De la Penne class

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De la Penne class
Luigi Durand de la Penne
Luigi Durand de la Penne
Ship data
country ItalyItaly (naval war flag) Italy
Ship type destroyer
Shipyard Fincantieri , Riva Trigoso
Construction period 1988 to 1993
Launch of the type ship October 20, 1989
Units built 2
period of service Since 1993
Ship dimensions and crew
147.7 m ( Lüa )
width 16 m
Draft Max. 6.7 m
displacement 5,400 tn.l.
crew 377 men
Machine system
machine CODOG drive
2 GE / Avio LM2500 gas turbines
2 Grandi Motori Trieste BL-230-20-DVM Diesel
55,000 PS (40,452 kW)
32 kn (59 km / h)
propeller 2 variable pitch propellers with five blades
  • Hughes SPS 52C (3D) E-band AA radar
  • EW radar Selenia SPS 768 (RAN 3L) D-band
  • ASu-Radar SPS 702
  • Navigation SMA SPN 703 (3 RM 20), SMA SPN-748
  • Mission control systems: IPN-20 (SADOC-2), SYS-1 (V) 2, Link 11 , 14, SATCOM
  • Fire control systems:
    • SPS-774 (RAN-10S) for Albatros
    • SPG 51D for SM-1MR
    • 4 SPG 775 (RTN-30X)

The De la Penne class is a destroyer class of the Italian Marina Militare .

Ships of the class

The class consists of the two multi-purpose ships built by Fincantieri in Riva Trigoso near Genoa and put into service in 1993

Identifier Surname Keel laying Launch In service status
D560 Luigi Durand de la Penne 1988 October 20, 1989 March 18, 1993 active
D561 Francesco Mimbelli 1989 April 13, 1991 October 18, 1993 active

The two ships are subordinate to the 2nd Divisione navale in Taranto .


The two ships named after the naval officers Luigi Durand de la Penne and Francesco Mimbelli form the end of a fleet building program that was introduced in the mid-1970s by a fleet law ( legge navale ). The two ships replaced the two Impavido- class destroyers in the early 1990s . The relatively heavily armed ships of the De-la-Penne class, as a further development of the Audace class, represent the end of conventional destroyer construction in Italy. For a long time, the main task of the two ships, as is usual with destroyers, was in the management of small fleets and in particular in their defense against attacks from the air. Because of the now outdated air defense system ( SM-1MR ), the two destroyers are to be downgraded to frigates in 2016 and decommissioned by 2023. There remain two more modern destroyers of the Horizon class , which in turn are to be supplemented by two new command and anti-aircraft ships. These successors to the De-la-Penne class can be the last two FREMM frigates in a correspondingly modified version (including ATBM ).


Luigi Durand de la Penne in Rota , Spain
Francesco Mimbelli in Malta

The Luigi Durand de la Penne circumnavigated the earth together with the frigate Bersagliere from July 12, 1996 to April 4, 1997. The two ships covered 46,000 nautical miles and visited 35 ports in 23 states. During Operation Enduring Freedom , the Luigi Durand de la Penne operated from March 1 to June 4, 2002 in the Indian Ocean . After the outbreak of the Lebanon War in the summer of 2006, it brought 345 refugees of various nationalities from Beirut to Larnaka on Cyprus on July 17th . In autumn 2008 the Luigi Durand de la Penne operated as the flagship (Adm. Giovanni Gumiero ) of the Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG2) as part of the NATO operation Allied Provider in the Indian Ocean against piracy off the coast of Somalia .

The Francesco Mimbelli was used in February 2011 during the uprisings in Libya in the sea area between Sicily and Libya for air surveillance . She participated together with the landing ship San Giorgio (L 9892) in the evacuation of Italians and other foreigners from Libya. In 2014, the Mimbelli took part in Operation Ocean Shield in the Indian Ocean for six months .

Web links

Commons : De-la-Penne class  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files