End of terrain 2016

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Participants from the end of the terrain in 2016 in the Welzow-Süd opencast mine

At the end of 2016, there was a major civil disobedience campaign in the Lusatian lignite mining district for climate protection . From Friday, May 13th to Sunday, May 15th, 3,500 to 4,000 people blocked the operation of the open-cast mine and the Schwarze Pump power plant, and the power plant had to be throttled to 20% of its output.

The end of the terrain in 2016 was a continuation of the end of the terrain in 2015 and part of the worldwide action week “Break Free!” Of the movement for climate justice in the first half of May, with the common goal of “leaving fossil fuels in the ground and a new, fair economy with 100% renewable energies to build up ".


View of the Welzow Süd open-cast mine with the end of the terrain banner

End of the terrain was founded in Germany in 2015 as an association of environmental groups and "people from the anti-nuclear and anti-coal movements". The alliance's first action at the end of 2015 was the blockade of RWE's Garzweiler opencast mine . At a conference in Leipzig in November 2015 it was decided to move the protest to Lusatia in 2016 in order to prevent the sale of Vattenfall's lignite mining area to EPH / EP Energy and its continued long-term operation. Instead, the aim was to ensure that Vattenfall closes the power plants and opencast mines quickly and in a socially acceptable manner.

In addition, Ende Terrain sees itself as part of a “global fight” against fossil infrastructures: “Pipelines in the USA, coal ports in Australia, fracking in Brazil, oil drilling in Nigeria”. Finally, a departure from “profit logic and growth mania”, “large-scale projects and (the) continued exploitation of the global south” is called for. A spokesman for the alliance stated that "the phase-out of coal power in Paris (was) set by the international community, but no one is sticking to it now." That is why protests and civil disobedience are both necessary and legitimate.

The aim was to temporarily shut down the Welzow-Süd opencast mine . This was operated by the Swedish energy company Vattenfall , which mined around 20 million tons of lignite every year . For example, the coal supply to the Schwarze Pump power plant near Spremberg was to be interrupted and Vattenfall was forced to shut it down.

Poster for the end of the terrain

At the beginning of 2016, Vattenfall announced that it would sell its entire German lignite division, including opencast mines and power plants. The buyer should be the Czech energy company EPH and the financial investor PPF . According to estimates, there are still around a billion tons of lignite in the Lusatian district with a monetary value of two to four billion euros. The new operator EPH wants to mine a large part of it and burn it in Schwarze Pump, Jänschwalde and Boxberg . By switching from the state-owned company Vattenfall to EPH / PPF, critics such as Greenpeace fear a deterioration in social and ecological standards for the region, inadequate financial provisions for the later recultivation of the opencast mines and a delay in the coal phase-out.

The coal proponents in the region saw the sale to EPH / PPF as having no alternative. The coal should be mined and burned for as long as possible, according to EU Energy Minister Oettinger and the IGBCE union until at least the middle of the century. The climate change caused by humans is denied or marginalized, or the possible end of Lusatian coal is presented as climatically and politically unimportant. The power plants are so modern that they can "even help the world climate". The demand for a coal exit is rejected.


Bus travel for international participants; a total of 25 buses from 12 European countries were expected

End of the terrain was embedded in the worldwide week against fossil energies called "Break Free from fossil fuels" of the alliance of the same name. There were also various other events for the energy transition and against the climate-damaging use of coal. On May 14th, a demonstration "against coal-fired power generation" with 1500 participants led through Welzow , to which, in addition to Oxfam Germany, the INKOTA network , campact , attac Germany , Robin Wood and 350.org , the BUND also called on its members to participate.

End site was organized by various, mostly based in Germany despite the international participant groups, including the Anti-coal group ausgeCO 2 keeps, hosted the end of terrain, 2015. The circle of organizers included individuals, local, national and international environmental groups, connections from the anti-nuclear movement and from the anti-capitalist spectrum. For the end of 2016 mobilization took place across Europe and the number of international participants was estimated at over 1000. The international participants traveled by bus and on several longer bike tours from Copenhagen, Vienna, Bern, Paris and East England.

The "bicycle finger" on the way to the blockade

The call for civil disobedience was signed by 52 organizations that support the form of action and the cause, including: 350.org, ATTAC Germany, Grüne Jugend Bundesverband, Linksjugend Solid Bundesverband, Interventionistische Linke Bundesverband, YASunidos (Ecuador) and Fuel Poverty Action ( UK).

A “declaration of solidarity with the peaceful protest against coal” was signed by 16 groups, including the BUND-Bundesverband, BUNDjugend, Campact, Oxfam, Naturfreunde Deutschlands, Umweltinstitut Munich and Urgewald.

