

Hamm – Hanover railway line

Between the city limits of Bielefeld and Herford train station

Coming from Bielefeld , the four- track Hamm – Hanover railway crosses numerous streets and paths, namely in Stedefreund on the city limits to Bielefeld- Brake the street Am Schachtsiek, further north the street In der Landwehr, in Diebrock the Hollinder Weg, the streets Krähenbrink and Am Hainkamp and Laarer Straße (L 923). Then the tracks cross the Kinsbeke , where the border between Herford-Stadt and Diebrock runs. In the further course the bypass road is crossed. Shortly before the Herford – Altenbeken railway converges , the tracks cross the Westring and shortly afterwards the Deichkamp road.


In connection with the four-track expansion of the railway line from 1912 to 1916, the previously ground-level track systems in the Herford city area were placed on a dam and the level crossings were replaced by bridges. The railway bridges in the area of ​​the Herford train station are called underpasses because of their length.

The seven platform tracks, the two freight train tracks and a pull-out track are located on the underpass above the Loop road .

Sophienstrasse runs through the longest underpass in the city. On it are six passenger train tracks, the two freight train tracks and numerous shunting and stabling tracks of the freight yard, some of which are no longer in operation.

At the northern end of the station the track of the Herford small railway ran through an underpass until 1966. In addition, it lay sidings company Sulo and the Herforder brewery . The tracks were still in use a few years after the shutdown of the small railway and are still in place today.

There is another underpass between Goebenstrasse and Bünder Strasse.

Bridge over the bypass

About 300 meters to the north, the railway line crosses the bypass road ( B 61 ) in the area of ​​the sewage treatment plant. There are seven tracks on the railway bridge. It is the four- track Hamm – Hannover line , two of which are used by passenger trains with the VzG route number 1700 and two by freight trains with the number 2990. Another track belongs to the Herford – Kirchlengern line with route number 2981, which is part of the Bassum – Herford railway line . The last two tracks are the former sidings of the Herford brewery, with one track connecting to the Herford small railway.

Herford – Altenbeken railway line (Lippische Bahn)

Coming from Lippe , the railway line, built in 1880, first crosses the Autobahn 2. In the vicinity of the Ludwig-Jahn Stadium, it crosses the Werre and shortly afterwards the Gaußstrasse.

Pedestrian bridge Alter Friedhof

The pedestrian and bicycle bridge built in 2009 between the Old Cemetery on Hermannstrasse and Elverdisser Strasse (L 778) over the railway line was criticized by the taxpayer association because of the cost of the complex ramps. The old bridge had previously been demolished.

Shortly before it joins the Hamm – Hanover railway, the Herford – Altenbeken railway crosses the Aa and Bielefelder Straße.

Road bridges


Railway and road bridges

In the city of Herford, the federal motorway 2 crosses the Herford – Altenbeken railway line, Salzufler Straße (L 712) and Stadholzstraße from the south.

All other bridges are in the Schwarzenmoor district .

Arch bridge

Arch bridge A2 in Herford

Between the Stuckenberg and the Obernberg, an arched bridge crosses the motorway at the city limits between Herford and Bad Salzuflen . It is a bridge for the forest enterprise and the forest walkers and hikers. It is relatively wide for this use and is also used by wild animals.

Finnebach Bridge

On the city limits of Vlotho - Exter , the motorway has been crossing the Finnebach on two 158-meter-long and 15-meter-high stone arch bridges since 1938/1939. Since the six-lane expansion of the motorway between 1982 and 1984, the bridge, the two parts of which are directly adjacent, has a total width of 38 meters.

A dirt road runs under the viaducts in the Vlotho urban area next to the Finnebach.

Northern section

Further north, the Zur Loose road runs under the motorway.

At junction 30 Herford-Ost, Vlothoer Straße (L778) crosses the motorway.

To the north of this, the street Auf'm Hellwege leads over the motorway.

At the easternmost city limit to Vlotho-Exter, another street is crossed, which has no name in Herford's urban area or is included in the Schlingkamp street. In the Vlotho city area it is called Schwarzenmoorstraße.


