The immortal heart

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Original title The immortal heart
The immortal heart logo 001.svg
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1939
length 107 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Veit Harlan
script Veit Harlan,
Werner Eplinius ,
Richard Billinger
production Tobis Filmkunst (production group Gerhard Staab )
music Johann Sebastian Bach ,
Alois Melichar
camera Bruno Mondi
cut Marianne Behr

The Immortal Heart is a German film drama by director Veit Harlan from 1939. The film adaptation of the largely revised play Das Nürnbergische Ei (1913) by Walter Harlan premiered on January 31, 1939 in the Ufa-Palast in Nuremberg . The Berlin premiere took place on February 14th of the same year in the Ufa-Palast am Zoo .


Nuremberg in 1517. Peter Henlein , an inventive craftsman, was experimenting with pistols with his journeyman Konrad when suddenly a shot was fired from one of the handguns. Peter Henlein is badly hit. The summoned Dr. Schedel diagnoses that an operation is necessary. Since the operation is dangerous, Henlein refrains from doing it. He invested the remaining time in inventing a pocket watch. His wife Ev and Dr. Schedel try to keep him from his plan. You want him to have an operation.

At the end of the film, Henlein succeeds in constructing the pocket watch, but soon afterwards he dies. His funeral is staged as a mass march.


The shooting took place from the end of July 1938 to mid-December 1938. The outdoor shots were taken in Hildesheim , on the Baltic Sea (near Binz on Rügen and Swinemünde ) and in Nuremberg. You can see the Nuremberg Castle , the Schöne Brunnen and the Frauenkirche in Nuremberg . The interior shots were shot in the Tobis studio in Berlin-Johannisthal . Hermann Warm and Johann Massias acted as film architects .

The film shows a large number of historical inaccuracies, which can be quickly identified by looking at the real biographies of the individual characters. The film contains the following errors in particular:

  • Martin Behaim needs a pocket watch to navigate. Peter Henlein wants to build this. This story is fictitious. The length problem has not been solved, moreover, by Peter Henlein PM.
  • In the film, Peter Henlein tells of Luther's posting of the theses . In the following short film sequence, Bernhard Minetti gives a short speech as the actor of Luther. But beyond the fact that Luther is not supposed to have given a speech after the theses were posted, the speech is questionable in many respects. The speech consists on the one hand of a text montage, according to WA Volume 54, page 186 and on the other hand of several added words, which are supposed to emphasize the Germanness in a nationalistic way.
  • Peter Henlein died much later than in the film.
  • The Nuremberg eggs probably did not come from him.


  • VHS : The Immortal Heart - Polyband & Toppic Video / WVG - FSK: 16

See also


  1. a b c d e The film was made during the National Socialist era . See also the corresponding note on the page: - Das immortliche Herz  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. A youth ban was imposed in 1939. See - The immortal heart  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  @1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  2. Helmut Beer: The immortal heart - film recordings 1938 in Nuremberg. In: Nuremberg Archive 1996. Sheet N 02242.
  3. Film and Media Office Lower Saxony. Hildesheim was a popular location , accessed on: July 31, 2019

further reading

  • Richard Rongstock: “From Nuremberg across the whole world” - Veit Harlan's feature film “The Immortal Heart” and its portrayal of Nuremberg in the Renaissance period. In: Charlotte Bühl-Gramer , Wolfgang Hasberg, Susanne Popp (eds.): Antiquity - Images - World - Research Results from International Networking - Elisabeth Erdmann on her 70th birthday. Schwalbach / Ts. 2013, pp. 163–178.
  • Hans-Jürgen Tast Between Art and Propaganda - 70 years ago Veit Harlan shot 'The Immortal Heart' in Hildesheim ; in "Hildesheimer Allgemeine Zeitung", Saturday, May 3, 2008, 9 illustrations; reprinted in Sven Abromeit (Red.) Aus der Heimat - born 2008 , Verlag Gebrüder Gerstenberg (Hildesheim 2008), special print without ISBN, EUR 8.95, pp. 35–42, 9 color / b / w illustrations.

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