The end of the terrain is divided into 17 working groups, which divided various tasks from the journey to the political campaigns to press work, which enabled smooth organization.

Campaign towards the end of the terrain

Long before the end of the terrain, the announced civil disobedience was repeatedly referred to as "violence" by coal supporters and threatened with legal reprisals. Thousands of signs were hung in the region, similar in appearance to election campaign signs, with the words "Stop violence at Pentecost 2016". Behind it stood the association “pro Lausitzer brown coal”. Pro Lausitzer brown coal e. V. and other pro-coal initiatives have repeatedly been reprimanded because they are financed by Vattenfall, but incorrectly portray themselves as independent and close to the citizens. Ende Terrain called the discrediting of civil disobedience as violence an “insinuation” that was “apparently intended to frighten people in the region”.

Climate camp

The Laustizcamp has been taking place in Lusatia since 2011 under the motto “No more land for coal!”. In 2016, it was much larger, as most of the activists from Ende Gele stayed there overnight. Some media ( Radio Berlin-Brandenburg u. A.) Spreading the false report of a " catering " Camp on the Lausitz, and meant the kitchen joint, which on the air Camp cooked. All participants were asked to contribute a contribution towards expenses of 10 to 15 euros per day and to support the kitchen collective in various working groups.

Finger tactics

A reference group at the plenum in the pit

The 3,500-4,000 activists used the " five-finger tactic " that was successful in Wendland during the Castor transports; that is, they divided into “finger structures”. A group of several hundred people is assigned to a “finger”, 5–15 people form a “ reference group ” and every two people form a “tandem”. Tandems, individuals and reference groups give themselves fantasy names in order to be able to find themselves in the crowd at any time, but to remain anonymous to the police and plant security. Therefore, many activists, especially in the official photos, wore sunglasses and dust masks. While in custody in Cottbus, most of them refused to give their personal details. The reference groups act autonomously during the campaign, that is, they call a plenary session if necessary and advise whether to continue the campaign, accept an escalation, or cancel it. A council of delegates from each reference group, the “delegate plenum” meets less often and represents an entire “finger” with several hundred people. The decisions made by the fingers are therefore not completely predictable and plannable, as some new decisions are made on site. As the media reported, the finger structures had already practiced the non-violent "flowing through" police chains in "action training" before the weekend. Each finger has a group of flags indicating the change of direction. A group of radios communicate with the other fingers. A group with megaphones is responsible for announcements, singing and chants. There are also individual paramedics, photographers, journalists and parliamentarians.


The cast began for the most part on Friday, May 13th, peaked on Saturday evening and mostly ended on Sunday 3:00 p.m.

Friday May 13th

Extract of the "green finger" from the Lausitz camp

On Friday three large groups, the red, orange and green fingers, left the climate camp around 1 p.m. The "green finger", also known as the "international finger", occupied a loading station and a rail hub for lignite, initially only the rails, later also the two coal loading towers. The “orange finger” occupied the track in front of the power station, the “red finger” went into the opencast mine and occupied several overburden excavators and conveyor belts. Many of the activists continued the blockade on the excavators and conveyor belts overnight. The police and works security did not intervene. In addition, there were two blockades regardless of the end of the terrain, activists from Robin Wood blocked one track at the power station by rappelling and a second using a concrete pyramid. The police said there were 1000 activists at the time, and 2000 activists in the Endegebiet.

While Vattenfall forbade activists and journalists to enter the open pit in the morning, the spokesman Thoralf Schirmer declared an “open day” in the afternoon. The power plant can be supplied for 24 hours without an opencast mine. The police said the excavators had already been turned off on Thursday and that there was no danger or reason to intervene.

Saturday May 14th

A sit-down on a rail on the 2nd day

On Saturday morning, Vattenfall filed numerous criminal charges, including for breach of the peace. Meanwhile, the blue and light blue fingers went to the power station on bicycles to support the sit-down. The occupations in the opencast mine and at the coal loading station received support after many activists went to sleep in the Lausitz camp that night. At 10:30 am, a last track between the power plant and the coal store was occupied, which cut the power plant off from fuel supplies and remained cut off until the end of the blockade on Sunday afternoon.

12:40 p.m. Vattenfall again demanded that the blockades be cleared on the grounds that “production [could] not run like this”. The spokeswoman for the police Ines Fieloh said: “As long as there is no danger to life and limb for the activists in the pit and on the excavator, we won't go in there.” “A public prosecutor's examination showed that there were no criminal offenses such as trespassing or coercion present. "

Around 1000 people demonstrated against coal mining in Lusatia from 1:20 p.m. In a demonstration that was announced long in advance, they moved from Welzow to Proschim . Proschim is to be dredged away according to the current plans.

