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Fucking ( Rotte )
Fucking (Austria)
Red pog.svg
Basic data
Pole. District , state Braunau am Inn  (BR), Upper Austria
Pole. local community Tarsdorf   ( KG  Hofstatt)
Coordinates 48 ° 4 '2 "  N , 12 ° 51' 48"  E Coordinates: 48 ° 4 '2 "  N , 12 ° 51' 48"  Ef1
height 470  m above sea level A.
Residents of the village 106 (January 1, 2020)
Post Code 5121 Tarsdorf
Statistical identification
Locality code 07940
Counting district / district Tarsdorf (40443 000)
Source: STAT : index of places ; BEV : GEONAM ; DORIS


Place name sign for Fucking

Fucking [ ˈfʊkɪŋ ] is a district in the cadastral municipality of Hofstatt in the municipality of Tarsdorf in the Braunau am Inn district in Upper Austria . The place is classified as Rotte by official statistics .

In 2001 Fucking had 93 main residents. The place name Fucking has been documented since 1070 and can probably be derived from Adalpert von Vucckingen , who lived in the region in the 11th century. A Bavarian nobleman named Focko is said to have founded the settlement as early as the 6th century . The suffix -ing is a common place name ending in the Bavarian region.

On the original map of the 19th century, the village is still listed as Fuking .

The place name in the public interest

Fucking [ 'fʌkɪŋ ] is in English , the present participle and the gerund the verb to fuck . Due to the frequent especially adjectival use in the English language and the strong influence of the same in continental Europe, the word is also very well known in the German-speaking area. Due to frequent reporting, the popularity of the place rose to such an extent that English-speaking tourists in particular travel to the village by bus to have their picture taken in front of the place-name signs , some of which are stolen. In August 2005, the eight place-name signs at the four town entrances were secured against theft by setting in concrete, welding and riveting.

The registration of the Fucking Hell brand at the European Trademark Office caused further public attention . A beer has been marketed under this term since 2010 . “Hell” stands for the light beer type common in southern Germany and Austria . The brand name has been approved. However, it was not produced in Fucking, but from 2011 to 2013 in the German private brewery Waldhaus .

The writer-director Kurt Palm in 2010 wrote a thriller - grotesque about life in Upper Austria province , which as an allusion to the place name the title Bad Fucking bears. In 2011 he staged a play based on his book at the Phönix Theater in Linz . The novel was made into a film by Harald Sicherheitsitz in 2013 .

In 2017, Fucking was the stage destination of a round trip from Wank (English for " wank ") to kissing , petting and fucking with the final destination Wedding in the Amazon series The Grand Tour with Jeremy Clarkson , James May and Richard Hammond .

In 2018, the Fucking community became a so-called “Premium Place” as part of a PR campaign by the Pornhub site . As part of this program, all residents receive free access to the premium subscription.

Web links

Commons : Fucking, Austria  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Upper Austria directory 2001. Statistics Austria.
  2. ^ Courier dated May 11, 2010.
  3. ^ Original map of the Franziszeischen cadastre in Doris Atlas 4.0. Digital Upper Austrian room information system .
  4. Ambiguous place name as a burden. ORF Upper Austria, August 21, 2005.
  5. EU Trademark Office: Beer can be called "Fucking Hell". Spiegel Online , March 30, 2010.
  6. Fucking hell is here! ( Memento from January 28, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) bierspot.de
  7. Premium Places from Pornhub. Heise online , March 27, 2018.