Hugo Pelargus

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Hugo Pelargus (born February 5, 1861 in Stuttgart , † December 18, 1931 there ) was a royal Württemberg court ore caster in Stuttgart and a member of the Pelargus family of art foundries .


Pelargus learned his trade in Wilhelm Pelargus' father's business . He then studied at the arts and crafts school in Stuttgart and completed his practical time in ore foundries in Dresden , Lauchhammer and Vienna .

In 1885 he took over his father's workshop. Initially there was a lack of orders and he also had competition from Paul Stotz's ore foundry . In 1889 he was able to cast the monument for Duke Christoph (Württemberg) and from then on was allowed to call himself “Royal Court Ore Caster” because of the very good work he did. After this breakthrough, further orders followed and the workshop flourished. By the beginning of the First World War the foundry grew to 35 employees and five smelting furnaces and Hugo Pelargus received numerous honors, including the "Golden Medal for Art and Science on the Ribbon of the Order of Frederick" and the "Golden Medal Bene Merenti from Prince Leopold von Hohenzollern" .

When the war began in 1914, there were no orders and his only son and successor died in the course of the war. In November 1928, the Pelargus foundry ceased operations.

Works (selection)

Works destroyed or melted down during the war

  • Fountain at the Königin-Olga-Bau in Stuttgart (Otto König, 1888)
  • Group of figures for the Paulinenbrunnen in Stuttgart (Adolf von Donndorf, 1898)
  • Frankfurt Schützenbrunnen (Rudolf Eckardt, 1892)
  • Frankfurt Kaiser Wilhelm I monument (Clemens Buscher, 1896)
  • War memorial, Mannheim (Hermann Volz, 1896)
  • Figure groups "Trade" and "Trade" in the State Trade Museum Stuttgart (Emil Hundrieser)
  • Monument to Karl Gerok at the Old Palace, Stuttgart (Adolf von Donndorf, 1898)
  • Statues of German emperors for the Freiburg Kaiserbrücke (1900)
  • Statue of King Karl I for the König-Karls-Brücke, Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt (Emil Kiemlen, 1906)
  • Monument to Berthold Auerbach (Hermann Volz, 1909)
  • Statue of Duke Konrad von Zähringen for niche on the balcony in front of the council chamber of the New Town Hall in Freiburg ( Fridolin Dietsche , 1900, exhibited at the Paris World Exhibition in 1900 and melted down during World War II)



The Stuttgart Brünnele Foundation arranged the reconstruction of the Paulinenbrunnen. The copy of the originally existing group of figures "Mother's Love" was made by the Strassacker art foundry on behalf of the foundation. The replenishment took place in Weimar, where in addition to New York and Zwittau there is a copy of "Mother's Love".


  • Wolfgang W. Kress: From tin to ore. The Stuttgart art ore foundry family Pelargus . In: Schwäbische Heimat , Vol. 38, 1987, ISSN  0342-7595 , pp. 100-111.
  • Hans Huth, Eugen Reinhard: The art monuments of the city district of Mannheim . Deutscher Kunstverlag, Munich 1982, ISBN 3-422-00556-0 .
  • Gotthilf Kleemann: Solitude Palace near Stuttgart. Construction, heyday, decline . Klett Verlag, Stuttgart 1966, ( Publications of the Stuttgart City Archives 19, ISSN  0934-8743 ).
  • Rudolf Krauss:  Kopp, Karl . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 51, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1906, p. 336 f.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karl Schmid, Hans Schadek: The Zähringer. Volume 2: Impulse and Effect. Thorbecke, Sigmaringen 1986, ISBN 3-7995-7041-1 , p. 368 f.