Duck house

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Duckburg is a fictional mid-sized city of Disney - Comics . Its residents include the characters around Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse . Duckburg thus represents the comprehensive German translation of the cities referred to in the English original as Duckburg and Mouseton .

Duckburg, Mouseton, St. Erpelsburg and Hundshausen

In contrast to the German version, Micky Mouse and Donald Duck live in most of the other language editions (including the original) in different cities. Therefore, they rarely appear together in one story. While the Ducks are in Duckburg , Micky and Minnie Mouse as well as Goofy , Rudi Ross and Klarabella Kuh live in Mouseton; the much later invented Darkwing Duck lives in St. Petersburg drake ( Engl. St. Canard ), the occurring there Gizmo Duck from Duckburg comes.

In the series Goofy & Max , Goofy and his son Max do not (yet) live in Mouseton, but in the town of Hundshausen ( Spoonerville ), which, according to the movie that resulted from the series, is apparently identical to Columbus in Ohio .


The name of the city of Duckburg comes from Erika Fuchs , the English name Duckburg from Carl Barks . Gansbach (according to the Scarpa drawing mentioned below Los Angeles ), Quackenbrück and Erpelshausen or Erpelstedt are often mentioned in German as neighboring cities of Duckburg .

Geographical location


In the story, Donald Duck and the Gilded Man ( dt. Hunt for the Red Magenta ), which was published on 2 September 1952 Barks leaves a postal clerk an address mentioned in the Calisota (a portmanteau of California and Minnesota ) than the state is called, in the Duckburg (dt. Entenhausen is located). The most recognized theories assume California as a possible location for Duckburg. No federal state is mentioned in the German translation.

Barks used the term Calisota only once to determine the geographic location of Duckburg. The dual nature of the city expressed by the name, however, runs through his entire work, even without the term having to be explicitly mentioned.

Barks' successors such as Don Rosa picked up the fictional state again later and used it in their Duck comics. In 1994 published History The Invader of Fort Duckburg (dt. The ruler of Entenhausen ) about Don Rosa showed a map that Calisota can clearly take the place of northern California, with Entenhausen approximately located where in reality the city Eureka lies.

In the German translation of The Gilded Man , Calisota is not mentioned, nor is Entenhausen's geographic location or national affiliation in the German versions of Barks' stories. Correspondingly, Calisota is also not mentioned in the stories of other cartoonists - including the Don Rosa story mentioned above. In German history With eighty thalers around the world , a map of the city of Los Angeles in the US state of California can be seen as the starting point for a world tour.

Other locations in the USA (Los Angeles, San Francisco, Eureka)

Barks once said that Duckburg was near Burbank, California (in Los Angeles County , not to be confused with the Burbank of the same name in Santa Clara County ), as the headquarters of the Disney studios were located there. This is further supported by a picture in a comic when Donald Duck is chased over the plank by pirates and exclaims: “I want back to Burbank!”. In German, Burbank was translated as Duckburg. In the cover of a Mickey story by Romano Scarpa , Duckburg seems to be identical to San Francisco .

The river Gumpe (English: Tulebug River ) flows through the city, which seems to flow into the Pacific at this point and could be identical to the Sacramento (or perhaps even the more appropriate Feather River ) in our world. At least Don Rosa's hint that a precise comparison of one of his in the tenth chapter of his series Uncle Dagobert - His Life, His Billions : The Invader of Fort Duckburg in Uncle $ crooge # 295 (German: The ruler of Duckburg in Mickey Mouse 19 / 95 and Uncle Dagobert 5) would show the duck researcher a "suitable" place for Duckburg with a commercially available California coast map, seems to indicate the Californian city of Eureka as the counterpart of our world; Since Rosa also announced on the same occasion that there is no city in the same place in our world, the uninhabited estuary of the Feather River is more likely to be meant.

According to the 41th in the series of television series DuckTales - News from Duckburg ( Time Teasers / dt .: As time stood still ) to be seen map seems Entenhausen suddenly roughly with Charleston , the capital of the state of West Virginia to be identical.

