Friedrich Molinus

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Friedrich Molinus (also: Fritz Molinus and Friedrich Molin and Fritz Molins ; * before 1604 in Schwerin ; † buried March 19, 1655 in Hanover ) was a ducal Vogt and lieutenant colonel . Under his construction management, the structural foundations for the Calenberger Neustadt in front of Hanover were established for an independent city.



Friedrich Molinus was the son of the ducal councilor and senior bailiff Johannis Mollini or Johann Molinus and Ilse Eichhoff who were active in Wolfenbüttel


In 1584 Friedrich Molinus attended the University of Helmstedt .

Molinus obtained the title and rights of lieutenant colonel and provost of Derneburg .

In 1604 he married the widow of the bailiff of the Calenberger Neustadt before Hanover , Aschen Schönewitz († 1595), Margareta, the sister of Jürgen von der Lippe , who had administered the bailiwick on site since her husband's death. With the wedding, Molinus himself became Vogt of the Neustadt, an office he held until 1638.

Molinus played a key role in the expansion of the Neustadt into the Duke's government district , both north and south of the Steinweg, so named in 1608 (from 1682 Via Calenbergica , in 1698 the "Straße vom Leinthore bit the Calenberger Thor ", from 1719 Calenberger Straße ).

But due to the fires in 1610 and 1615 and the turmoil of the Thirty Years 'War that began in 1618, Molinus ' work initially had little success.

According to Martin Arends , Molinus bought farm no.110 in Gestorf in 1614 and sold this farm, later also known as Vinthushof , to Casper Vinthus in 1623 .

In 1616 Molinus built a bailiwick, which he had to evacuate on May 28, 1638 in the middle of the Thirty Years War on the orders of the sovereign. He moved to the farm of his father-in-law from his second marriage, Franzten Limborg or Frantz Limberg or Tönnies Limburg .

The picture archive of the University of Göttingen has preserved two photographs of a silver pyxis dated 1634 without stamps, which belonged to the inventory of the Neustädter Hof- und Stadtkirche St. Johannis . In addition to Fritz Molinius' initials FM , the initials ACL and the coat of arms of the Molinus families - an angel with a sword - and from Limburg - three ox heads - were engraved by an unknown hand.

After George , Duke of Brunswick-Luneburg , February 18 by the so-called "residence contract" 1636 Hannover to his residence had said that was against his successor Duke Georg Wilhelm , after the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 put forward a complaint: The guild of merchants complained, that under Molinus there were many craftsmen who were not from Hanover and who also did not belong to any guild .

During the term of office of Molinus, the population of the Calenberger Neustadt rose from 650 to 1,000 people.

According to the death registers of the Aegidienkirche and the Kreuzkirche, Molinus is said to have died in 1655 as Fritz Molinß or Fritz Marlinß .


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Individual evidence

  1. n.v . : Molinus, Friedrich in the database of Niedersächsische Personen ( new entry required ) of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library - Lower Saxony State Library [undated], last accessed on March 4, 2020
  2. a b c Sabine Wehking: DI 36: Stadt Hannover (1993) / Neustädter St. Johanniskirche / 1634 , explanations on pyxis on the page
  3. ^ A b c Karl Friedrich Leonhardt : The beginnings of Hanover and the Calenberger Neustadt , in: Hannoversche Geschichtsblätter , 30th year (1927), pp. 146–240; here: p. 167; limited preview in Google Book search
  4. a b c d e Otto Juergens : Hannoversche Chronik. On behalf of the Association for the History of the City, ed. , Hannover: Verlag von Ernst Geibel, 1907, pp. 277, 305, 308, 309, 315, 318, 319, 324, 325, 331, 335, 344, 345, 351, 355, 392–394, 443, 515, 519, 530, 585, 608, 672; Digitized via
  5. a b c d e f Helmut Zimmermann: MOLINUS, Friedrich (see literature)
  6. ^ A b Carl-Hans Hauptmeyer : Die Neustadt ; in: Klaus Mlynek, Waldemar R. Röhrbein (ed.): History of the City of Hanover , Volume 1: From the beginnings to the beginning of the 19th century , Hanover: Schlütersche, 1992, ISBN 3-87706-351-9 , here: P. 182; online through google books
  7. a b Info according to Martin Arends from Nordstemmen: ♂ Friedrich MOLINUS on , the website of the Association for Computer Genealogy , last accessed on January 7, 2013
  8. ^ Helmut Zimmermann : Calenberger Strasse. In: The street names of the state capital Hanover , Verlag Hahnsche Buchhandlung , Hanover 1992, ISBN 3-7752-6120-6 , p. 53
  9. a b c Martin Arends: Friedrich Molinus
  10. ^ Klaus Mlynek : Georg, Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg. In: Stadtlexikon Hannover , p. 209
  11. ^ Carl-Hans Hauptmeyer: 1648 In: Hannover Chronik , p. 50f .; online through google books