15:50 the activists were to be cleared of the rail blockade at Roggosen, whereby the police had to saw the tracks so that they remained impassable for coal trains. Around four o'clock, Vattenfall announced that it had reduced the power plant's output to 20%.

Small groups from Ende Terrain temporarily blocked roads and cycle paths with inflatable cubes on Saturday. Works security vehicles were prevented from driving on the streets.

Occupation of the power plant

At 4:10 p.m., a small group of a few hundred activists formed from the sit-in in front of the Schwarze Pump power plant and went to the front of the power plant. At 4:45 p.m., after a plenary resolution, around 1,000 activists climbed over the fences to the power plant site. Some fences were damaged and the gate was torn down. Vattenfall later spoke of a "storming" of the power plant. In the factory premises, the activists moved largely freely and seemingly aimlessly for a few minutes, while the security staff had withdrawn. After only five minutes, at 4:50 p.m., a hundred of the police arrived and the activists tried to avoid the ensuing arrests, accompanied by the use of baton and pepper spray, by escaping over the fences on the south side of the power station. Some sustained serious injuries when climbing fences. Two activists were taken to hospital by rescue workers. The police arrested around 130 activists in a cauldron before they were brought to the police station in Cottbus, where they spent the night.

At 7:30 p.m., the police joined the allegation Vattenfall had previously voiced and further exacerbated it as a "serious" breach of the peace. The reason given was that the activists had "clearly overstepped the curve [...] by tearing down the fences in the factory entrance area and then entering the factory premises."

The evening news from Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg reported that the activists had committed violence against security workers, injuring a security guard. However, other media such as the Protestant press service, Neues Deutschland and TAZ did not confirm this. Vattenfall did not raise any allegation of an injured security guard. The end of the terrain contradicted the representation of the RBB: "[...] also when visiting the power plant we strictly adhered to our action consensus - people were not endangered. Of course, it can be part of a blockade to overcome a fence. "

Police arrest activists on the grounds of Schwarze Pump

At 7:40 p.m., Endegebiet announced that 3500 people had participated in the blockades during the day, which was considered a great success. 700 activists prepared for the blockades that still existed for the night despite the power plant evacuation.

In the evening, a spontaneous demonstration with a few hundred participants took place in front of the power plant under the motto “We live on coal” and “We won't let the whole of Lusatia trample us to pieces”. Many pro-coal protesters came straight from the shift. The end of the terrain said that coal proponents had arrived by bus and had initially demonstrated peacefully for lignite. After the demonstration ended, however, “around 500 residents, coal workers and neo-Nazis gathered at the foot of a railway bridge” and attacked, threatened and insulted the activists on a track blockade and in front of the power station by throwing bottles and fireworks. The police did not intervene for a long time. (see section on neo-Nazi attacks)

Sunday 15th May

On Sunday, all blockages continued until 3:00 p.m. Around 48 hours after the start of the blockades and over 24 hours after the power plant was “cut off”, the press spokesman for the end of the site announced the end of the campaign. Most of the groups left the blockades in the afternoon and returned to the Lausitz camp.

Some held out even longer. One group that had been chained to the rails with "lock-ons" stayed until the police evacuated them on Sunday afternoon. Another group kept the overburden excavator in the Welzow Süd opencast mine occupied until Monday morning. Another rail blockade was cleared by the police on Sunday by carrying away the remaining activists.

In the afternoon, the 130 or so activists arrested, with one exception, were released from police custody. In the following week, three other people were taken into custody, two of them from the nearby and cleared tree occupation Lautonomia, which is also fighting against the open pit.

According to reports by a temporarily detained activist and a press release from Ende Gele, the detained activists were denied their basic rights to food, water and two phone calls or could not be granted due to a lack of staff at the station.

Pictures of the actions

Neo-Nazi attacks

According to Endegebiet, groups of local neo-Nazis with IGBCE flags were present in front of the power plant during the pro-coal demonstration on the evening of May 14. The participation of neo-Nazis in the demonstration was not confirmed by the police. The Association of Victims' Perspective Brandenburg later asked the state government and IGBCE to clarify “to what extent right-wing structures have succeeded in using the 'pro-coal' demonstrations”.

End of the terrain wrote in a press release that activists and journalists were repeatedly attacked by people from the right spectrum over the weekend in several locations. The Brandenburg Victims' Perspective subsequently collected reports of attacks and submitted them to the Brandenburg State Parliament. There is talk of “a large number of right-wing attacks that occurred around the protests in Lusatia. In addition, there are further attacks, in which a right background to the crime can be assumed. "

Already on the first day of the end of the terrain, a blockade of Robin Wood climbers was attacked and threatened by a group of around 60 people from the right-wing spectrum with fireworks "with high explosive power".

