Israil Mendelevich Razgon

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Israil Mendelevich Rasgon ( Russian Израиль Менделевич Разгон * April 1 . Jul / 14. April  1905 greg. In Gorki , Mogilev Governorate ; † 16th February 1987 in Tomsk ) was a Russian historian and university lecturer .


Rasgon was the son of the Jewish craftsman Mendel Abramowitsch Rasgon (1878-1942) and his wife Glika Israilewna nee Shapiro (1880-1955). He visited the cheder . After a conflict with the Rebbe , his parents sent him to a Russian school. In 1923 the family moved to Moscow . In 1927 Rasgon began studying at the 2nd Moscow State University (originated in 1918 from the Moscow Higher Courses for Women initiated by Vladimir Ivanovich Guerrier ) in the sociological - economic department of the pedagogical faculty . In 1928 he joined the CPSU . The Faculty of Education soon became the Pedagogical Institute , where Rasgon graduated from in 1931.

After graduation, Rasgon worked at the Moscow Institute of Philosophy , Literature and History (MIFLI), where he became a lecturer at the Department of History of the Peoples of the USSR in 1934 , and at Moscow University (MGU). His main areas of work were the October Revolution and the Russian Civil War . In 1940 he received his doctorate in history .

After the start of the German-Soviet War , Rasgon was evacuated to Ashgabat with colleagues and students from the MIFLI in September 1941 . In March 1942 Rasgon was recalled to Moscow. In 1942 he became a professor at the Department of History of the USSR at the MGU History Faculty. As a co-author of the second volume of the five-volume work on the Russian Civil War, he received the Stalin Prize 1st class in 1943 . He and the other award winners handed over the prize money to the Foundation for Defense in support of the fighting troops. Together with Isaak Israelewitsch Minz and Arkadi Lavrowitsch Sidorow , Rasgon wrote a monograph on the German-Soviet war.

After the anti-Semitic campaign began , Rasgon was locked out by the MGU in March 1949 and sent to work in Siberia . He headed the Chair of History at Tomsk University (TGU). 1952–1953 he also taught at the Pedagogical Institute in Tomsk . 1956-1958 he was also an employee of the Moscow Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR . In 1958 he became head of the Department of History of the USSR and remained so until 1986 when he became an advisory professor at the TGU. His students included Andrei Ivanovich Kruschanow , Yuri Alexandrovich Polyakov , Leonid Mikhailovich Gorjuschkin , Nikolai Vasilievich Blinov , Leonid Ivanovich Boschenko , Mikhail Sergeevich Kuznetsov , Sergei Fyodorovich Fominych and Mikhail Borissovich .

Rasgon was the chairman of the Presidium of the Tomsk Oblast Society for the Preservation of Historical and Cultural Monuments. He organized and headed the Tomsk Department of the All-Union Society of Knowledge and the Tomsk Department of the All-Russian Society for the Preservation of Historical and Cultural Monuments. With others he initiated the establishment of the scientific research laboratory for history, archeology and ethnography of Siberia and headed the October Revolution department there.

Rasgon's younger brother was the writer Lev Emmanuilowitsch Rasgon .

In 1995, an all-Russian symposium on the history of the revolutions in Russia was held in Tomsk on Razgon’s 90th birthday .

Honors, prizes

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l Библиотека сибирского краеведения: Разгон Израиль Менделевич (accessed October 18, 2018).
  2. a b Tomsk State University: РАЗГОН Израиль Менделевич (accessed October 18, 2018).
  3. a b Исторический факультет Томского государственного университета: РАЗГОН Израиль Менделевич (accessed October 18, 2018).
  4. Александров Г. Ф., Минц И. И., Поспелов П. Н., Ярославский Ем., Генкина Э. Б., Городецкий Е. Н., Разгон И. М., Товстуха И. П .: Великая пролетарская революция (Октябрь – ноябрь 1917 года) . Государственное издательство политической литературы, Moscow 1943 ( [accessed October 18, 2018]).
  5. II Minz, IM Rasgon, AL Sidorov: The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union . SWA-Verlag, Berlin 1947.