Ernst Häussler

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Georg Jacob Ernst Häußler (also Ernst Häusler ) (born January 8, 1761 in Böblingen , † February 20, 1837 in Augsburg ) was a German singer, composer and music teacher.


Ernst Häußler was born as the son of corporal Johann Jakob Häußler.

From December 1770 to December 1781 he received his school and musical education and training at the ducal-Württemberg military academy Karlsschule in Stuttgart ; his music teachers there were Agostino Poli (1739-1819), Antonio Boroni and Eligio Celestino and his classmates were Johann Rudolph Zumsteeg (1760-1802), Johann Kauffmann (1759-1834), the later son-in-law of Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubart , Johann Philipp Mohl (1757–1817), Johann Daniel von Reitter and Jakob Christian Schlotterbeck .

From 1777 to 1786 he performed as a cellist in the Stuttgart court orchestra . In 1785 he went on a trip and performed at various royal courts as well as in Vienna and Berlin . In Donaueschingen he got a job as court musician with Prince Joseph Maria von Fürstenberg in 1789 and stayed in this position for several years.

In 1791 Ernst Häußler went to Zurich in Switzerland and performed as a virtuoso on the cellos and as a coloratura soprano ; he also worked as a singing teacher for several female singers. In 1797 he returned to Stuttgart and performed there as a soprano as well as a cellist. In the same year he went to Vienna and performed there as a cello virtuoso, composer and singer; he only returned to Stuttgart four years later. The range of his singing was remarkable: when he fisted, his voice spanned four full octaves , from the deep bass Eb to the high soprano.

In 1800 he became a teacher at the St. Anna high school in Augsburg, which at that time was still under the imperial city constitution.

In 1802 he received from the Empress of Russia to set a peace cantata for the Emperor Alexander , which was composed by Professor Gerhard Adam Neuhofer , followed by six canzonettes and six German poems on behalf of the Queen of Sweden , as well as a march later for a Prussian infantry regiment, which received the greatest applause during an army inspection even by King Friedrich Wilhelm III. received.

After the imperial city of Augsburg was taken over by the Royal Bavarian Crown, in 1806 he received the post of Royal Bavarian Music Director of the Protestant Choir in Augsburg and an invitation from King Maximilian I Joseph to the Munich residence to take over the position of Hofkapellmeister Franz Danzi , out of modesty, however, he declined this offer. He was not only responsible for the church music in the St. Anna Church in Augsburg, but also the task of writing compositions for the peace festival music and other works to be performed as well as the training of the singers working in St. Anna. As has been customary since Philipp David Kräuter , he was also responsible for the supervision of church music at the other Protestant churches in Augsburg. In addition, he was also involved to a considerable extent in urban musical life. Until 1822 he performed regularly in the Fugger Concert Hall ( Fuggerhauser ) on the Zeugplatz, where he appeared as an instrumentalist, singer and musical director and often presented his own creations. Since the winter of 1803/04 he has been leading a series of subscription concerts for several years at the “Zur golden Traube” inn. He was also a welcome guest at the court concerts initiated by Prince-Bishop Clemens Wenzeslaus .

Ernst Häussler endeavored to establish a public singing and instrumental school and in 1810 submitted plans for construction to the royal police headquarters and later to the city administration, but these plans were not carried out for financial reasons.

In 1811 he had contact with Carl Maria von Weber during his stay in Augsburg in March 1811.

On August 6, 1818, Prince Joseph II had invited a society in Karlsbad , where Countess Adelaide Caroline Johanne Countess de Bombelles (1792-1857) performed as a singer. She sang the poem by Ernst Häussler, Do you know the land, where the cytrons bloom, by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe so moving that tears stood in his eyes for this one of the invited guests.

On the occasion of the death of the Bavarian King Maximilian I. Joseph he composed a cantata in 1825, in 1830 he composed his own works for the denomination festival on June 25th and for a grammar school festival in 1831.

After his death, Karl Ludwig Drobisch succeeded him as music director.


As a composer, Ernst Häußler left behind sacred music (cantatas, passion music , church chants), which he had to compose ex officio, as well as a considerable collection of secular chants, especially piano songs, many of which appeared in print ( Anton Böhm , Johann Carl Gombart ), but also arias with orchestral accompaniment and the opera Partenope . He also set numerous poems by contemporaries to music, which he published as piano songs, including the one written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Do you know the land where the cytrons flourish from Wilhelm Meister's years of apprenticeship .



  • Ernst Häussler in New Nekrolog der Deutschen , Volume 15, 1837, Part 1 , pp. 265–266. Weimar 1839.
  • Ernst Häußler in German Biographical Encyclopedia, 2nd edition (Ed. Rudolf Vierhaus), Volume 4 Görres – Hittorp , p. 341. Munich 2006.
  • Ernst Häußler in Encyclopedia of the Entire Musical Sciences or Universal Lexicon of Tonkunst, Volume 7 , p. 194 f. Ed. Dr. Gustav Schilling. Stuttgart, published by Franz Heinrich Köhler 1842.
  • Ernst Häußler in Teutsches Künstlerlexikon or directory of German artists living now, Volume 1 , p. 340 f. Lemgo 1808

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Jochen Golz, Wolfgang Albrecht, Edith Zehm, Andreas Döhler, Sebastian Mangold: Johann Wolfgang Goethe: Diaries: Volume VI, 2 Commentary (1817-1818) . Springer-Verlag, 2016, ISBN 978-3-476-00488-8 , pp. 798 ( limited preview in Google Book search).