Ernst Andreas von Röhl

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Ernst Andreas von Roehl

Ernst Andreas von Röhl (born June 29, 1761 in Bielefeld , † July 11, 1830 in Breslau ) was a Prussian major general of the artillery and inspector of the 2nd artillery inspection.



His father was High War Commissioner in Bielefeld and sent his son to school first in Bielefeld and later in Herford in Westphalia. His brother Arnold Ludwig von Röhl fell in 1813 as a battalion commander in the Russian-German Legion .

Military career

On October 1, 1777, Röhl went to the field artillery corps of the Prussian Army as a bombardier . As such, he took part in the War of the Bavarian Succession . In 1787 he took part in the campaign to Holland and fought in battle near Amstelveen . On February 5, 1787, Röhl received 50 Thaler Douceur money for his bravery in this campaign. On December 17, 1792 he became General Adjutant General von Moller and took part with him in the First Coalition War. There he fought in the sieges of Mainz and Landau, the battle of Kaiserslautern and the battle near Stromberg. On June 7, 1795 he received the order Pour le Mérite for his behavior in Kaiserslautern . On October 10, 1797, he became Premier Lieutenant in the 3rd Artillery Regiment. On June 5, 1798 he was raised to the nobility. As a staff captain , Röhl took part in the Battle of Auerstedt during the Fourth Coalition War and was taken prisoner during the subsequent surrender of Magdeburg .

Röhl stayed with the army and on February 21, 1809 became captain and chief of a mounted artillery company in the Brandenburg artillery brigade. On August 20, 1811 he became major and on March 10, 1813 he joined the mobile artillery corps in Pomerania under Bülow . During the war of liberation he took part in the battle near Vehlitz and received the Iron Cross, 2nd class. He fought in the battles of Grossbeeren (with commendation) and Dennewitz . For the Battle of Nations near Leipzig he received the Iron Cross 1st class and the Order of St. Stanislaus, 2nd class. Then Röhl fought at Laon , Ligny , Waterloo , in the battle of Wittstock, took part in the assault on Arnhem, as well as in the sieges of Namur , Maubeuge , Landrecies , Philippeville , Rocroy , Givet ( Russian Order of St. Anne II. Class). On May 2, 1814 he was promoted to lieutenant colonel and on March 19, 1814 appointed artillery officer of the I. Army Corps.

One of Röhl's superiors, General Adolf Friedrich von Oppen , praised his great presence of mind and circumspection, as well as the activity and bravery that he displayed in front of Doesburg , Zütphen and Arnheim . On April 8, 1814 he became leader of the reserve artillery of the 3rd Army Corps, on April 21, 1815 commander of the artillery of the II Army Corps, and on October 4, 1815, he became Colonel of the Army Corps in France. On March 28, 1816 he became a brigadier of the 7th Artillery Brigade, then part of the Army Corps in France. On December 10, 1816 he received the Russian Order of Vladimir III. Class, on October 9, 1817 the French Military Merit Order III. Class for "maintaining order and discipline" in France. On March 30, 1821, Röhl was promoted to major general with a patent from April 2, 1821. On June 22, 1821, he was transferred to the 2nd artillery inspection as an inspector. On July 16, 1825, he was awarded the service cross and, on the occasion of his 50th anniversary, the Order of the Red Eagle 1st class with oak leaves.


Röhl married on April 11, 1788 in Berlin with Friedrike Wilhelmine von Fiebig (1765-1838). The couple had several children including:

  • Wilhelmine Luise Ernstine (* 1789)
  • Karl Ernst Ludwig (1795–1885), Prussian Lieutenant General ⚭ Elisabeth Friederike von Malschitzky (* 1795)
  • Ludwig Gustav (* 1797)
  • Johann Ernst Gustav (1799–1867), Prussian general of the infantry ⚭ Therese Karoline Helene Johanne Georgeon (1800–1875)
  • Henriette August Ernstine Wilhelmine (* 1803)
  • Wilhelm Ernst (* / † 1810)
