Rounded open back vowel

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IPA mark ɒ
IPA number 313
IPA character description horizontally mirrored Latin minuscule alpha
Unicode U + 0252
HTML (dec.) & # 594;
Kirshenbaum A.

The rounded open back vowel is a vowel that is described in the International Phonetic Alphabet with the character "ɒ".

For German-language can be the sound as "dark" rounded, with later lying in the mouth tongue formed a rewrite; similar o in German pot .

Phonetic and orthographic realization of the rounded open back vowel in different languages:

  • engl. flop (failure) [ fl ɒ p ] ( BE )
  • ungar. kalap (hat) [ k ɒ l ɒ p ]
  • Farsi دار (gallows) [ d ɒ r ]

See also