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The English toponym Brunswick goes back to the place name Brunswiek , the Low German model of the name Braunschweig which is common today . In addition to the English form, modifications and transcriptions of the Low German Brunswiek in other languages ​​are documented as toponyms, but above all as family names.

Orthographic modifications from Brunswiek

The following variants of Brunswiek appear as a translation of the medieval city name and as a family name .

  • Braunschweig : Proven since 1573, it is a failed High German transmission of the Middle Low German Brunswiek .
  • Above all in the Low German area belong (sometimes rudimentary high German) forms such as: Brunswich , Brunswig , Brunschwig , Brunswik (also in the Scandinavian region), Brunswieck.
  • Brunschvig or Brunschvicg occur mainly in the French-speaking area as a family name.
  • Brunswijk is used in the Dutch-speaking area.
  • Brunszvik is the Hungarian transcription of the toponym and the family name of the sisters Therese and Josephine Brunsvik .
  • Brunszwik is used in the Polish-speaking area.
  • Family name Bronswick from the Westphalian region (Münsterland, Steinfurter Land)


Brunswick and its variants occur not only, but also as names of numerous localities and areas.




  • Braunschweig , name-giving city in Lower Saxony
  • Brunswik (Kiel) , a district of the state capital Kiel
  • Brunschwig am Berge, Brunschwig in der Gasse and Brunschwig Rittergut, since 1872 and 1904 communities of Cottbus


New Zealand

Papua New Guinea


  • Brunšvik , a village in the Starše municipality (Lower Styria)

United Kingdom

United States


Counties and townships

Villages and settlements