Isa multiply

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Isa Vermehren (born April 21, 1918 in Lübeck ; † July 15, 2009 in Bonn ) was a German cabaret artist , film actress and later a religious sister .


Isa Vermehren spent childhood, youth and school days in her hometown Lübeck, where her grandfather Julius Vermehren , senator, and father Kurt Vermehren initially worked as lawyers. Because she refused to greet the swastika flag , she was expelled from the Ernestinenschule grammar school in the spring of 1933 . She then moved to Berlin with her mother, the journalist Petra Vermehren . While Petra Vermehren was hired in April 1934 on the recommendation of the Berlin lawyer and friend of the Paul Leverkuehn family as the first woman in the foreign policy editorship of the Berliner Tageblatt , the editor of the cross section , Hermann von Wedderkop , brought Isa Vermehren to the political-literary cabaret of Werner Finck , the catacomb in Berlin, to perform. There she quickly became known at the same time as Ursula Herking . With her taunts against the Nazi regime, Isa Vermehren was considered a young talent in the Berlin cabaret . Her trademark "Agathe" became her accordion , to which she sang lively sea shanties and graceful love ballads. Her song Eine Seefahrt, which is funny , in which she cunningly caricatured Nazi greats, appeared on record and became a box-office hit. In addition to well-known UFA stars, she took on roles in numerous films. During the Second World War , Isa Vermehren was called up to look after the troops at the front.

In 1935 the "catacomb" was closed by order of the National Socialists . Isa Vermehren made up her Abitur at night school. In 1938 she was accepted into the Catholic Church.

Vermehren belonged to the Solf circle , which was critical of the regime . After one of her brothers, Erich Vermehren , defected to the British as a diplomat in 1944, she was arrested with her parents and her other brother Michael and interned as part of the “ kin detention ”. She survived her stay in the Ravensbrück , Buchenwald and Dachau concentration camps . As a member of the hostage transport of concentration camp prisoners and clan prisoners , she was deported to South Tyrol and freed from the hands of the SS in Niederdorf on April 30, 1945 by Captain Wichard von Alvensleben . She described the experiences of those days in her book Journey through the Last Act in 1946 , in which she also contributed to a misinterpretation of the Hitler assassin Georg Elser . In 1947 she took on a role in Helmut Käutner's rubble film In those days .

Since Isa Vermehren wanted to join a religious order , she studied Catholic theology , German, English, history and philosophy at the University of Bonn from 1946 to 1951 . There she actively promoted the student cabaret "Wintergärtchen" from 1949 to 1951 . On September 15, 1951, she entered the Sacred Heart Monastery of St. Adelheid of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus who worked in the education of girls in Pützchen . The superiors of the order recognized Isa Vermehren's ability to convey demanding content in a lively manner. She was allowed to teach and from 1961 was entrusted with the management of the Sankt-Adelheid-Gymnasium in Beuel-Pützchen; from 1969 until she retired in 1983 she was the director of the Sophie Barat School in Hamburg .

Again Sister Isa became known to a wide audience when she spoke from 1983 to 1995 on ARD Das Wort zum Sonntag . Most recently she lived again in the Sacred Heart Monastery in Bonn-Pützchen, where she found her final resting place in the monastery cemetery. Her accordion "Agathe" is in the house of history .


At the end of 2016, Sr. Isa's previously unpublished diaries from 1950 to 2009 were published by Patrimonium-Verlag in Aachen . For the years from 1950 to 1960, only handwritten notes were used as the basis for the edition; from 1961, typewritten notes were also available. In terms of content, they span a wide range from Isa Vermehren's entry into the monastery to her death in 2009.


"In order to be fair to ourselves, we have to move a little further away from ourselves."

- Isa multiply



  • 1934: Music in the blood.
  • 1934: Say hello to the cart again.
  • 1935: Knock Out.
  • 1935: A sea voyage is fun.
  • 1941: The girl from Fanö.
  • 1947: In those days .

Television broadcasts


Years of first publication only partially secured

Sound carrier

  • Love is beautiful in the harbor . (Bazant / Schachner) Lecture: Isa Vermehren and Erwin Hartung with choir and small accompanying orchestra, 1935, Telefunken No. A 1786
  • A sea voyage is fun . (Borders / Schultze) Adalbert Lutter and the Telefunken Dance Orchestra, vocals: Isa Vermehren and Erwin Hartung with choir, 1935, Telefunken Nr.A 1821
  • On the Reeperbahn at half past twelve . (Ralph Arthur Robert) Adalbert Lutter with his orchestra, vocals: Isa Vermehren and Erwin Hartung with choir and vocal quartet, 1936, Telefunken No. A 2096
  • The song about the crumple chest of drawers . (Nick / Giesen) Singing: Isa Vermehren with accompanying orchestra under the direction of Edmund Nick , 1938, Telefunken No. 2722
  • Wind force 12: sea shanties and ballads . Compact Disc (28 titles), 2002, Edition Berliner Musenkinder. LC 08681
  • I'm not always loud ... - From cabaret to monastery - The long way of Isa Vermehren . Audio book with original recordings, 2005, read by Judy Winter , Duophon

Honors and prizes


  • Matthias Wegner : A big heart. Multiply the two lives of Isa . Claassen, Munich 2003, ISBN 3-546-00339-X ; (= List-Taschenbuch 60516), Ullstein, Berlin 2004, ISBN 3-548-60516-8 .
  • Barbara Degen: "The heart beats in Ravensbrück". The commemorative culture of women (= writings from the House of Women's History. Vol. 5). Barbara Budrich, Opladen et al. 2010, ISBN 978-3-86649-288-2 , (biographies attached ; PDF; 1.2 MB).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. actually: Wilhelmine Petra, she used her middle name Petra first as an author's name and later exclusively, see Margret Boveri : Branches. An autobiography. Edited and with an afterword by Uwe Johnson . Piper, Munich 1977, ISBN 3-492-02309-6 , p. 230.
  2. Time: Strength through Faith - cabaret singer and religious sister
  3. Article: Isa Vermehren is dead on July 17th, 2009 on Orden, accessed online on July 17th, 2009
  4. Isa Vermehren in the entry Hanna Kiep ( Memento from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) at
  5. Peter Koblank: The Liberation of Special Prisoners and Kinship Prisoners in South Tyrol , online edition Mythos Elser 2006
  6. Peter Koblank: Forty thousand marks for a time bomb , online edition Mythos Elser 2010
  7. Isa Vermehren: The Christian today in search of his identity. Recktenwald, Cologne 2000.
  8. ^ A wide heart ( Memento from December 3, 2016 in the Internet Archive ),, accessed on March 30, 2013
  9. SS documentary game on Arte - 139 prisoners on the journey into the unknown on .