Jörg Lehne

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Jörg Lehne (born May 6, 1936 in Berlin ; † July 23, 1969 at the Grandes Jorasses ) was a German mountaineer.


Jörg Lehne, who was born in Berlin and grew up in Rosenheim , attended high school and trained as a typesetter . He then attended engineering school and most recently worked as a management assistant in a large graphic company in Stuttgart .

After climbing a lot as a child, he began mountaineering in 1950 and joined Siegfried Löw in 1954 to form one of the most successful rope teams in the Alps. They undertook challenging rock climbing in the Kaiser Mountains , in the Mont Blanc Group and the Dolomites, among others . In 1958, together with Dietrich Hasse and Lothar Brandler , they succeeded in the first ascent of the direct north face of the Große Zinne ( 2999  m ). In 1959 the two succeeded in the first winter ascent of the Rotwand ( 2806  m ) via the Hermann Buhl Memorial Trail (VIII / VI A2). In 1959, the first winter ascent of the "direct east face" of the meat bank ( 2187  m ) followed. In February 1960 he made an unsuccessful first winter ascent of the Eiger north face ( 3967  m ) with Löw and Brandler .

As a participant in the Herrligkoffer expedition to the Diamir flank of Nanga Parbat in 1961, Lehne played the key role in overcoming a slab wall at a height of almost 6000  m . However, the ascent to the summit failed at 7150  m due to waist-high fresh snow. In February / March 1966, as the leader of a German rope team, he was involved in the first ascent of the summit fall line of the Eiger north face. The German rope team had merged with a British-American team after the leader of this rope team had a fatal accident. In commemoration, they therefore named their route John Harlin - Direttissima .

At the end of July 1969 Lehne died while bivouacking on the Walker pillar of the Grandes Jorasses ( 4208  m ) from falling rocks , and his climbing partner Karl Golikow suffered a thigh fracture. Lehne left behind a wife and two children.


In August 1969 he was buried in the Rosenheim cemetery.

In 1971 Herrligkoffer named a tour to the Rakaposhi Jörg Lehne Memorial Expedition . In climbing area Northern Frankenjura there is a climbing route called Jörg Lehne Gedenkweg .

Known ascents

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