Canton of Tartas-Est

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Canton of Tartas-Est
region Aquitaine
Department Country
Arrondissement Dax
main place Tartas
Dissolution date March 29, 2015
Residents 5,688 (Jan 1, 2012)
Population density 33 inhabitants / km²
surface 170.29 km²
Communities 8th
INSEE code 4026

The Canton Tartas-Est was 2015 a French constituency in the district Dax , in the Landes department and in the region of Aquitaine ; its main town was Tartas .

The canton of Tartas-Est was on average 42  m high, between 8 meters in Audon and 84 meters in Le Leuy .


The canton consisted of eight municipalities:

local community Residents Code postal Code Insee
Audon 275 40400 40018
Carcarès-Sainte-Croix 434 40400 40066
Gouts 238 40400 40116
Lamothe 316 40250 40143
Le Leuy 204 40250 40153
Meilhan 998 40400 40180
Souprosse 1,068 40250 40309
Tartas 2,844 (1) 40400 40313

(1) partially. The indicated number of inhabitants is that of the entire municipality.