On Saturday evening, a larger group of people, including neo-Nazis, attacked a track blockade at the end of the site and tried to storm it. The track blockade was defended by the activists. Several activists and passers-by in the area were physically assaulted.

The end of the terrain said that in the night from Saturday to Sunday on one of the vigils in the area around the opencast mine in the Spremberg district of Terpe (an information stand with a few people) there was an attack by five masked people with baseball bats, a tent and those who had fled Activists abandoned bikes were destroyed. On the same night, cars with local license plates chased activists' cars and tried to push them off the road. Among those so distressed was the car of a journalist for the daily newspaper TAZ.

The attacks continued on the climate camp on Sunday, with the presence of neo-Nazis confirmed by the police on Sunday. A participant in the Lausitz camp was knocked down and injured by masked people on Sunday evening. According to the Brandenburg victims' perspective, police officers refused "in several cases [...] to take complaints from those affected or to protect them." Groups from the "local neo-Nazi and hooligan scene" of up to 50 people attacked participants from Ende Terre several times in different locations.

In the night from Sunday to Monday in particular, the climate camp feared again from neo-Nazis, but from a larger group, and again alerted the police. The police finally reacted decisively on Sunday night and sent a police force from Hanover to patrol and a helicopter. The police later announced that they had given 57 potential attackers, many of them right-wing criminals known to the police, to the area around the Lausitz camp. Quartz sand gloves and knives were found among them. However, the police did not make any arrests.

From Friday to Sunday, end-of-field activists were able to narrowly avoid further attacks, partly by fleeing into their cars and locking the doors several times. It is repeatedly reported that the regional police did not want to record any reports and left the attackers unhindered.

In the Cottbus region there is a “well-organized” right-wing scene “characterized by a high propensity for violence.” The “escalation of violence” over Pentecost was therefore not a surprise, according to the group “Victims' Perspective”. The Brandenburg state parliament, however, had "completely ignored" right-wing violence towards the end of the area; instead, there was only talk of "left-wing rioters", which led to a "normalization of right-wing attacks".

Reactions and reviews


From Saturday, May 15 to Monday morning, the group cut back the output of its Schwarze Pump power plant in order to be able to maintain operations in the medium term. The total infeed fell to around 20% of the maximum capacity of both units over the weekend. One of the two blocks, block B, was disconnected from the grid from 2:00 p.m. on Saturday to 2:00 a.m. on Monday and, according to the EEX electricity exchange, did not supply any electricity during this period.

Feeding of the Schwarze pump blocks A and B into the power grid. You can see the daily break in at noon due to solar power, and the greater effects of Ende Ende on Pentecost.

The CEO of Vattenfall Europe , Hartmuth Zeiß, said: “It is an absolutely new quality that a power plant is to be forced to stop production and thus intervene directly in the German power supply system through violent pressure. This no longer only affects Lusatia. ”And further:“ Contrary to the statements made by Klimacamp and Ende Gele, the groups do not differentiate themselves into violent and peaceful demonstrators, but have mostly come together in a violent consensus that is against our company and our task as an energy producer. "

Vattenfall spokesman Thoralf Schirmer announced that the hot water and district heating supply was at risk. Schirmer said: “Facilities like hospitals are attached to them.” The protesters' approach to try to force a power plant to its knees affects people who have nothing to do with Vattenfall. Significant damage was caused in the open pit itself. Schirmer stated that devices and control technology had been destroyed. Vattenfall said the end of the terrain left a "trail of devastation" behind.

On May 18, 2016, Vattenfall stated that opponents of coal had manipulated railroad tracks, signal systems and open-pit mining equipment. Among other things, track shoes were installed in the area of ​​the coal bridge over federal highway 97 , which, if not found, would have caused the coal train to crash onto the federal highway below. The end of the terrain resolutely denies these allegations and refers to the consensus of action of civil disobedience, according to which, although peaceful blockades were called for, violence against things or people was expressly not called for. However, on photos published in the following days, track shoes were photographed together with coal opponents. In a “short balance sheet” on June 7th, Ende Ende said with regard to the allegations that there had been track shoes. These would have been "openly visible, in the area of ​​the large sit-in blocks cleared by the police on Sunday morning". They "were used to block and of course not to derail." The police and Vattenfall, also on the bridge over the B 97, were aware of the existence of the track shoes. Vattenfall had already removed the track shoes on Sunday, May 15, 2016 and "stated: 'Coal trains reach the Schwarze Pump power plant again'". The derailment of a locomotive on Tuesday, May 17, 2016 resulted either from Vattenfall's failure to exercise due diligence to inspect the rails, or "the track shoes were only attached after the end of the terrain blockade, by whoever."

