Johann Nepomuk Schaller

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Johann Nepomuk Schaller, etching by Franz Xaver Stöber , 1834

Johann Nepomuk Schaller (born March 30, 1777 in Vienna ; † February 16, 1842 there ) was an Austrian sculptor .


Johann Nepomuk Schaller was the younger brother of the painter Anton Ferdinand Schaller . From 1789 he attended the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts , where Hubert Maurer was his teacher. From 1792 he switched to the sculpting class of Antonio Grassi and Franz Anton von Zauner . As early as 1791, he was also an apprentice boss at the porcelain factory. In 1801 he became a master modeler and in 1811 a master modeler. Schaller's love for porcelain remained throughout his life, so that he was the artistic advisor to the porcelain factory until his death.

1812–1823 Schaller stayed in Rome on a scholarship . There he had contact with the Nazarenes and with the important sculptors Antonio Canova and Bertel Thorvaldsen . King Ludwig I wanted to call Schaller to Munich , which he refused. Nevertheless, he made busts for his Valhalla .

In 1823 he returned to Vienna and became a professor of sculpture at the academy. He had a strong influence on the following generation of artists. Josef Gasser was one of his students . His studio was in the Frühwirtschen Haus in what is now Technikerstraße 9. Schaller first lived at Joanelligasse 2 and 8, and then at Wickenburggasse 8. He died in the suburb of Laimgrube in what is now Dürergasse 1. He was later given a grave the Vienna Central Cemetery .

In 1907, Schallergasse in Vienna- Meidling was named after the sculptor. His brother Anton's sons were also artistically active in the family tradition: Eduard Schaller (1802–1848) became a history and church painter , Ludwig Schaller (1804–1865) became a sculptor.

Clemens Fürst von Metternich, 1827, marble, Bavarian National Museum

Works (selection)

Johann Nepomuk Schaller was an important Austrian sculptor. Stylistically, he stood between classicism and romantic historicism . As a porcelain artist, he made a number of busts of members of the imperial family.

  • Philoctetes - Wounded Warrior (Vienna, Österreichische Galerie Belvedere , inv. No. 2289), 1808/09, lead
  • Empress Maria Ludovica (Vienna, Österreichische Galerie Belvedere,, 1814, Carrara marble
  • The young Cupid (Vienna, Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, inv. No. 4202), 1815/16, marble
  • Bellerophon fighting the Chimaira (Vienna, Österreichische Galerie Belvedere), 1821, marble, 210 cm
  • Black Mother of God (Vienna, Konventhof des Schottenstiftes ), 1825, cast iron
  • Statue of Andreas Hofer ( Innsbruck , Hofkirche ), 1827–33
  • Saint Margaret (Vienna, fountain figure on Margaretenplatz ), 1836, lead
  • Beethoven bust (London, Philharmonic Society)
  • Busts in the Walhalla near Regensburg


Web links

Commons : Johann Nepomuk Schaller  - Collection of images, videos and audio files