In the sixth episode of the Italian crossover story "Der Zodiac Stone" (published in German-speaking countries in the Funny Pocket Books 156 and 157), the Duckburg locations are shown on a map near the Disneyland resorts: Paperopoli (the Italian translation of Duckburg ) in California and Topolinia ( Mouseton ) in Florida .

Italian and German speaking areas

The majority of those Disney stories that appear in DIN-A5 format - in the German-speaking countries the series Lustiges Taschenbuch and a number of today's discontinued booklet series such as Donald Duck , the old Uncle Dagobert , who cannot be confused with today's DIN A4 series , etc. But not Mickey Mouse , which appears in A4 format - has been produced in Italy since Mussolini's time due to its popularity there . For this reason, Duckburg is sometimes (albeit rarely) also located in Italy in stories in this format on maps.

German Donaldists often assume that the Duck clan are "Teutons" and that Duckburgs are in Germany because of the high language level of the Fuchs translations.

"Stella Anatium"

Another Donaldist faction invokes the vastness of the universe or quantum theory , according to which Duckburg is in all probability real (with a corresponding size of the universe or the number of existing parallel universes , the probability of existence for everything possible and impossible increases) but far from us in the same universe or in another dimension, on a planet that accordingly "Stella Anatium" (Eng .: ducks star was baptized).


The Entenhausen city map published by the Berlin cartographer Jürgen Wollina allows a number of districts and districts to be assigned, all of which are based on information from Carl Barks and Erika Fuchs. Here is a selection:


  • Dutch Quarter (old town with town hall)
  • Upper Town
  • Lower town
  • Fairground
  • Kummersdorf
  • China quarter

Other districts

  • West end
  • Ganselstedt
  • Mühlwald
  • Herzogshain
  • Hasenheide
  • Duckburg East / Schnabelweid
  • Duckburg Airport
  • Duckburg Airport and military airfield

Adjacent places

Adjacent, partly smaller places or Vorwerke are u. a .:

  • Gänseburg (with the Gänseburg district as a partial enclave in the Duckburg district)
  • Antenweiler
  • Antenbüttel
  • Anten green
  • Kirchenlamitz
  • Gantenfurth
  • Gösselstadt an der Gumpe


After 13 years of research, Jürgen Wollina presented the only true city and surrounding area of Duckburg in April 2008 at the 31st DONALD congress in Bielefeld. In autumn 2008 the city map was published for the first time.


Erika Fuchs introduced the old German taler with the decimal currency Kreuzer (1 Taler = 100 Kreuzer) as the fictitious currency of Duckburg in the first German-speaking Mickey Mouse in the 1950s . In terms of value or purchasing power, Fuchs oriented himself to the American original, where dollar was written, and always staked 1 dollar = 1 thaler, from which the assumption, which is still used today in German donaldist research, is that 1 thaler = 4 D- Mark prevailed. In international Donaldism it is controversial whether the so-called Duckburg dollar is actually the US dollar or an independent currency; only German Donaldism, by and large, has followed a consistently persistent German path to this day, assuming that Duckburg is in Germany.


The humanities are represented in Duckburg with the universal scholar Professor Primus von Quack , a relative of the duck family, and the historian Professor Zapotek, the natural sciences with Daniel Düsentrieb and the physicist Professor Marlin. Professors Marlin and Zapotek both work in the Entenhausen Museum, in whose basement a secret time machine, invented by Marlin, is hidden, with which Micky and Goofy often go on time travel to clarify controversial questions of historical science and archeology; this time machine also has a module with which an understanding of time travelers in the Ankunftsortsprache (wherein the well is a possible Adams'schen Babelfisch related principle underlying). Often there are also arguments between Marlin and Zapotek.


It is said that Sir Francis Drake founded Fort Duckburg ( Fort Duckburg , later, after the invention of the automobile, Kill Motor Hill ) in what was then Nova Albion ("New England") on the west coast of the later United States on the so-called Glatzenkogel ( Kill Mole Hill , later, after the invention of the automobile, Kill Motor Hill ) Drake Borough , see His Majesty, McDuck by Don Rosa , German: Kampf um Duckland in MM52 / 96 to MM02 / 97, as His Majesty Dagobert I in OD15), which still existed at the end of the 18th century and at that time was used by the English army as a base in the fight against Spanish troops.

