Franz Maria Doppelbauer

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Bishop Franz Maria Doppelbauer
Memorial plaque on the parish church of Waizenkirchen

Franz von Sales Maria Doppelbauer (born January 21, 1845 in Waizenkirchen , Upper Austria ; † December 2, 1908 in Linz ) was Roman Catholic Bishop of Linz and from 1887 to 1888 rector of the Collegio Teutonico di Santa Maria dell'Anima in Rome .


Franz Maria Doppelbauer entered the Linz seminary from 1856 to 1865 after attending the boys' seminar in Linz . He was ordained a priest on June 26, 1868 . He was first general prefect of the Linz seminary and from 1876 worked in pastoral care . From 1876 he also studied canon law in Rome . There he was promoted to Dr. iur. can. and in 1879 Dr. iur. utr. (Doctor of Law) PhD . From 1878 to 1879 he was Vice Rector of the Collegio Teutonico di Santa Maria dell'Anima . From 1882 he was acting head of the consistory office. From 1887 to 1888 Franz Maria Doppelbauer was rector of the Collegio Teutonico di Santa Maria dell'Anima .

In 1888 Doppelbauer was appointed bishop of the Diocese of Linz . The episcopal ordination on March 10, 1889 donated to him in the Chapel of the Anima in Rome Cardinal Serafino Vannutelli .

Since 1889 he was an honorary member of the Catholic student union KÖStV Austria Vienna , since 1895 an honorary citizen of the community of St. Marienkirchen near Schärding .


Doppelbauer belonged to the first editorial staff of the "Steyrer Zeitung" founded in 1876. In 1891 Doppelbauer was a co-founder of the boys' convent "Salesius Association". From 1896 to 1898 he built the episcopal boys' seminar, today the Episcopal Gymnasium Petrinum in Linz-Urfahr. In 1898 he realized the expansion of the Linz seminary. It is largely thanks to his initiative that the Linz Cathedral of the Virgin Mary was completed.

Franz Maria Doppelbauer was also a member of the Upper Austrian Landtag from 1889 to 1908.

He died in 1908 and found his final resting place in the old cathedral in Linz. After the completion of the New Cathedral , his remains (like those of the other Bishops of Linz buried in the Old Cathedral) were moved to the new Cathedral in 1924.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Peter Assmann : Bishop Franz Maria Doppelbauer - member of the Upper Austrian. Landtag from 1889 to 1908. In: Oberösterreichische Heimatblätter . Vol. 44, No. 2, 1990, pp. 152-166 ( online (PDF) in the forum
predecessor Office successor
Ernest Maria Müller Bishop of Linz
Rudolph Hittmair