Swedish Parliament, Government and Science

The Swedish parliament put the sale of Vattenfall's lignite business as a topical issue on the agenda of the meeting on May 24, 2016, one week after the end of the exhibition, to debate “Vattenfall's lignite business and climate effects”. 350.org and Greenpeace are calling on the Swedish government, as part of a long-term political campaign, to cancel the sale and to close the Lusatian district in the medium term. They interrupted the session of the Swedish Reichstag with a protest against the sale under the motto “Sweden, don't sell Vattenfall!” The former US presidential candidate, Al Gore , the director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research Joachim Schellnhuber, Johan Rockström from the Stockholm Resilience Center and In a joint statement, other climate scientists also called for the area to be closed and the sales process to be discontinued. Nevertheless, the Swedish government approved the sale on July 2nd.

State government of Brandenburg

The Brandenburg state government criticized the nature of the protest. Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke ( SPD ) declared: "When actions turn into violence and coercion, a red line has been reached." Some activists have obviously done this. Brandenburg's Economics Minister Albrecht Gerber (SPD) described the activists as “lawbreakers arriving from all over Europe” and said: “Of course, everyone is free to demonstrate for nonsense and mischief. But it must not be that violence and vigilante justice are rampant in our country. ”The attacks from neo-Nazi circles on Endegebiet activists were“ condemned in the strongest possible terms. ”However, the Brandenburg Ministry of the Interior announced that only 213 people participated because of their participation To determine the end of the terrain.

State Parliament of Saxony

At the request of the CDU, the state parliament in Dresden debated on May 26th on Endegebiet. Members of the CDU described the activists from Ende Terrain as "riot brothers", "violent criminals", "climate rioters" and "terrorists". The Greens and the Left disagreed. The AfD disseminated theses that question anthropogenic climate change. A parliamentarian from the Left Party, who took part as a parliamentary observer in the Ende Terrain and was therefore asked by the CDU to self-report, commented: “Anyone who, like the CDU, denounces civil disobedience as an 'outbreak of violence' has not understood how civil society functions in a democracy . "

End of story, nothing to add

The end of the terrain was the "largest action of civil disobedience that has ever taken place in terms of climate policy". The end of the terrain sees the implementation of the consensus of action as a success, as all participants adhered to the agreed principles of civil disobedience, which is noteworthy as many activists were extremely exhausted after two days and two nights of blockade. "The action was largely calm, well organized and level-headed."

The overused “campaign logistics” was mentioned critically because, among other things, the kitchen was not prepared for such a high number of participants, which was also due to the success of the mobilization.

The end of the terrain demonstrated in front of the Swedish embassy in Berlin after the campaign weekend while the Swedish parliament debated the sale. A spokesman from Ende Terrain spoke at the opening podium of the “Energiewende-save!” Demonstration in Berlin on June 2, 2016, to which Ende Terre also called.

The Ende Terrain Alliance accuses Vattenfall of running a “diversionary campaign” by spreading “allegations of violent criminals”. The allegations of violence are "unfounded" because at no point in time people were actually injured by activists. The actual problem, the burning of coal, climate change and the phase-out of coal, was hardly discussed on the part of Vattenfall and parts of Brandenburg politics. However, the end of the terrain sees itself strengthened by the predominantly good media coverage, the support of climate scientists and the "encouraging experience for many climate activists" of the successful blockade. As announced shortly after the event, Endegebiet took place in 2017 in the Rhenish district.

Law enforcement and the protection of the constitution

One participant in the protests was sentenced to one month imprisonment in an accelerated trial for assault and resisting law enforcement officers . A total of four activists were in custody one week after the end of the terrain, both from the end of the terrain and from the tree occupation “Lautonomia”, which was cleared shortly afterwards. By July 12, 2016, all four activists were released after they gave their personal details, their prison terms had expired and, according to the district court of Görlitz, in the case of “Clumsy” there was no longer any risk of escape.

The public prosecutor's office did not file a complaint against the 57 people from the neo-Nazi field, whom the police sent off on Sunday night when they apparently wanted to attack the Lausitz camp, and no one was taken into custody.

In the report of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution at the end of 2015 and 2016 it is mentioned that “left-wing extremists would combine this topic (climate protection) with the fundamental criticism of the 'capitalist system'”.

On October 24, 2018, a 47-year-old activist was acquitted; he was charged with trespassing and the public prosecutor had demanded a fine of 800 euros.

