Hans-Wolfgang Nickel

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Hans-Wolfgang Nickel (2019)

Hans-Wolfgang Nickel (born August 3, 1933 in Dortmund ) is a German play and theater teacher .


Nickel studied in Saarbrücken ( art history , Romance studies , cultural history ), Paris (Romance studies, philosophy ), Vienna ( theater studies , folklore ), Berlin ( college of education : teacher studies , Free University : theater studies). After the teacher examination (1st and 2nd state examination ), a doctorate took placein Vienna (theater studies) on the topic: "German theater on Parisian stages". In 1959 the Berliner Lehrerbühne was founded, of which he was director until 1966, from 1961–1964 he worked as a teacher in a Berlin elementary school, at the same time he was a music teacher at a secondary school.

In 1964 he was appointed lecturer , then professor , at the Pädagogische Hochschule Berlin (later Hochschule der Künste / Universität der Künste ): Development of musical exercise into a separate subject "school game" (selectable as a 2nd elective in the teacher’s course), since 1973 together with Hans Martin Ritter . Nickel had intended "school play" not as a separate subject in schools, but as a method in lessons and as a theater group (without grades, exams). After the integration (1980) of the University of Education into the Berlin University of the Arts (HdK), later UdK ( University of the Arts ), the subject of school games became the subject of game and theater education . He has been Prof. emer. Since 1998.

Work (research)

Nickel is one of the founders of play and theater education in Germany and pioneers in the field of performing games .

From school he participated in the development and management of his own theater groups. B. at the Büchner high school : Leonce and Lena , Steguweit: Die Gans; the first Ionesco performance in Austria during his studies in Vienna : The Lesson ; as a teacher founding the Berlin teachers' stage; Establishment of the PH studio group at the university, also known as "mini-monos" because of their specialty in small improvisational theater forms (mini-mono-dramas) involving the audience. Regular participation in festivals and theater meetings (including Recklinghausen , Korbach ).

As a professor in the context of the theater education course at the HdK / UdK regularly gave a larger production in the winter semester; including the series "Old School Theater ":

  • Comenius : Schola Ludus (WS 1988/89)
  • Erasmus : Colloquia (WS 1989/90)
  • Endinger Judenspiel (WS 1990/91)
  • Comenius : Diogenes Cynicus (WS 1991/92)
  • Stummelius: Studentes (WS 1992/93)

He undertook extensive teaching and research trips at home and abroad a. a. To Austria , Switzerland , Israel , Philippines , Singapore , Thailand , Turkey , England , Chicago ( USA ), China , Mexico , Ecuador , Colombia , Peru , and Bolivia .


Regional cooperation took place with the Berlin Academy of the Arts , the Berlin State Working Group on Games and Theater (LAG), the Federal Working Group on Games and Theater (BAG) and the Goethe Institute . International cooperation took place with the Israeli amateur theater organization MILEV (Gideon Sarig), Tel Aviv ( Israel ), with the Foundation of Artists of the State Theater TOBAV ( Tamer Levent ), Ankara ( Turkey ) and with the association Sanat Kurumu (Inci San, Kadir Cevik) , Ankara and with the Zurich Acting Academy ( Felix Rellstab / Louis Naef), with the Theater Education Department of the Pestalozzianum Zurich SADS (Marcel Gubler), with the Theater Education Center of the Lucerne University of Education (Peter Züsli, today: Ursula Ulrich) and with the Brixen Theater Education Center (Heidi and Thomas Troi)


Hans-Wolfgang Nickel published (partly with others) from 1972 (Issue 1) to 1996 (Issue 36) the "Material booklets of the LAG Spiel und Amateurtheater Berlin". There are also numerous essays and contributions on topics in play and theater education, as well as a wealth of reviews. - Author for the Education and Science Union (GEW) since 1960, regular theater reviews for the GEW in the Berliner Lehrerzeitung (BLZ), today the Berliner Bildungszeitung (BBZ) since 1967


Selected editors and co-authors since 2004

  • Masks - an inventory with contributions from education, history, religion, theater, therapy . With Klaus Hoffmann and Uwe Krieger. Schibri, Milow 2004, ISBN 978-3-937895-03-1 .
  • Studying play and theater education . With Dagmar Dörger. Schibri, Milow 2005, ISBN 978-3-937895-21-5 .
  • Improvisational theater. An overview . With Dagmar Dörger. Schibri, Milow 2008, ISBN 978-3-937895-62-8 .
  • Play - theater - media in childhood education and social work. Schibri, Milow 2016, ISBN 978-3-86863-167-8 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gabi Beier: Nickel, Hans-Wolfgang . In: Gerd Koch / Marianne Streisand (Hrsg.): Dictionary of theater pedagogy . Schibri, Berlin, ISBN 3-933978-48-3 , p. 214 .
  2. İNCİ SAN BİYOGRAFİ. Accessed December 7, 2019 (German).
  3. Dagmar Dörger - Supervision. Accessed December 8, 2019 (German).