Info radio

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Infobox radio tower icon
Info radio
Station logo
Radio station ( public service )
reception analog terrestrial , DAB + , cable , satellite
Reception area Brandenburg and Berlin
Start of transmission August 28, 1995
Broadcaster Broadcasting Berlin-Brandenburg
Intendant Patricia Schlesinger
List of radio stations

Inforadio is a public news broadcaster in Berlin and Brandenburg , based in Berlin.


The Inforadio went on air on August 28, 1995 as a cooperation model between ORB and SFB and is now part of Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB). The model was the information channel of Bayerischer Rundfunk, B5 aktuell .

Inforadio broadcasts live news with weather and traffic services every 20 minutes. Sports, stock market and cultural news are alternately inserted before the main news (once every hour) in compact format. In between, radio advertising , interviews , background reports and comments are broadcast, and longer discussions and sports broadcasts (e.g. Bundesliga soccer) are broadcast during off-peak times, at night and on weekends . The program of the ARD information night will be broadcast from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m.

The messages are also offered in text form on the Internet, and numerous reports are also available as audio files. Inforadio also offers numerous podcasts, including a. in the ARD audio library. Inforadio can be received worldwide as a live stream.

The radio program is produced and broadcast by the RBB in Berlin, in the Haus des Rundfunks . The studios and the main editorial room were located on the two floors of the former information pavilion of the RBB television center for more than twelve years. However, these rooms were no longer sufficient, so that new editorial rooms and studios for Inforadio were built in the courtyard of the main complex. Broadcasting began there on April 18, 2008. The radio advertising is distributed by "media sales & services GmbH", a company of "rbb media GmbH" in Berlin, and produced in recording studios that are also responsible for the speakers, the music composition, the sound design and the sound mixing.

Editor-in-chief has been David Biesinger, who came to Berlin from SWR, since March 2013.

Inforadio's claim is: “We love the why.” The target group are “educated, information-interested listeners between 20 and 59 years”.


previous logo of the broadcaster




electric wire



See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Inforadio - advertising in an attention-grabbing program . media sales & services GmbH, rbb. Retrieved October 9, 2017.
  2. The place for your advertising . media sales & services GmbH. Retrieved October 9, 2017.
  3. Inforadio - advertising in an attention-grabbing program . media sales & services GmbH. Retrieved October 9, 2017.