At this time, the traveling salesman Emil Erpel ( Cornelius Coot ) came by to sell corn and popcorn , to which the British gave up the fort; by the explosive demonstration of the conversion of the corn into popcorn, the besieging Spanish troops were also routed, assuming the English artillery was approaching. Drake then renamed the fort that had fallen to him in English from Drake Borough to Duckburg and founded the village of the same name on the site. Statues of the city's founder therefore always show him proudly offering some corn on the cob.

In 1898 the impoverished grandson of the city founder, Emanuel Erpel ( Casey Coot ), met the Scottish gold prospector Dagobert Duck in Dawson , Alaska, to whom he sold the town for the price of a return ticket home ("Rich 200 dollars?").

The real urban development of Duckburg did not begin until the turn of the century, when the now rich Dagobert Duck took his main residence there in 1902. During a battle that broke out between him and then President Theodore Roosevelt within a few days due to a misunderstanding, on the one hand with the entire land and naval forces of the United States, on the other by means of the physical parts of the fort as ballistic weapons ( "Watch out for the north tower!" - "Why? Is there a rifleman hiding there?" - "No, I mean it quite literally ... ah, here it comes ..."), the latter was totally destroyed before the fight was finally decided by the notorious irascibility of Dagobert's sister Dortel (Hortense). The army and navy were put to flight, which was to be repeated in Panama around 1905. As a result of the destruction of the old fort, there was now space for the construction of Dagobert's gigantic concrete money storage facility on the Glatzenkogel, which he could only fill with his first billion at the time and which subsequently dominated the cityscape to this day Duckburg became a landmark.

One story ( “crooks against money stores” ) explains that Duckburg suddenly experienced an enormous increase in growth after Dagobert Duck's arrival. Therefore, many of the original buildings were built over to serve as a foundation for the emerging skyscrapers. With the result that many of the old house facades still exist under the modern Duckburg.

The flag of Fieselschweif and his clever book

The misunderstanding mentioned arose from the fact that Dagobert had expelled the still young “Fähnlein Fieselschweif” from his headquarters, the fort, which then complained “at the highest level”; In this context it is also worth mentioning that, as only a few know, the last complete copies of all the knowledge of the legendary ancient library of Alexandria, including all knowledge that has been added since then , were for several centuries below the Duckburg Fort in a secret chamber .

When this chamber was rediscovered by Dagobert and his great-nephews Tick, Trick and Track ( Huey, Dewey and Louie ) around 1950, these books had already been completely destroyed due to pest infestation; Emil Erpel and his first settlers had only kept one book in which all the library's knowledge had been transferred that was not otherwise recorded in any other books around 1800, which the richest man in the world and his great-nephews since 1930, however found empty.

Emil Erpel's son, Emelrich Erpel, the founder of the Fähnlein Fieselschweif , to which Dagobert's great-nephew also belonged, had drawn up the first edition of the legendary Smart Book of the Boy Scout Organization on his basis, albeit not knowing its origin, which was subsequently edited by the respective group READING RAT, i.e. the leading eminence collecting knowledge, correctly applied theories and profound knowledge has been enriched with all other modern knowledge. Due to its enormous content, a special, extremely thin and at the same time tear-resistant type of paper can therefore be assumed; Since all members of the Fähnlein Fieselschweif have to take the oath when joining the Fähnlein never to make the book accessible to an outsider, a cipher is also conceivable, which could make a strong spatial compression of the content possible.

With this previous knowledge, it is not particularly surprising that the American original the emblem of the Junior Woodchucks (an intertwined J and W) is modeled on the seal of the ancient library of Alexandria (which represented the ibis-shaped god Thoth , the ancestor of Egyptian writing), which As a result, all the unconscious custodians of the library simply continued to eradicate it in ignorance of its meaning, until it was finally emblazoned on Emil Erpels' book from around 1800 that the Smart Book was complete dictionaries and phonetic transcriptions of living and dead languages ​​and scripts, including the linear A contains (see, for example, The treasury of Croesus in WDC # 601-603, German: The message of the pillars in MM 2-4 / 95 and OD16) and in every treasure hunt and in every adventure (especially by means of the deeper ones it contains and detailed histories) is of great use.