Sale of Vattenfall to EPH

On May 24, 2016, the Swedish Parliament debated Vattenfall's lignite deals and climate effects. The Swedish government nevertheless approved the sale on July 2nd. On September 30th, the completed sale of the Lausitz area, the power plants, opencast mines and obligations for ecological aftercare was reported to EPH by Vattenfall. However, the sales price had fallen sharply compared to the first forecasts in 2015. Vattenfall originally wanted to raise 2 to 3 billion euros. Ultimately, a sum of between 1.7 and 3 billion euros, indicated at different levels, had to be paid to EPH in order to transfer the obligations associated with the lignite to EPH. Vattenfall expected a loss of 2.4 to 3 billion euros in the 2016 financial year due to the "sale". The first meeting of the EPH supervisory board in Cottbus on October 11, 2016 was accompanied by protests from Endeände.

Further legal processing

From the answer of the Minister of Justice and for Europe and Consumer Protection on behalf of the state government of Brandenburg to the small question from the AfD parliamentary group, it can be seen that on August 2, 2017 out of 42 preliminary investigations, one was sentenced to 60 daily rates of 10 euros was completed. 16 proceedings had been discontinued by then. 25 proceedings were still open. And another 22 proceedings were mostly discontinued. In the open proceedings, the investigations continued.

