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Grattavache Coat of Arms
State : SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland
Canton : Canton of FriborgCanton of Friborg Freiburg (FR)
District : Vivisbachw
Municipality : La Verreriei2
Postal code : 1624
former BFS no. : XXXX
Coordinates : 560005  /  161104 coordinates: 46 ° 36 '0 "  N , 6 ° 55' 0"  O ; CH1903:  560005  /  161104
Height : 812  m above sea level M.
Residents: 236 (2002)
Grattavache (Switzerland)
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Parish before the merger on January 1, 2004

Grattavache ( French [ gʀatavaʃ ]; fpr. [ (A) grɒtaˈvaʦ ], Grâtavatse ? / I ) is a scattered settlement and formerly an independent political municipality in the Vivisbach district of the Swiss canton of Friborg . Since 2004 Grattavache has been part of the new municipality of La Verrerie . Audio file / audio sample


Grattavache is 812  m above sea level. M. , eleven kilometers west-southwest of Bulle (linear distance ). The village extends in the Mionna valley , near the confluence of the La Vaux brook, in the Molasse hills of the Haute-Veveyse in the southwestern Freiburg Central Plateau , near the northern edge of the Alps. The former municipality area was around 2.2 km². The former community soil comprised the valley basin of the Mionna and its headwaters and extended over the gently undulating plateau (up to 860  m above sea level ) to the northeast into the catchment area of ​​the Sionge .


With 236 inhabitants (2002), Grattavache was one of the small communities in the canton of Friborg before the merger. The community had 215 inhabitants in 1900, and only 134 inhabitants in 1980 after heavy emigration. After that, the construction of a new residential area (Les Aubepins) resulted in a significant increase in population. The scattered settlement community of Grattavache also included several farm settlements and individual farms.


Grattavache was a predominantly agricultural village until the second half of the 20th century . Mills used to be operated by the water power of the La Vaux stream. Even today, dairy farming , animal husbandry and, to a lesser extent, arable farming play an important role in the income structure of the population. Other jobs are available in local small businesses and in the service sector, including in wood processing companies and in a rope factory. Over the past few decades, Grattavache has also developed into a residential community. Many employed people are therefore commuters who mainly work in the Bulle and Oron regions.


The village is located off the main thoroughfares on a connecting road from Semsales to Le Crêt. The next connection to the A12 motorway , which has been open continuously from Bern to Vevey since 1981 , is around 6 km from the town center. Grattavache is connected to the public transport network by the bus route from Oron-la-Ville to La Verrerie .


The first reliable documentary mention of the place Gratavache comes from the year 1668; the name is a combination of two words, of which the rear French vache corresponds to 'cow, cattle', the front is either associated with French gratter 'scratch'.

Since the Middle Ages , Grattavache was part of the Savoyard Kastlanei Rue. When Bern conquered Vaud in 1536, the village came under the rule of Friborg and was assigned to the Vogtei Rue . After the collapse of the Ancien Régime (1798), Grattavache belonged to what was then the Rue district during the Helvetic and the following period, before being incorporated into the Veveyse district in 1848. Grattavache does not have its own church, it belonged to the parish of Saint-Martin until 1665 and since then to the parish of Le Crêt.

As part of the community mergers promoted by the canton of Friborg since 2000, the voters of Grattavache voted in September 2003 with a majority of 97% for the merger of their community with Le Crêt and Progens . With effect from January 1, 2004, the municipality of La Verrerie was created , which was named after the former glassworks.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Florence Cattin, Andres Kristol: Grattavache FR (La Veveyse) In: Dictionnaire toponymique des communes suisses - Lexicon of Swiss municipality names - Dizionario toponomastico dei comuni svizzeri (DTS | LSG). Center de dialectologie, Université de Neuchâtel. Verlag Huber, Frauenfeld / Stuttgart / Vienna 2005, ISBN 3-7193-1308-5 and Éditions Payot, Lausanne 2005, ISBN 2-601-03336-3 , pp. 407f.