Carl Briese

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Lieutenant General Carl Briese

Carl Briese (born November 23, 1858 in Lobosin , † January 5, 1931 in Potsdam ) was a Prussian lieutenant general in the First World War .


Briese came on 1 April 1879 as an ensign in the 4th Pomeranian Infantry Regiment. 21 of the Prussian army in Bromberg one was here on 16 October 1879 Ensign appointed and on 14 October in 1880 second lieutenant promoted. From July 15, 1884 to July 30, 1888 he acted as adjutant of the III. Battalion, was promoted to Prime Lieutenant on May 22, 1889 and as such on April 1, 1890 Adjutant of the Thorn District Command . Briese remained in this position until he was reassigned on January 16, 1892, as a regimental adjutant in his main unit. After Briese had been promoted to captain on September 12, 1894 , he was appointed chief of the 4th Company shortly thereafter on October 18 . He led this until July 21, 1900 and then became adjutant of the 5th Division in Frankfurt (Oder) . At the same time as his promotion to major , he was transferred to the 2nd Masurian Infantry Regiment No. 147, stationed in Lyck , on January 27, 1902 . Two years later he took over as commander of the fusilier battalion of the grenadier regiment "Prince Carl of Prussia" (2nd Brandenburgisches) No. 12 and another year later the 2nd battalion. With the promotion to lieutenant colonel on August 18, 1908, Briese moved up to the regimental staff. From November 19, 1909 to September 30, 1912 he then acted first as the commander of the Berlin I district command, and then until January 26, 1913 as the commander of the Berlin II district command. As a colonel (since September 13, 1911), Briese was appointed on 27. January 1913 as commander of the infantry regiment "General-Feldmarschall Prinz Friedrich Karl von Preußen" (8th Brandenburgisches) No. 64 in Prenzlau .

When the First World War broke out, Briese gave up the regiment and became the commander of the 9th Reserve Infantry Brigade, with which he was deployed on the Western Front . It was here that he was promoted to major general on August 19, 1914 . Briese and his brigade took part in the fighting around Antwerp and played a key role in the conquest of the fortress . After the surrender, the brigade was the first German force to enter the city. On October 26, 1914, Briese gave up his command and was made available as an officer by the army until April 6, 1915. In the course of the establishment of the 113th Division , the 225th Infantry Brigade was formed on April 7, 1915, the first commander of which was Briese. In association with Army Division C , the brigade initially fought between the Meuse and Moselle , was deployed in the autumn battle in Champagne in September and came to Verdun at the end of February 1916 , where it participated in the fighting at Fort Douaumont until it was relieved .

On June 29, 1916, Briese was appointed commander of the 21st Reserve Division with which he participated in the fighting for Verdun. In April 1917, the division took part in the defensive battle on the Aisne and in November in the Battle of Cambrai . During the German spring offensive , Briese was promoted to lieutenant general on March 22, 1918.

After the end of the war, Briese led his division back home, where it was demobilized . On January 4, 1919, Briese was appointed commander of the 12th division with which he secured the Silesian border. He was commissioned on June 28, 1919 with the leadership of VI, who was in Breslau and was also deployed to guard the border . Army Corps . In August 1919 he was relieved of his position, transferred to the army officers and released from active service on October 10, 1919.



  • Karl-Friedrich Hildebrand, Christian Zweng: The knights of the order Pour le Mérite of the First World War. Volume 1: A-G. Biblio Verlag, Osnabrück 1999, ISBN 3-7648-2505-7 , pp. 193-194.
  • Hanns Möller: History of the knights of the order pour le mérite in the world war. Volume I: A-L. Bernard & Graefe publishing house, Berlin 1935, pp. 149–150.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Ranking list of the Royal Prussian Army and the XIII. (Royal Württemberg Army Corps for 1914 , Ed .: War Ministry , Ernst Siegfried Mittler & Son , Berlin 1914, p. 231