Erwin Schranz

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Erwin Schranz (born December 31, 1950 in Sulzriegel , Bad Tatzmannsdorf municipality ) is a former Austrian politician ( ÖVP ) and judge. From 1982 to 2005 he was a member of the Burgenland State Parliament and from 1996 its President or 2nd President.


After primary school in Bad Tatzmannsdorf, Schranz attended the Oberschützen secondary school , where he graduated from high school in 1969. After completing his military service as a one-year volunteer , he studied law as well as journalism and political science at the University of Vienna . 1974 Schranz received his doctorate as Dr. phil. , 1975 Dr. jur. He then entered the service of the Austrian judiciary and in 1978 became a judge at the Oberwart District Court , and in 1985 he was promoted to head of court. In 1996 he took leave of absence as head of the court. In addition to his judicial work, Schranz worked as a freelancer at ORF-Studio Burgenland from 1976 to 1978 and from 1979 to 1987 teacher of civics and law at the Oberwart Commercial Academy .


In the political arena, Schranz became involved as ÖAAB district chairman in 1987 and in 1991 took over the function of ÖVP district party chairman and the office of regional party chairman. He represented the ÖVP between October 29, 1982 and October 24, 2005 in the Burgenland State Parliament and was President of the State Parliament from June 27, 1996 to December 28, 2000. He then took over the office of 2nd President until he left the state parliament.


In addition to his political activities, Schranz was also involved in numerous social and church organizations. He was a member of the Protestant community council in Bad Tatzmannsdorf and is the legal representative of the Oberkirchenrat. He was also president of the Burgenland-Hianzische Gesellschaft, founder of the “Aktion Mitmensch” aid campaign and the Bad Tatzmannsdorf health garden, co-initiator and board member of the Burgenland Legal Society and board member in several social institutions and in the Association for Protestant Student Homes ASH Vienna.


  • Johann Kriegler: Political manual of Burgenland. Part II (1945-1995). Eisenstadt 1996 (Burgenland Research; 76), ISBN 3-901517-07-3
  • Johann Kriegler: Political manual of Burgenland. III. Part (1996-2001). Eisenstadt 2001 (Burgenland Research; 84), ISBN 3-901517-29-4 .

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