August von Kaven

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August von Kaven

August von Kaven (born March 19, 1827 in Bremen ; † May 19, 1891 in Aachen ) was a civil engineer and the first director of the Aachen Polytechnic (today: RWTH Aachen University ).


After completing his studies at the Hanover Polytechnic with the completion of the Hanover state examination in construction, Kaven found his first job in hydraulic engineering in the public construction sector in his home town of Bremen. Between 1850 and 1861 he worked as an engineer for the Hanover Railway Directorate and construction inspector in the Hanover State Service on the design and construction of various north German railway lines, bridges and port facilities.

In 1861, in addition to his practical engineering work as a member of the technical department of the General Directorate of the Railways in Hanover at the polytechnic institute there, Kaven took on a teaching position for railway, bridge and road construction, from which he became director in 1869 from the Prussian Minister of Commerce, Count Heinrich Friedrich von Itzenplitz of the Polytechnic Aachen was appointed. Von Kaven was director of the Aachen Polytechnic until 1880. As part of the transformation of the Prussian polytechnics into technical universities, a rectorate constitution was introduced in Aachen - against the resistance of Kavens - and the directorate originally assigned to him for life was abolished. August von Kaven died on May 19, 1891 in Aachen after a long and serious illness. He was buried in the Protestant Westfriedhof in Aachen , where his grave can still be found today. The tomb was created by Karl Krauss . The Kavenstrasse in Aachen-Süsterfeld bears his name.

August von Kaven burial site

With the award of the Von Kaven-Ring, RWTH Aachen University has been honoring people outside of Germany with special services to the Aachen University since February 2004. Previous winners (as of 2016) are Roland Walter , Jürgen Linden and Max Kerner . This award is not to be confused with the von Kaven award , which Herbert von Kaven founded in December 2004.


  • Paul Trommsdorff : The faculty of the Technical University of Hanover. 1831-1931. Library of the Technical University of Hanover, Hanover, 1931, p. 72.
  • Roland Rappmann: Exhibitions of the university library on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the Technical University of Aachen. Documentation. RWTH Library, Aachen 1996, pp. 69–71.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Stefan Krebs, Werner Tschacher: From hero cult to overcoming scandal. Reflections on the academic culture of remembrance at RWTH Aachen University (= history in the west . 24). Klartext, Essen 2009, ISBN 978-3-8375-0282-4 , pp. 199-227, ( digitized version (PDF; 297.22 kB) ).
  2. from Kaven-Ring -träger  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. at 2Template: Toter Link /