Hans R. Hedrich

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Robert Sterl : Minister Hedrich, 1929

Hans Richard Hedrich (born August 3, 1866 in Dresden ; † September 20, 1945 there ) was a German lawyer , civil servant and politician ( DDP ).


After graduating from high school, Hans Richard Hedrich studied law. He was from 1889 court clerk, was founded in 1894 Gerichtsassessor and doctorate also the doctor of law . In 1897 he joined the administrative service of the Saxon Ministry of Justice. In 1900 he was appointed finance councilor, in 1904 a lecturing councilor and a secret upper finance council, in 1917 a privy councilor and in 1918 a ministerial director.

During the time of the Weimar Republic , Hedrich joined the DDP. From 1919 to 1930 he was Saxony's deputy representative to the Reichsrat . From May 6, 1930 he was Minister of Economics and Finance of the Free State of Saxony under Prime Minister Walther Schieck . As such, he also acted as Saxony's representative to the Reichrat. With his ministerial colleagues, he came under pressure from the on March 10, 1933 NSDAP - Reichskommissar Manfred von Killinger resigned from his post. In 1935 he was appointed ministerial director to the Saxon Ministry of Finance.

In his will, Hedrich decreed that a charitable foundation should be set up, through which talented and needy students studying law at the Technical University of Dresden or at the University of Leipzig should receive financial help. The Dr. Hedrich Foundation is administered by the state capital Dresden.

See also


  • Calendar for the Saxon state officials to the year 1919 . Dresden 1919, p. 6 (short biography)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Law students can receive funding. In: dresden.de. State capital Dresden, April 10, 2002, accessed on August 15, 2015 .