Johann Joseph Christian

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Johann Joseph Christian (born February 12, 1706 in Riedlingen , † June 22, 1777 ibid) was a German sculptor , wood carver and plasterer of the Rococo . His main works are the choir stalls of the monastery churches Zwiefalten and Ottobeuren on the Oberschwäbische Barockstraße .

Stuckengel in Zwiefalten


Christian grew up as the son of a teacher who moved to the Austrian town of Riedlingen an der Donau in 1705 . In Biberach an der Riss he was apprenticed to Johann Eucharius Hermann. In 1728 he returned to Riedlingen and married Maria Jacobine Roisine Wocherin from his stepmother's homeland, the monastery village of Wald , without the permission of the Riedlingen magistrate . In 1731 he worked for the Bishop of Constance in Wilflingen , which was followed by various smaller orders in the region. In 1736 he was able to acquire Riedling citizenship against a kind of bail.

Christian's rare double talent as a wood carver and stucco sculptor, which besides him only the somewhat older Joseph Anton Feuchtmayer could show in this quality , quickly made him known. He was commissioned to furnish the monastery church of Our Lady in Zwiefalten , for which he created numerous stucco figures for the high altar and church in collaboration with the carpenter Martin Hermann , with wooden choir stalls richly decorated with gilded wooden reliefs. At the same time, the painter Franz Joseph Spiegler and the plasterer Johann Michael Feuchtmayer also worked in Zwiefalten.

Christian then worked in the same role in furnishing the monastery church in Ottobeuren (1755–1767), for which he in turn created the choir stalls with Hermann. In Ottobeuren, too, Spiegler met JM Feuchtmayer again.

After his two main works, Christian created even larger works for the parish church in Unlingen and for the Buchau collegiate church . Apart from longer work trips, Christian lived all his life in his hometown Riedlingen, most recently in the so-called Zwiefaltener Hof (today Sparkasse).

Christian and his wife had ten children, five of whom survived childhood. His son Karl Anton Christian (1731-1810) became abbot of the St. Trudpert monastery in the Black Forest under the monastery name Columban . His younger son Franz Joseph Christian (1739–1798) also became a sculptor and took over his father's workshop. Christian Jorhan (the elder) , Franz Magnus Hops , Joseph Hörr and, for stylistic reasons, probably also the later Hohenzollern court sculptor Johann Georg Weckenmann are among Christian's students or employees .


Choir stalls in the parish church of St. Gallus in Bregenz, created in 1742 for the monastery church in Mehrerau
  • Four evangelists and crucifix (wood), Benzingen parish church , 1732
  • Crucifixion group with Maria and Johannes (wood), Meßkirch Castle Chapel (today Emmingen parish church from Egg ), 1738
  • St. Nicholas (stone), Mochental Castle Chapel , 1740
  • High altarpiece , Church of Our Lady Saulgau, Lautlingen parish church since 1912
  • St. Joseph's Altar with St. Meinrad and Fidelis (wood), Josephskapelle Sigmaringen , 1741
  • Choir stalls , Mehrerau Abbey near Bregenz (today in the parish church of St. Gallus Bregenz), 1742
  • Choir stalls and stucco sculpture , Münster of Our Lady Zwiefalten , 1744–1755
  • St. Apollonnia, Sebastian and John the Baptist (wood), Feldhausen parish church , 1745
  • St. Magnus (stucco), St. Magnus Chapel, Gossenzugen near Zwiefalten, 1749
  • Many miracles cross (wood), Marienkapelle Ertingen , 1755
  • Choir stalls and stucco , St. Alexander and Theodor , Basilica of the Ottobeuren Monastery , 1755–1767
  • High altar with St. Karl Borromeo and Johann Nepomuk (stucco), parish church Maria Immaculata Unlingen , 1774–1776
  • Stucco sculpture , Collegiate Church of St. Cornelius and Cyprianus , Bad Buchau, 1774–1776 (completed by FJ Christian)
  • Fürstenberg epitaph (stucco), parish church of St. Martin Meßkirch , 1775–1776
  • Models for the stucco reliefs and choir stalls , Wiblingen Abbey Church , 1776 (executed by FJ Christian)
  • Mary as Mother of Sorrows , chapel in Datthausen near Obermarchtal
  • Crucifix , Daugendorf parish church near Riedlingen


Web links

Commons : Johann Joseph Christian  - Collection of images, videos and audio files