Felix Dreyer

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Felix Dreyer is a lighting designer who has been working at the Vienna Burgtheater since 2005 .

life and work

Dreyer is the artistic director of lighting at the Akademietheater , the smaller house in the castle. This theater is loved by directors and actors as well as by the public and the press - among other things because of its intimacy and its tradition. The program of the Akademietheater covers the entire history of theater, but a major focus of around a third of all productions is contemporary drama.

As a result, Dreyer was and is a regular part of the leading team for world premieres , German-speaking and Austrian premieres - for example theater texts by Peter Handke , Elfriede Jelinek , Ewald Palmetshofer , René Pollesch and Roland Schimmelpfennig . The lighting designer often works with the directors Stefan Bachmann and David Bösch , but also with Alvis Hermanis , Andrea Breth , Dieter Giesing and the author-directors Pollesch and Schimmelpfennig.

Due to the strong guest performance of the castle during the Bachler direction (1999–2009) and the Hartmann era (2009–2014), numerous productions illuminated by Dreyer could be seen in the entire German-speaking area: Handkes Die Unverneutigen die aus was a coproduction with the Young Directors Project the Salzburg Festival 2006. Barbara Frey's acclaimed short version of Shakespeare's Storm from 2007 - with Maria Happel , Joachim Meyerhoff and Johann Adam Oest - was also performed at the Berliner Ensemble , the Schauspiel Hannover , the Stadttheater Schaffhausen and the Schauspielhaus Zürich , as well as in Brixen , Meran and Schlanders listed. Wajdi Mouawad's Burns , staged by Stefan Bachmann, were invited to the Autorentheatertage at the Hamburg Thalia Theater in 2008, to the Ruhrtriennale 2010 and to the Theater am Kirchplatz in Liechtenstein's Schaan . The spectacular Weibsteufel production by Martin Kušej with Birgit Minichmayr was invited to the Berlin Theatertreffen in 2009 and is still on the program of the Munich Residenztheater in 2014 .

David Bösch's production of ghosts was guest at the Thalia Theater in Hamburg and Jan Bosses' Othello version at the Theater Winterthur . Roland Schimmelpfennig's The Golden Dragon was the 2010 Berlin Theater Meeting invited, as of 2011, the Academy Theater production of Kathrin Röggla Natascha Kampusch- -Stück Stakeholders . The golden dragon was finally seen in Bozen, Schaan and at the Mülheimer Theatertage , Schimmelpfennig's Peggy Pickit sees the face of God received an invitation to the 2011 Autorentheatertage at the Deutsches Theater Berlin . Stephan Kimmig's premiere production of Ewald Palmetshofer's räuber.schuldengenital (2012) was a guest at the Berliner Autorentheatertage in June 2013 and at the 17th International Schiller Festival in Mannheim.

While the international recognition applies particularly to contemporary drama, Dreyer also illuminates classical dramas (such as Gorkis Kleinbürger , 2005, and Ibsen’s Die Frau vom Meer , 2013), black comedies (such as Kesselring's Arsen und Spitzenhäubchen , 2006) and social comedies (such as Strindbergs Rausch or Wildes The ideal man , both 2011). In 2013, Nestroy's Der Talisman , staged by David Bösch , and the fairy tale of Puss in Boots , staged by Annette Raffalt, were particularly well received by the audience .

Dreyer also worked as a guest for the Vienna Pocket Opera , for which he designed the lighting for an Intermezzi production at Schönbrunn Palace in 2012 and for which he designed the lighting for the children's opera production The Blue Bus in 2014 at the Vienna Konzerthaus , the Graz Opera and the Hamburg Elbphilharmonie took over.

World premieres

Web links

  • IMDb , incomplete cast list of the female devil
  • Burgtheater , Central Technical Services