Cabinet Davíð Oddsson III

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Davíð Oddsson was Prime Minister of Iceland from 1991 to 2004 , when he formed four cabinets

The cabinet Davíð Oddsson III was a government of the Democratic Republic of Iceland proclaimed on June 17, 1944 ( Icelandic Lýðveldið Ísland ) . It was formed on May 28, 1999 and replaced the Davíð Oddsson II cabinet . It remained in office until May 23, 2003, after which it was replaced by the Davíð Oddsson IV cabinet .

The cabinet included members of the Independence Party (Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn) and the Progressive Party (Framsóknarflokkurinn) .

Government members

Office Official Beginning of the term of office Term expires
prime minister Davíð Oddsson May 28, 1999 May 23, 2003
Minister of Statistics (Hagstofa Íslands) Davíð Oddsson May 28, 1999 May 23, 2003
Foreign minister Halldór Ásgrímsson May 28, 1999 May 23, 2003
Minister of Fisheries Árni M. Mathiesen May 28, 1999 May 23, 2003
Minister of Education Björn Bjarnason
Tomas Ingi Olrich
May 28, 1999
March 2, 2002
March 2, 2002
May 23, 2003
Minister for Industry and Trade
Minister for Industry and Trade
Finnur Ingólfsson
Valgerður Sverrisdóttir
May 8, 1999
December 31, 1999
December 31, 1999
May 23, 2003
Finance minister Geir Haarde May 28, 1999 May 23, 2003
Minister of Agriculture Guðni Ágústsson May 28, 1999 May 23, 2003
Minister of Health and Social Security
Minister of Health and Social Security
Ingibjörg Pálmadóttir
Jón Kristjánsson
May 28, 1999
April 14, 2001
April 14, 2001
May 23, 2003
Minister of Social Affairs Páll Pétursson May 28, 1999 May 23, 2003
Environment Minister Siv Friðleifsdóttir May 28, 1999 May 23, 2003
Minister of Justice and Minister for Church Affairs Sólveig Pétursdóttir May 28, 1999 May 23, 2003
Minister of transport Sturla Böðvarsson May 28, 1999 May 23, 2003

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