Friedrich Krügler

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Friedrich Krügler (born May 5, 1910 in Klafeld , † November 26, 1998 in Hamburg ) was a German meteorologist .


Friedrich Krügler was the son of a working class, graduated from the Realgymnasium in Swinoujscie and graduated from high school in 1929 . Already during his school days he was interested in meteorology and made observations and measurements at the Swinoujscie bioclimate station and for the Prussian Meteorological Institute. This was where Krügler came into contact with Hans Hertel , an encounter that ultimately moved him to study meteorology.

Krügler spent the first three semesters of his studies at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin . a. with Heinrich von Ficker and Albert Defant . During this time Krügler undertook by the weather station flight Tempelhof from several, partly adventurous route and weather flights lasting impression on him. In 1930 he changed his place of study and enrolled at the University of Rostock in November . From autumn 1930 to summer 1934 he was an assistant at the university air station and carried out kite and balloon ascents as well as radiation and heat balance measurements. In the course of 1931 he was seconded again for four months to the Berlin-Tempelhof meteorological station, where he prepared a flight climatological study for the planned East Asian route of Lufthansa .

After completing his studies, he worked for several years as an employee in the aviation weather service at the aviation weather stations in Kiel-Holtenau , Norderney and Warnemünde . 1937 Krügler was at Günther Falkenberg to Dr. phil. PhD . In the same year he took part in the 2nd German Atlantic Expedition on the research ship Meteor from February to May . In the course of this expedition , radiosondes were used on a large scale for the first time . Before and during the Second World War , Friedrich Krügler was in several air base weather stations, including a. also in Norway , deployed and participated in numerous weather and ice exploration flights.

After the end of the war, he initially worked as a synoptic at the Meteorological Office for Northwest Germany (MANWD), which was integrated into the newly founded German Weather Service (DWD) on January 1, 1953 , where he then worked in the marine weather department in the economic and marine weather service. From November 1951 to February 1960 Krügler worked on the television weather map service for the daily news of the North West German and North German Broadcasting . He was the first meteorologist to explain the weather to Germans live in the studio with the help of chalk on a school blackboard.

As an on-board meteorologist, Krügler came on a total of 37 voyages with a total of more than four years at sea, which took him to Greenland , but also to the tropical Atlantic . These included missions on the first and second Meteor , fishery protection boats and fishery research vessels.

Friedrich Krügler was married and lived for many years with his wife Maria in Hamburg-Blankenese .

Fonts (selection)

  • About the share of mass exchange in the nightly heat balance of the earth's surface . In: Meteorological Journal . Volume 49, 1932, pp. 372-376.
  • Nocturnal heat balance measurements on the surface of a grassy plain . In: Reichsamt für Wetterdienst , Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. Volume 3, No. 10.1937.
  • Maritime-meteorological small studies on the ice edge in the Denmark Strait. In: The Seewart. Volume 14, 1953, pp. 2-9.
  • with Martin Rodewald: Meteorology and Weather Conditions preceding and during the Expedition. Rapports et Procès-verbaux des Réunions, issue 157, International Council for the Exploration of the Sea , Copenhagen, July 1967, p. 18 ff. ( Pdf )
  • Across a visually striking river boundary on the polar front in the Denmark Strait. In: German hydrographic journal . Volume 19, 1966, pp. 159-170. doi : 10.1007 / BF02226218
  • 2 years volcanic family Surtsey off South Iceland. In: The Seewart. Volume 27, 1966, pp. 93-102.
  • Two more years of the Surtsey volcanic family (Iceland). In: The Seewart. Volume 29, 1968, pp. 89-97.
  • Pictures of some striking slicks and river boundaries from different sea and coastal areas. In: Annals of Meteorology. No. 4, self-published by the German Weather Service, Offenbach am Main 1967, pp. 83–85. ( pdf )
  • Some pictures of the Surtsey family of volcanoes (off South Iceland). In: Annals of Meteorology. No. 4, self-published by the German Weather Service, Offenbach am Main 1967, pp. 86–88. ( pdf )


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. See the entry of Friedrich Krügler's matriculation in the Rostock matriculation portal
  2. The history of the TV weather report. Focus , No. 33 (1999), August 16, 1999.
  3. ↑ due date. November 1951: NWDR sends the first weather map. WDR , November 29, 2011.
  4. ^ Neudecker: Weather. 50 years of television weather. Between adult education and fooling around. Die Zeit , August 29, 2002.