A menu made with blue beans

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A menu with blue beans is a Lucky Luke comic album from 2014 with seven short stories of different ages and a foreword by Horst Berner . The stories were drawn by Achdé and Morris , and the text was written by Claude Guylouis , Dom Domi , René Goscinny , Achdé and Laurent Gerra .


The following table lists the artists and copywriters for each story, along with information about when they first appeared. The volume as a whole was compiled by Ehapa-Verlag and was therefore never published in this compilation in French.

number German title Original title Draftsman / copywriter First publication in French / German
1 The French chef Le Cuisinier Français Achdé, Anne Marie Ducasse (coloring) / Claude Guylois 2003/2003
2 Barrel, Rantanplan! Vas y, Rantanplan! Morris / Dom Domi 1980 for Eppo / 2006
3 A rag in Canada Un Lapon au Canada Morris / Dom Domi 1981 for Eppo / 2006
4th The way to sunset Le Chemin du Crépuscule Morris / Goscinny 1966 in Spirou / 2005
5 Lucky Luke and Machine Gun Kid Lucky Luke et Machine Gun Kid Achdé / Achdé 1999 for Hommage a Morris / -
6th Silent night, Rantanplan is on the watch! Le Pire Noël is arrivé Achdé / Laurent Gerra 2004 in Pilote Spécial Noël / 2008
7th Paradise Gulch Paradise Gulch Morris / Goscinny 1979 for strip script / 2006


The French chef

Tin can with beans

This story originated in 2003 as a trial work by Achdé , who was finally able to qualify as Morris' successor. It has long been known that Morris (1923-2001) wanted the series about the "Lonesome Cowboy" to be continued after his death. The story was written by Claude Guylouis , the pseudonym for the three authors Claude Klotz (1932–2010), Jean-Louis Robert (* 1942) and Guy Vidal (1939–2002).

Horacio Grizlee is in charge of the gold rush town of “Sunrise”. In the town you can only eat his canned beans, of which he is absolutely convinced. Lucky Luke arrives there with the French chef Antonin Escudier, who immediately opens a gourmet restaurant. Since the people of Grizlees town are sick of beans, they flock to Escudier in droves. Grizlee therefore tries by all means to get rid of it. He throws a culinary duel and wants to secure victory by ravaging Escudier's restaurant the night before and pouring out his supplies. Escudier manages to prepare a sandwich for the expert at short notice, so that he wins the competition and Grizlee has to give in.

Barrel, Rantanplan!

Rantanplan has once again caused the Daltons to break out. Lucky Luke has therefore brought the dog trainer Max von Stephanitz with him, who should finally train Rantanplan to be an impeccable watchdog. His six dogs obey his word. But when Rantanplan shows up, one sneeze is enough and panic breaks out. Any attempt to teach Rantanplan an order will go grossly wrong. After all, he should learn the command “barrel!” In order to recapture escaped prisoners. Even when the trainer started to get Rantanplan in his pointed helmet, he got the command wrong. The prisoners now feel sorry for Rantanplan and promise not to break out if he is spared training. With the goal of preventing breakouts being achieved, Luke's job is done.

A rag in Canada

Siberian sables don't live in Canada

A Lap has moved to Canada with reindeer to resettle them there. Unfortunately it was unsuccessful and the animals all died. Lucky Luke and a trapper friend explain to him that there are already reindeer in Canada, but that they are called caribou there. While they are trying to capture some, the trapper is kidnapped. The gangsters try to let him hang because he allegedly killed the animals marked with their brand. In fact, they put the branding on the furs while the trapper was away from his hut. Unfortunately, they also marked the skin of a Siberian sable that the rag had given the trapper. These animals do not exist in Canada, which exposes the fraud.

The way to sunset

This short story of only two pages was written in 1966 for the Belgian-French comic magazine Spirou . In German, the story was first published in the Lucky Luke Complete Edition for the years 1965-1967 by Ehapa Verlag in 2005. It was drawn by Morris , the lyrics are by René Goscinny .

The Daltons are breaking out again. Joe gets really angry with Avarell because he really wants to abseil with sheets, even though the cell is on the first floor. Because they are afraid of running into Lucky Luke, who puts them in again, this time they bypass banks, railway lines and all known routes. At dusk they take a break and enjoy the sunset away from the paths. Luke appears promptly and the Daltons end up in the cell again. When asked why he, of all people, did not have a good feeling about the matter, Avarell only replies: "Because of the landscape, Joe, because of the landscape ..."

Lucky Luke and Machine Gun Kid

Morris turns up in the Wild West himself

Recorded this story and texted Achdé 1999 which was released in France Album Hommage à Morris ( tribute to Morris ). It is an early work by the draftsman, with which he wanted to recommend himself as the successor to Morris. The story was printed in German for the first time in 2014 in the volume A menu with blue beans in a slightly revised form. The drawings are not colored. The story traces how Morris himself allegedly met the famous cowboy.

In the introduction it is explained that nimble gunslingers quickly became a living legend in the Wild West . However, this attracted many adventurers who could get rum even faster if they killed the gunslingers. Lucky Luke had become famous through the press in the east of the USA, which however had the disadvantage that it attracts desperados .

The stagecoach arrives in the town where Luke is staying and brings a certain Maurice Morris (drawn as a caricature by Morris) and an initially harmless companion. Morris wants to make some drawings for the newspaper he works for. Luke invites you into the saloon and orders really hot stuff for himself and his guests. While Luke is emptying the drink in one go, the companion suddenly starts shooting around outside with a machine gun and challenges Luke to a duel. Luke appears on the street, but is completely drunk, so he completely misses. The bullet hits the barrel of the rifle in seven detours, whereupon it explodes. The publisher of Morris is so convinced of his drawings and the idea of ​​a series that he is printing millions of copies, which is where the legend of the cowboy who moves faster than his shadow begins.

Silent night, Rantanplan is on the watch!

It's Christmas in the jail the Daltons are in. They want to break out during the Christmas party with the help of the prepared cake Ma sent them. They steal Santa's costumes and want to use them to rob a bank. There they meet a number of other bandits and the attack ends in a big brawl. When the safe is blown up, the bank is blown up and the money ends up on the doorstep of a poor family. A real Christmas miracle!

Paradise Gulch

This story, drawn by Morris and written by Goscinny, first appeared in the Dutch comic magazine Stripschrift in 1979 . It describes Lucky Luke's encounter with venerable stars of western cinema who are enjoying their retirement in Paradise Gulch: William S. Hart , western hero of the silent film era, Roy Rogers , singing cowboy, William L. Boyd , cast by Hopalong Cassidy and Gary Cooper from the western classic 12 noon . The former heroes are now completely depressed and don't see any future or tasks for themselves, so Luke leaves very quickly.


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