Joachim von Beust

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Portrait painting by Joachim von Beust

Joachim von Beust (born April 19, 1522 in Möckern , † February 4, 1597 in Planitz ) was a German lawyer .


He was born the son of Captain von Möckern Achim von Beust. Coming from an old Brandenburg family whose ancestral property was in today's Stendal district , he is the progenitor of all people still living with the name von Beust . From the summer semester 1539 he studied law in Leipzig , occupied himself with humanistic studies and in the summer semester 1540 acquired the degree of a Baccalaureus of the Seven Liberal Arts . This is how he came into contact with Martin Luther and committed to his teachings early on.

In 1544 he went to Italy at the instigation of Modestinus Pistoris , studied in Bologna in 1547 , obtained his doctorate in law in 1548 and continued his studies in Siena . When the Elector Moritz von Sachsen called the Wittenberg court in Wittenberg back to life on July 28, 1550 , he named Benedikt Pauli , Michel Teubner and von Beust as assessors. This was connected to a professorship in Digest, on May 22, 1552 he matriculated at the University of Wittenberg. As an advice he served the sovereigns in various legal transactions of various kinds and was also appointed professor of law at the University of Wittenberg in 1550 .

As such, he was promoted to the second professorship at the law faculty in 1555. In 1553, Elector August of Saxony appointed him a member of the council, which he not only retained under Elector Christian I , but also worked with the Princes of Anhalt with the approval of the Elector from 1565 .

In 1556 he married in Wittenberg, had a house there and later, through the death of several brothers, acquired a manor in Planitz, today's district of Zwickau , in 1580 . In the summer semester 1562 he was dean of the law faculty, in the winter semester 1555/56, in the winter semester 1569/70, in the summer semester 1578 he was the rector's office of Leucorea and in 1580 was appointed to the consortium that had moved from Meissen to Dresden , where he now set up his residence , but was formally recorded in the university until 1588. Through his legal work he was also involved in the theological disputes of that time. From Dresden he worked as a visitor in 1592 and retired to Planitz in 1593 due to his advanced age, where he died in February 1597.

His main legal work "Tractatus de sponsalibus et matrimoniis ad praxin forensem accommodatus" (Wittenberg 1586), goes back to the academic work of the author. This was intended to serve as a guide for judges through the as yet underdeveloped evangelical marriage law. With this work he became the founder of the Saxon Protestant marriage law. He has also appeared as a poet.

From his marriage to Barbara Brandt von Lindau in Wiesenburg on August 2, 1556, only his son Heinrich von Beust, who was born on July 13, 1559 in Wittenberg, is known. He was married to Barbara Löser zu Leupnitz and had five sons and three daughters.

Selection of works

  • Tractatus De Ivre Connvbiorvm Et Dotivm Ad Praxin Forensem Accomodatvs. Spies, Wittenberg 1591, digitized .
  • Tractatvs de Sponsalibvs et Matrimoniis Ad Praxim Forensem Accommodatvs. Crato Erben, Wittenberg 1586, digitized .
  • Lectvra In Titvlvm Digesti Veteris De Iureiurando. Crato, Wittenberg 1576, digitized .
  • Christiados libellvs. sn, Wittenberg 1572, digitized .
  • Oratio de legum et ordinis politici dignitate. sn, Wittenberg 1561.


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