The money store

The Money Bin is the city's clearest landmark and belongs to Dagobert Duck . It is often located on a hill on which, according to Rosa, Fort Duckburg used to be. For some draftsmen, however, the warehouse is also located on flat terrain in the middle of the city. Dagobert Duck stores his money and other valuables there.

It is often drawn in different colors. In newer comics it is usually primed blue. There are yellow square areas on the sides and a black area on the front above the entrance. A red circle with the initials "DD" can be seen in it. On the roof there is a red round dome on which an antenna mast is attached. In old comics you can find a money storage of the same design, but it is kept gray overall, and on the front of which there is a yellow circle with also yellow initials.

When you have gone through the alarm system , which Daniel Düsentrieb constantly renews, you reach Miss Rührig's office via a staircase. This is usually kept very simple. Then a door leads into Scrooge's office. His office has the only window in the money store on the front. So he can always see who wants to get into his memory. From Fräulein Rührig's room you can also get into the vault, the largest part of the money store, in which Dagobert Duck's almost entire fantastic fortune is stored. There is also a springboard there, which Dagobert uses to jump into his money and bathe in it. Here and in his office, most of the actions take place in the memory.

There is also a trap door in his office that complements his alarm system. He also keeps a lot of money in his office in some stories. Then it should be mentioned that Dagobert Duck often suffers from a lack of space. Usually this happens once a month, when the monthly income reaches its memory.

Durable piece of furniture is a cheese bell-shaped cabinet, in its Dagobert Glückstal kept, in some stories, this coin also lucky ten , lucky cruisers or number one . This showcase is now and then in the vault, but mostly in the office.

See also


  • Brunsiek / Spiegel / Bitzhenner: Famous paintings from Entenhausen's private collection. Medium Music Books, ISBN 3-9806659-5-X The complete exhibition (approx. 50 paintings) was painted by Peter Trautner from Unna and can still be borrowed.
  • The Ducks in Duckburg. A travel guide to the metropolis on the Gumpe. Egmont Ehapa Media, Berlin 2015, ISBN 978-3-7704-3852-5 . (With comics on 16 sights in Duckburg, a city map and twelve postcards)
  • Disney / Grote / Platthaus: The family tree of the Ducks. Ehapa, ISBN 3-7704-0300-2
  • Duck house. Cosmopolitan city on the Gump. Egmont, Cologne 2014, ISBN 978-3-7704-3796-2 . (With 26 comics, eight articles by Gerd Syllwasschy and a city and area map by Jürgen Wollina)
  • Brute Goose : The Ducks - Psychogram of a clan . Reinbek near Hamburg 1970, ISBN 3-499-11481-X
  • Hartmut Holzapfel : Duckburg is everywhere. Geography and sociography of an imaginary (?) City . Series of publications and materials from the Fantastic Library Wetzlar, Volume 77. Förderkreis Phantastik in Wetzlar, Wetzlar 2004, 92 pp.
  • Henner Löffler : How ducks live. The Ducks from A to Z . Beck, Munich 2004, 469 pages, ISBN 3-406-51608-4
  • Jürgen Wollina: Travel Guide Duckburg Ehapa, ISBN 3-7704-3386-6
  • Ipek Sirena Krutsch: From "Duckburg" to "Duckburg". Carl Barks 'discourse on a fictional American city and Erika Fuchs' German answer . GRIN, 2017, ISBN 978-3-668-58703-8 .

Web links

Wiktionary: Duckburg (English)  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. Last sled to Dawson by Don Rosa in U $ A # 5, German: The last sled according to Dawson in MM 35-38 / 90 and OD 7)
  2. for this paragraph Lo $ , chapter 10: The Invader of Fort Duckburg in U $ # 295, German: The ruler over Duckburg in MM 19/95 and OD5
  3. For details see The guardians of the lost library by Don Rosa in U $ A # 27, German: In search of the lost library in MM 21-23 / 94 and OD13