In the background the Elverdisser Straße bridge over the bypass

Bridges over the bypass

The latest bridges within the urban area were completed in 2008 in connection with the four-lane expansion of the federal highway 239 between the motorway junction 29 Herford / Bad Salzuflen, which is located in Bad Salzufler's urban area, and Diebrocker Straße (L 543). Since then, Ahmser Strasse / Planckstrasse, Lockhauser Strasse, Hellerweg with a pedestrian and cycle path overpass, Viehtrifteweg, Elverdisser Strasse (L 778) and, since the northern section was expanded, Diebrocker Strasse (L 543), Engerstrasse (L 712) and the Oetinghauser Weg the four-lane bypass road, which is mainly in the cut.

In the northern area, where the bypass road has only two lanes, it is crossed by a railway bridge with six tracks. Details can be found in the last paragraph of the section Hamm – Hannover railway line .

Bypass road over roads and railways

From the south-east, the bypass road, which in this area is Bundesstraße 239, crosses Hertzstraße in the area of ​​the city limits of Bad Salzuflen- Ahmsen and further north over Altensenner Weg and Bielefelder Straße. From Bielefeld, the federal road 61 joins the bypass road, which has two federal road numbers in the further course.

Directly behind it the four-track Hamm – Hanover railway line is crossed.

Further north on the street “An der Kinsbeke” there is a pedestrian and cycle path underpass under the bypass.

In the area where the bypass road becomes two lanes, it crosses Füllenbruchstrasse and shortly before the end of the bypass road it crosses Eimterstrasse. In this area, the bypass road is only Bundesstraße 61.

Ring road over rivers and streams

The two bridges of the bypass road over the Werre and the Aa are described for the two rivers.

In the vicinity of the Viehtrifteweg, the bypass road crosses the Flachsbach, which comes from Elverdissen and flows into the Aa north of the bypass road.

Bielefelder Strasse

In connection with the four-lane expansion of the bypass road, the Bielefelder Strasse junction with the adjoining stretch of road was also expanded with four lanes. A road bridge was built over Bielefelder Strasse shortly before the confluence with Laarer Strasse to access the houses on the south side of Bielefelder Strasse.

Pedestrian underpasses

The largest pedestrian underpass in the city of Herford is at the Steintor. It consists of several parts that pass under the crossing area Bahnhofstraße / Auf der Freiheit / Wittekindstraße in several places. Areas for cyclists and pedestrians are marked on the relatively wide paths.

There is another pedestrian underpass under Rennstraße (L 778). It connects the Pöppelmannwall and the Unter den Linden wall.

In the course of the former course of the Bowerre, a pedestrian underpass was built in the course of the four-lane expansion of Bergertorstrasse.

There are further pedestrian underpasses parallel to the Werre under the Lübbertorbrücke and the Bergertorbrücken.

Former bridges

In the last few decades, some bridges in the city have also been dismantled or filled in without replacement. This applies above all to the bridges over the Bowerre , which was filled in between 1969 and 1976. These are the bridges on Weddigenufer, the Osterbrücke, which connected Johannisstraße and Bergertorstraße, the Mittelstädter Bridge on Linnenbauerplatz, the bridge on Berliner Straße and the pedestrian bridge on Schulwall.

After the pedestrian bridge over the Hamm – Hanover railway between Diebrocker Strasse and Wittekindstrasse was initially closed for some time due to dilapidation, it was demolished in mid-January 2001. The bridge was built in the early 1950s after the previous building was torn down by a tank-laden train and fell onto the tracks.

In the Lübbertorwall / Wilhelmsplatz area, two private pedestrian bridges originally spanned the Werre. They were destroyed in the flood on February 9, 1946.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Construction diary of the Hansabrücke until July 2017
  2. ^ Streets.NRW: Herford bypass is open to traffic. ( Memento from October 1, 2015 in the Internet Archive )
  3. ^ Photo of the Schiller Bridge from 1927
  4. View into the small train underpass
  5. Description of the Finnebach Bridge
  6. ^ Ruhrberg Ingenieure: Photos of bridges over the bypass road
  7. Neue Westfälische from January 25, 2017: The pedestrian bridge over the railway line connected Wittekindstrasse with Diebrocker Strasse