Klaus Habetha

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Klaus Habetha (born February 14, 1932 in Berlin ) is a German mathematician and former rector of RWTH Aachen University .

Klaus Habetha


After graduating from high school in 1950, Habetha studied mathematics , physics and chemistry at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main and at the Free University of Berlin . At the Free University of Berlin he received his doctorate in 1959. rer. nat., from 1957 he worked at the TU Berlin , where he completed his habilitation in 1962. At the TU Berlin, Habetha initially received a position as a scientific advisor and professor from 1967 and moved two years later to the University of Dortmund , where he was appointed full professor. In addition to his work at Dortmund University, Habetha was a member of the founding committee of the Hagen Open University, founded in 1974, in the early 1970s .

In 1975, Habetha accepted a call to RWTH Aachen University, where he was transferred to the mathematics department for engineers at the mathematics and natural science faculty on July 1st. Here he worked until his retirement in 1997 and in the meantime headed the university as successor to Hans-Dieter Ohlenbusch from 1987 to 1997 with the second longest term after August von Kaven as its rector. During the time of his rectorate he also took over the office of chairman of the state rectors 'conference of North Rhine-Westphalia from 1994 to 1996 and in 1996/98 that of spokesman for the universities within the university rectors' conference , so he was also its vice-president.

After his retirement, Habetha was still a member of the Board of Trustees of the Technical University of Chemnitz from 1998 to 2004 , where he played a key role in the modernization of the TU Chemnitz in several appointment commissions and acted as a competent advisor to the Rectorate. In addition, Habetha was a member of the University Council of Clausthal University of Technology .

In 1998, RWTH Aachen University honored him for his many years of service by making him an honorary senator .


  • Higher Mathematics for Engineers , 3 volumes, Klett-Verlag, Stuttgart, 1976 to 1979
  • Analysis , course units 1 - 17, Fernuniversität Hagen, 1977/78
  • Higher Mathematics , course units 1 - 7, Fernuniversität Hagen, 1979–1981
  • Science between technical and social challenges: the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen 1970 to 1995 , Einhard-Verlag, Aachen, 1995
  • Klaus Habetha / Wolfgang Sprößig / Klaus Gürlebeck: Function Theory in Plane and Space , Birkhäuser, Berlin, 2006 (2007 edition)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Farewell to Klaus Habetha as curator
  2. ^ Members of the University Council of Clausthal University of Technology in 2005