Web links

Commons : End of Terrain 2016  - Collection of images

Individual evidence

  1. Presse-AG of the end of the terrain alliance (as of June 7, 2016), there is talk of "up to 4000" activists, https://www.ende-gelaende.org/de/news/erste-kurze-bilanz -after-the-end-of-may-2016 /
  2. a b Transparency in Energy Markets - Actual block-specific production (≥ 100 MW). In: www.eex-transparency.com. Retrieved May 23, 2016 .
  3. breakfree2016.org ( Memento from June 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
  4. Archive link ( Memento from February 11, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) End of the site 2015 homepage, "about us"
  5. a b http://interventionistische-linke.org/termin/ende-gelaende-und-wie-weiter
  6. a b https://www.ende-gelaende.org/de/aktion/aufruf/ Endegebiet 2016 call, list of signatories
  7. http://www.rbb-online.de/wirtschaft/thema/braunkohle/beitraege/kohlegegner-protestcamp-abbau.html
  8. ^ Märkische Allgemeine, Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany: Czech company EPH buys coal division - buyer for Lusatian lignite found / Brandenburg - MAZ - Märkische Allgemeine. In: Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung. Retrieved May 13, 2016 .
  9. https://www.greenpeace.de/themen/energiewende/fossile-energien/schmelzende-reserven Lignite: Vattenfall buyer reduces provisions, Who is the Czech buyer of Vattenfall's lignite business? A little research shows: A company without responsibility. Greenpeace, May 20, 2016.
  10. http://www.pro-lausitz.de/index.php/News-leser_o/items/pro-lausitz-begruesst-entschiedenes-vorfahren-gegen-braune-spree-kopie.html Oettinger considers lignite to be indispensable by 2050, Press release from Pro-Lusatian brown coal, August 27, 2014.
  11. a b c Lusatian lignite - the climate killer? in the series: "Simply explained". In: pro-lausitz.de. pro Lausitz brown coal, November 18, 2014, accessed on April 17, 2017 .
  12. breakfree2016.org
  13. Archive link ( Memento from September 10, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Press release Lausitzcamp, May 18, 2016
  14. Demo & Camp. In: bund.net. Retrieved May 13, 2016 .
  15. https://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/1011927.ende-gelaende-festhaben-nach-besetzung-des-kraftwerks.html News-Ticker, Neues Deutschland, May 14, 2016.
  16. "Heart artery" by Schwarze Pump was disconnected. In: www.rbb-online.de. Retrieved May 19, 2016 .
  17. https://cycleeg2016.org/ Cycle Endegebiet 2016 homepage (English)
  18. https://www.ende-gelaende.org/de/termine/solidaritaet/ Solidarity with the peaceful protest against coal - It takes a clear sign against coal power, Endegebiet homepage, June 2016.
  19. About us - End of the terrain. In: www.ende-gelaende.org. Retrieved May 19, 2016 .
  20. Wolfgang Rupieper, CEO of “Pro Lausitzer Braunkohle” in an interview with TAZ, NR. 11010 | 18th week | 38th year Wednesday / Thursday, 4th / 5th year May 2016 page 2.
  21. http://www.pro-lausitz.de/ Pro Lausitzer Braunkohle e. V.
  22. https://www.frei-radios.net/77324
  23. Archive link ( memento from June 29, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Lausitzcamp 2015 about the association Pro Lausitzer Braunkohle
  24. Sven Becker: ENERGY: Vattenfall is everywhere . In: Der Spiegel . No. 44 , 2013 ( online ).
  25. https://www.lobbycontrol.de/2014/04/vattenfall-meinungsmache-fuer-braunkohle-in-der-lausitz/
  26. a b https://www.ende-gelaende.org/de/aktion/faq/#Wie%20kann%20ich%20teilhaben ?
  27. Archive link ( Memento from October 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
  28. Video end of the area: coal opponents leave Lausitz. In: rbb media library. Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg , May 16, 2016, archived from the original on May 19, 2016 ; Retrieved May 19, 2016 .
  29. a b http://wwachs-im-wandel.de/kalender/296.aktionstrainings_zur_kohleblockade_ende_gelaende_2016.html One of many action trainings in the run-up to the end of the terrain
  30. https://www.ende-gelaende.org/de/aktion/rechtliches/
  31. http://www.jetzt.de/politik/besetzung-eines-kohlekraftwerks-in-der-lausitz
  32. https://www.ende-gelaende.org/de/aktion/take-care-sracht-gut-fuer-euch/
  33. Archive link ( Memento from May 23, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
  34. http://www.bulling-schroeter.de/ende-gelaende-etzt-finger-in-wunde-der-energiewende/
  35. https://junepa.noblogs.org/post/2016/06/01/ende-gelaende-bericht-2/
  36. Neues Deutschland: Live ticker: "End of the terrain": Activists occupy Welzow-Süd (Neues Deutschland). May 13, 2016. Retrieved September 20, 2016 .
  37. http://www.archiv.klimaretter.info/protest/grund/21229-ende-gelaende-die-bewegung-muss-durchhalten
  38. https://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/1011786.ende-gelaende-aktivisten-besetzen-welzow-sued.html
  39. a b end of the terrain, reports , accessed June 1, 2016
  40. https://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/1011927.ende-gelaende-festhaben-nach-besetzung-des-kraftwerks.html "Endegebiet": Spokeswoman for the police, Ines Filoh, May 14th, 13: 50, quoted after in the live ticker during the end of the terrain, available online for a fee, Neues Deutschland, May 14, 2016.
  41. a b c http://www.rbb-online.de/wirtschaft/thema/braunkohle/beitraege/protestaktion-gegen-braunkohle.html
  42. Neues Deutschland: Live Ticker May 14th, 2016 "End of Terrain": Arrests after occupying the power plant (Neues Deutschland). May 14, 2016, accessed September 20, 2016 .
  43. a b graswurzel.tv: Flooding of the Black Pump power station. May 14, 2016. Retrieved May 20, 2016 .
  44. Vattenfall surveillance camera: Video from Endeände demonstrators who break into the Schwarze Pump power plant and shake the gate. May 14, 2016, accessed September 20, 2016 .
  45. http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/1011962.die-besetzung-von-schwarze-pumpe.html Video synopsis from the new Germany, May 16, 2016
