FDP parliamentary group chairman conference

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Hans-Ulrich Rülke, chairman since January 2018.

The parliamentary group chairman conference ( FraVoKo for short ), of the FDP - parliamentary groups in the federal states, in the Bundestag and the European Parliament is a body of the self- coordination of the FDP parliamentary groups. The conference is made up of the chairmen of the factions of the provincial assemblies and the FDP group within Renew Europe in the European Parliament together. The FDP parliamentary group chairman in the state parliament of Baden-Württemberg , Hans-Ulrich Rülke , has been the spokesman for the parliamentary group chairmen's conference since January 2018. He succeeded Christian Dürr , who was elected to the 19th German Bundestag in the 2017 federal election and thus gave up his position as parliamentary group leader in the Lower Saxony state parliament .


The first meeting took place from January 15 to 16, 1960 at the invitation of Willi Weyer as chairman of the FDP parliamentary group in North Rhine-Westphalia in Düsseldorf . According to its presentation, the conference should deal quarterly with questions from the parliamentary groups and not intervene in federal politics . On the basis of state political discussions such as cultural and media policy , however, the body increasingly gained influence over national political positions. Hearings are also held, e.g. B. on the subject of "Gambling regulation in Germany".




Working groups

In addition to the conference of group chairmen, various working groups have been set up.


The organization takes place via an office in Berlin under the leadership of Sven Prietzel. The treasurer is Christian Grascha .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The FDP in the parliaments
  2. a b c Rülke elected spokesman for all FDP parliamentary group chairmen. In: fdp-dvp-fraktion.de. FDP / DVP parliamentary group in the state parliament of Baden-Württemberg, January 30, 2018, accessed on January 30, 2018 .
  3. FDP wants to advertise for qualified immigrants - also in the Balkans , FOCUS Online
  4. New ways for Balkan immigrants , WELT Online
  5. German machine industry at FDP hearing "Future of gaming regulation in Germany"
  6. FDP parliamentary group: Rentsch new spokesman for the FDP parliamentary group chairman conference  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.florian-rentsch.de  
  7. Working groups. Retrieved September 13, 2019 .
  8. Contact. In: fdp-fraktionen.de. Retrieved September 13, 2019 .