Heinrich von Dampierre

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Engraving with the portrait of Heinrich von Dampierre, from Theatrum Europaeum from 1662
Statue in the Feldherrenhalle of the Army History Museum .

Heinrich Duval, Count von Dampierre (* 1580 at Château Hans in Champagne, † October 8, 1620 in Pressburg ) was an imperial field marshal and councilor at the beginning of the Thirty Years' War .


Dampierre initially served Emperor Rudolf II in Hungary and Transylvania , defeated the invaders in 1604, but was soon expelled from Transylvania by Stephan Bocskay and tried in vain to hold Gran against the Turks in 1605 . Thereupon appointed imperial councilor , chamberlain and colonel , he served against the Venetians from 1616-17 . Dampierre was from 1616 colonel owner of the Arquebusier regiment recruited in that year , as well as the cuirassier regiment set up in 1619, which later became the Kuk Bohemian Dragoon Regiment "Count Montecuccoli" No. 8, the oldest regiment of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy.

In the Bohemian unrest in 1618 he took Bistritz with a hastily assembled army and horrified Budweis , which was occupied by Count Thurn , but was forced to retreat due to a lack of supplies . In the following year he won with Karl von Bucquoy and Wallenstein near Tein on the Moldau over Ernst von Mansfeld and thereby liberated Vienna , but was then pushed back to Moravia.

Dampierre fell during the Bohemian War in 1620 while trying to take 10,000 men by surprise into the city and the Pressburg Castle . The head of his body was cut off from the dropouts. Gábor Bethlen first gave him a solemn burial, but then delivered the body at the instigation of the French ambassador to Vienna , where Emperor Ferdinand II himself took part in the new funeral act.


By the imperial resolution of Franz Joseph I. from 28 February 1863 Henry was of Dampierre in the list of "most famous, to the everlasting emulation worthy warlords and generals of Austria" added to their honor and memory of a life-size statue in the Feldherrenhalle of time The newly established Imperial and Royal Court Weapons Museum (today: Heeresgeschichtliches Museum Wien ) was built. The statue was created in 1867 by the sculptor Karl Costenoble from Carrara marble and was dedicated to its former owner by the 8th Dragoon Regiment .

Dampierrestrasse in Vienna's 14th district of Penzing has been named after him since 1899 .


Individual evidence

  1. Johann Christoph Allmayer-Beck : The Army History Museum Vienna. The museum and its representative rooms . Kiesel Verlag, Salzburg 1981, ISBN 3-7023-0113-5 , p. 31