  46. Archive link ( Memento from May 15, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Press release from the Brandenburg Police, Press Office of the Police Department South Cottbus, May 14, 2016
  47. ^ Opponents of lignite storm power plant premises. rbb , May 14, 2016, accessed May 15, 2016 .
  48. ^ Paul Hertzberg: Lignite opponents storm the power plant site - 120 arrests. Berliner Morgenpost , May 14, 2016, accessed on May 15, 2016 .
  49. Serious breach of the peace by environmental activists ( Memento from May 15, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Press release of the Brandenburg Police of May 14, 2015.
  50. ^ "Heart artery" by Schwarze Pump was disconnected. In: www.rbb-online.de. Retrieved May 16, 2016 .
  51. https://www.evangelisch.de/print/134547 Rioting during protests against lignite in Lausitz, Protestant press service, press release on May 15, 2016
  52. a b c d Escalation in Lusatia . Taz.de, May 15, 2016. Retrieved May 15, 2016.
  53. https://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/1011927.ende-gelaende-festhaben-nach-besetzung-des-kraftwerks.html "Endegebiet": arrests after occupation of the power plant, live ticker during Endegebiet, available online for a fee, Neues Deutschland, May 14, 2016.
  54. https://www.ende-gelaende.org/de/press-release/pressemitteilung-vom-18-5/ press release at the end of May 18, 2016.
  55. a b c World-wide days of action against the mining of lignite and fossil fuels - end-of-terrain campaigns in Lausitz , Radio Dreyeckland, May 21, 2016
  56. a b c d e press release at the end of the site from May 18, 2016
  57. https://www.frei-radios.net/77137 Radio Corax May 16, 2016 in the archive of Freie Radios
  58. Environmental activists arrested are released . Welt Online, May 15, 2016.
  59. a b c Opponents of lignite end blockade actions - officially ( Memento from May 15, 2016 in the Internet Archive ). MDR.de, May 15, 2016.
  60. Spontaneous demonstration against actions by climate protection activists in Lusatia . LR Online, May 15, 2016.
  61. a b c d e f g h i victims' perspective Brandenburg, press release: Right-wing escalation of violence during the "end of the terrain" protests hushed up by state politicians , June 7, 2016
  62. a b Archive link ( Memento from May 19, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
  63. Archive link ( Memento from May 19, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
  64. https://twitter.com/BenjaminBeutler/status/734438608413855744 Diagram by Benjamin Beutler based on the raw data of the power exchange
  65. a b Black pump still blocked ( Memento from August 20, 2016 in the Internet Archive ). MDR.de, May 15, 2014.
  66. http://www.rbb-online.de/wirtschaft/thema/braunkohle/beitraege/protest-braunkohlegegner-ende-gelaende-wird-thema-im-landtag.html RBB on May 18, 2016
  67. ^ Coal railway derailed briefly on Tuesday. Lausitzer Rundschau , May 18, 2016.
  68. Track blockades at the Schwarze Pump power plant ( memento of the original from May 20, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . MDR Saxony, May 15, 2016. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.mdr.de
  69. Channoh Peepovicz's Twitter account . Twitter account at the end of the site, May 15, 2016 - 8:30 a.m.
  70. Photo of the track blockade . Twitter account at the end of the site, May 15, 2016 - 8:30 a.m.
  71. First short balance sheet after the Ende-Terrain in May 2016, June 7th 2016, https://www.ende-gelaende.org/de/news/erste-kurze-bilanz-nach-ende-gelaende-im-mai-2016 /
  72. a b http://www.riksdagen.se/en/ In the original it says on May 23, 2016: "On Tuesday, a current affairs debate will be held on Vattenfall's lignite operations and climate effects."
  73. a b http://www.bee-ev.de/home/politik/eeg-kampagne/
  74. a b http://www.zeit.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/2016-07/schweden-vattenfall-verkauf-braunkohle-eph-gruppe Die Zeit, Vattenfall sells the lignite division to the Czech Republic, July 2, 2016
  75. a b http://www.archiv.klimaretter.info/politik/nachricht/21393-rot-rot-verendungt-gewalt-und-noetigung Klimaretter, June 11, 2016.
  76. http://www.taz.de/Kommentar-Klimaprotest/!5304723/
  77. http://www.archiv.klimaretter.info/politik/nachricht/21295-krawallbrueder-im-saechsischen-landtag
  78. http://www.l-iz.de/melder/wortmelder/2016/05/marco-boehme-linke-haltlose-vorwuerfe-der-cdu-zu-ende-gelaende-grenzen-an-ueble-nachrede-und -are-plain-wrong-138121
  79. a b https://www.frei-radios.net/77149 Worldwide days of action against the mining of lignite and fossil energies - End of the terrain campaigns in Lusatia, Interview by Radio Dreyeckland with a spokeswoman for Ende Gele, May 17, 2016
  80. Press release at the end of the site from May 15, 2016
  81. https://www.ende-gelaende.org/de/press-release/pressemitteilung-vom-24-5-2016/ press release from the end of the terrain
  82. https://www.facebook.com/events/1328852990462730/
  83. https://www.ende-gelaende.org/de/news/erste-kurze-bilanz-nach-ende-gelaende-im-mai-2016/ first short balance sheet, end of the site, June 7, 2016.
  84. Press release from May 21st - End of the terrain. In: www.ende-gelaende.org. Retrieved May 22, 2016.
  85. Archive link ( memento from July 19, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) MDR television on June 2, 2016, protest at trial against opponents of lignite.
  86. https://www.verfassungsschutz.de/de/aktuelles/zur-sache/zs-2016-001-linksextremisten-gegen-energiebranche
  87. https://www.rbb24.de/studiocottbus/index.htm/doc=%21content%21rbb%21r24%21studiocottbus%21wirtschaft%212018%2110%21process-kohlekraftgegner-ende-gelaende-lausitz.html RBB24 - coal opponents acquitted in Cottbus
  88. http://www.rbb-online.de/wirtschaft/thema/braunkohle/beitraege/verkauf-vattenfall-braunkohle-an-eph-vollhaben.html
  89. Press release from October 11th, 2016 - End of the terrain. In: www.ende-gelaende.org. Retrieved November 1, 2016 .
  90. https://web.archive.org/web/20170824204520/http://afd-fraktion-brandenburg.de/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Ende-Gel%C3%A4nde.pdf