Karl von Stünzner

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Karl Stünzner , from 1874 von Stünzner (born November 11, 1839 in Frankfurt (Oder) , † April 2, 1914 in Fürstenwalde ) was a Prussian general of the cavalry .


On April 20, 1902, von Stünzner and Alfred von Waldersee took part in the unveiling of the Rosenberg monument in Hanover by Kaiser Wilhelm II ;
Newspaper printing based on a photo by court photographer Wilhelm Höffert

On April 1, 1859, Stünzner joined the Kaiser Franz Garde Grenadier Regiment of the Prussian Army as a one-year volunteer . At the end of February 1860 he joined the cavalry and was employed with the prospect of promotion in the Uhlan Regiment No. 3 . There he was promoted to Portepeefähnrich on July 12, 1860 and to secondary lieutenant on December 13, 1860 . As such, he took part in the campaign against Austria in 1866 and after the peace treaty came to the Dragoon Regiment No. 9 in Osnabrück . For the next three years, Stünzner completed the war academy and in the meantime has advanced to prime lieutenant . During the war against France he took part with his regiment in the battles at Vionville , Gravelotte , Noisseville , Beaune-la-Rolande and Le Mans . In addition, Stünzner worked at the siege of Metz and received the Iron Cross, 2nd class.

After the end of the war , he was ordered to serve with the Great General Staff on October 21, 1871, and he was transferred here with his promotion to captain on June 20, 1872. By conferring hereditary Prussian nobility on February 18, 1872, Stünzner was ennobled on February 18, 1874. On October 12, 1875, he was transferred to Magdeburg to the General Staff of the IV Army Corps . There Stünzner was transferred to the Major on October 18, 1879 and again to the General Staff on July 6, 1882. For a short time from June to October 1886 he was responsible for representing the commander of the 2nd Guard Uhlan Regiment on leave . He was then ordered to represent the commander of Uhlan Regiment No. 10 and on December 11, 1886, Stünzner was given command of this association . In this position he was promoted to lieutenant colonel on March 22, 1887 , was appointed chief of the general staff of the X Army Corps on July 13, 1887 and promoted to colonel on July 21, 1889 .

With the takeover of the 9th Cavalry Brigade in Glogau on July 28, 1892, he rose to major general . This was followed by a position as senior quartermaster from November 15, 1894 . At the same time, Stünzner also acted as a member of the study commission of the War Academy. On July 18, 1896 he was promoted to lieutenant general and on June 2, 1897 appointed commander of the 2nd division in Königsberg . From October 17, 1899, Stünzner was commanding general of the X. Army Corps in Hanover and was promoted to general of the cavalry on September 14, 1900 in this position. Under position à la suite of the Uhlan regiment "Prince August von Württemberg" (Posensches) No. 10, Stünzner was put up for disposition on 7 February 1908 with the statutory pension in approval of his resignation request. For his many years of service, Wilhelm II made him Knight of the Order of the Black Eagle .

Stünzner married Wilhelmine Loewe from Breslau (* 1848) on February 4, 1870 . From this marriage the sons Karl and Werner and the daughters Julie and Martina emerged.


Web links

Commons : Karl von Stünzner  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. data differ. Here according to German Biographical Yearbook , transition volume 1: 1914–1916, list of dead 1914, p. 335.
  2. Who is it? Our contemporaries. 4th edition 1909, p. 339.