Georg von Graevenitz (General, 1823)

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Georg Wilhelm Karl von Graevenitz (born December 17, 1823 in Frehne , † October 4, 1879 in Liegnitz ) was a Prussian major general .



Georg was the youngest son of the Prussian district administrator Wilhelm von Graevenitz (1789-1860) and his wife Wilhelmine, nee Neuhauß (1792-1887). His older brothers Hermann (1815–1890) and Hugo (1822–1911) were members of the Reichstag.

Military career

After visiting the Berlin Cadet House , Graevenitz was transferred to the 10th Hussar Regiment of the Prussian Army as a surplus second lieutenant on August 12, 1841 , and included in the budget until mid-July 1847. At the beginning of October 1850 he was sent to the General War School for further training . He had to interrupt this command at the end of November 1850 and was adjutant at the General Command of the IV Army Corps until mid-February 1851 during the mobilization . Graevenitz then continued his studies until mid-October 1853, was adjutant at the military riding school in Schwedt / Oder for six months until the end of April 1855 and was assigned to the topographical department of the General Staff in Berlin on June 1, 1855 . Left in this command, he was transferred to the 8th Uhlan Regiment on October 30, 1855 when he was promoted to Prime Lieutenant . After a brief assignment to the 2nd Guard Uhlan Regiment , he was reassigned to the 10th Hussar Regiment at the beginning of March 1856, and from June 1856 to March 1858 he was again assigned to the topographical department of the General Staff. Mid-April 1859 became Graevenitz the captain was from mid-June 1859 to the end of November 1861 the General Staff of the VIII. Corps worked and then came with his appointment as chief of the 4th Squadron in Brandenburg Dragoon Regiment. 2 in the troop service back . With the transfer to the 1st Westphalian Hussar Regiment No. 8 , Graevenitz was commanded as an adjutant at the General Command of the 1st Army Corps on June 25, 1864 and rose to major in mid-February 1866 . In the following war against Austria he took part in the battles near Trautenau and Königgrätz and received the Crown Order III for his work . Class with swords.

Two days after the preliminary peace in Nikolsburg , Graevenitz was aggregated to the Pomeranian Hussar Regiment No. 5 and in mid-September 1866 appointed as a regular staff officer. This was followed on March 22, 1868 as commander of the 2nd Silesian Hussar Regiment No. 6 , which he led as a lieutenant colonel in the war against France in 1870/71 at Beaumont , Sedan , Orléans , Beaugency , Le Mans and before Paris . He was awarded the Iron Cross II. Class and the Commander of the Bavarian Military Merit Order.

After the peace treaty , Graevenitz was promoted to colonel in mid-August 1871 . In position à la suite of his regiment, he was commissioned on January 26, 1875, initially to lead the 10th Cavalry Brigade and on June 15, 1875, he was appointed commander of the large formation stationed in Posen . In this capacity he was awarded the Crown Order II. Class with Swords on the Ring in mid-September 1875 and promoted to major general at the end of May 1876. Due to illness, Graevenitz submitted his farewell , which was granted to him on June 3, 1877, when he was awarded the Order of the Red Eagle, 2nd class with oak leaves and a pension .

He was an honorary knight of the Order of St. John .


Graevenitz married on October 20, 1857 in Lomnitz with Elisabeth von Küster (1838-1918). The marriage had three children:

  • Wilhelm (1858–1928), Prussian Lieutenant General ⚭ 1887 Ilse von Arnim (* 1867)
  • Lily (* 1868)
  • Erich (* 1872), Prussian trainee lawyer, lieutenant in the reserve
