2008 United States gubernatorial election

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Results of gubernatorial elections in eleven states on November 4, 2008:
  • Defended by Republicans (North Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Indiana)
  • Defended by the Democrats (North Carolina, Washington, Montana, Delaware, New Hampshire, West Virginia)
  • Gained by the Democrats (Missouri)
  • The United States gubernatorial election took place on November 4, 2008. Of the eleven candidates for election, six were held by Democrats and five by Republicans . As a result, the Democrats were able to win the governor's post in Missouri. This means that the Democrats make 29 and Republicans 21 of the total of 50 governors. In addition, the governors of American Samoa and Puerto Rico were elected that day . Both areas are under American administration, but are not states.
    On the same day, the presidential election , the election to the House of Representatives and the elections to the Senate took place.

    Open seats

    Democratic incumbent

    Republican incumbent

    Opinion polls

    Pre-election polls predicted another Republican victory for North Dakota, Utah and Vermont. Montana, West Virginia, Delaware, and New Hampshire should go back to the Democrats with relative safety. In Indiana, a Republican victory was considered likely. In Washington, North Carolina and Missouri, Democratic candidates had a slight lead in the polls.

    So far Republican Prediction
    Country Official Sabato UpFrontPolitics CQ Politics
    ND Hoeven Solid R Sure R Sure R
    UT Huntsman Solid R Sure R Sure R
    VT Douglas Solid R Probably R Sure R
    IN Daniels Probably R Almost R. Almost R.
    MO ( Blunt ) Open Almost D Open
    So far democratic Prediction
    Country Owner Sabato UpFrontPolitics CQ Politics
    WA Gregoire Open Almost D Almost D
    NC ( Easley ) Probably D Almost D Almost D
    DE ( Minner ) Probably D Sure D D Favored
    MT Schweitzer Solid D Sure D D Favored
    NH Lynch Solid D Sure D Sure D
    WV Manchin Solid D Sure D Sure D

    Final results by state

    Country Acting Governor Electoral status
    Democratic candidate Republican candidate Other candidates Results
    American Samoa Togiola Tulafono Candidate for re-election Togiola Tulafono - 41.3% None Utu Abe Malae (I) - 31.4%
    Afoa Moega Lutu (I) - 26.8%
    Tuika Tuika - 0.5%
    Delaware Ruth Ann Minner Term of office
    Jack A. Markell - 67.5% William Swain Lee - 32.0% Jeffrey Brown (BE) - 0.5% held by the Democrats
    Indiana Mitch Daniels Candidate for re-election Jill Long Thompson - 40.1% Mitch Daniels - 57.8% Andy Horning (L) - 2.1% re-elected
    Missouri Matt Blunt no new candidacy Jay Nixon - 58.4% Kenny Hulshof - 39.5% Andrew Finkenstadt (L) - 1.1%
    Gregory Thompson (C) - 1.0%
    democratic victory
    Montana Brian Schweitzer Candidate for re-election Brian Schweitzer - 65.4% Roy Brown - 32.6% Stan Jones (L) - 2.0% re-elected
    New Hampshire John Lynch Candidate for re-election John Lynch - 70.2% Joe Kenney - 27.6% Susan Newell - 2.2% re-elected
    North Carolina Mike Easley Term of office
    Beverly Perdue - 50.2% Pat McCrory - 46.9% Michael Munger (L) - 2.9% claimed by the Democrats
    North Dakota John Hoeven Candidate for re-election Tim Mathern - 23.5% John Hoeven - 74.4% DuWayne Hendrickson (I) - 2.1% re-elected
    Puerto Rico Aníbal Acevedo Vilá Candidate for re-election none none Luis G. Fortuño (NP) - 52.7%
    Aníbal Acevedo Vilá (PD) - 41.3%
    Rogelio Figueroa (PRfPR) - 2.8%
    Edwin Irizarry Mora (PRI) - 2.0%

    Luis Fortuño (NP) was voted out of office
    Utah Jon Huntsman Candidate for re-election Bob Springmeyer - 19.7% Jon Huntsman - 77.7% Dell Hill - 2.6% re-elected
    Vermont Jim Douglas Candidate for re-election Gaye Symington - 21.1% Jim Douglas - 54.7% Anthony Pollina (I) - 21.2%
    Tony O'Connor (I) - 1.1%
    Sam Young (I) - 0.8%
    Pete Diamondstone (LU) - 0.6%
    Cris Ericson (I) - 0, 5%
    Washington Christine Gregoire Candidate for re-election Christine Gregoire - 53.3% Dino Rossi - 46.7% re-elected
    West Virginia Joe Manchin Candidate for re-election Joe Manchin - 69.8% Russ Weeks - 25.7% Jesse Johnson (M) - 4.5% re-elected

    See also

    Web links

    Individual evidence

    1. 2008 Gubernatorial Election Polls. Retrieved January 2, 2019 .
    2. ^ Sabato's Crystal Ball - 2008 Governor . UpFrontPolitics.com. September 22, 2007. Retrieved September 22, 2007.
    3. 2008 Gubernatorial Races . UpFrontPolitics.com. September 22, 2007. Archived from the original on October 15, 2007. Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved September 22, 2007. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / upfrontpolitics.com
    4. CQ 2008 Gubernatorial ratings . Archived from the original on October 10, 2008. Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved September 22, 2007. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.cqpolitics.com