Ion Chicu

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Ion Chicu (2019)

Ion Chicu (born February 28, 1972 in Pîrjolteni , Călărași district , Moldovan SSR ) is a Moldovan politician who has been Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova since November 14, 2019 after his predecessor Maia Sandu was overthrown in a vote of no confidence in the Moldovan parliament . He is considered a technocrat and does not belong to any party.


He graduated from the Faculty of Management at the Academy of Economics of the Republic of Moldova ( Academia de Studii Economice a Moldovei ). In 2005 he worked as director of the General Directorate for Structural Reforms of the Ministry of Economy and Trade. In the mid-late 2000s he was Moldova's Deputy Minister of Finance. From April 2008 to September 2009 he was Prime Minister Vasile Tarlev's top state advisor on economic and foreign affairs. He was also chairman of the Strategic Development Council of the Nicolae Testemițanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy ( Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie "Nicolae Testemițanu") and worked as a public finance management consultant on various projects. In January 2018 he was appointed Secretary General of the Ministry of Finance and in December of that year he was appointed Minister of Finance. He resigned from this post during the Moldovan constitutional crisis in 2019, which toppled the Pavel Filip government. On November 14, 2019, Prime Minister Maia Sandu's government was ousted by a vote of no confidence after attempts were made to pass laws to change the judicial system. With the support of just over 62 of the 101 MPs, Chicu was installed as the new Prime Minister.

Chicu is married and has three children.

Individual evidence

  1. Moldova's fledgling government felled by no-confidence vote . In: Reuters . November 12, 2019 ( [accessed November 28, 2019]).
  2. a b Moldovan Parliament Approves New 'Technocratic' Government. Accessed November 28, 2019 .