Konrad V. (Oels)

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Konrad V of Oels (also Konrad V. "Kanthner" * 1381 /1387; † 10. September 1439 ) was from 1412 until his death in 1439 together with his brothers Duke of Oels , Cosel , Steinau and semi Bytom . He came from the Glogau branch of the Silesian Piasts .


His parents were Konrad III. von Oels († 1412) and Jutta / Gutha, whose origin is not known. The children came from his marriage to Margareta NN († 1449/50), whom he had married in 1411

  1. Conrad IX. "The Black" († 1471), Duke of Oels; ⚭ 1452/53 Margareta († 1483), daughter of Duke Ziemowit V of Mazovia
  2. Konrad X. "the young white man" († 1492), Duke of Oels; ⚭ Dorothea Reynkenberg († 1471). With him the Oels branch of the Glogau line of the Silesian Piasts went out.
  3. Agnes († 1448), ⚭ 1437 Kaspar Schlick , Count of Passaun and Weißkirchen, Chancellor of the Holy Roman Empire († 1449)
  4. Anna († 1482), ⚭ 1444 Duke Władysław of Mazovia († 1455)
  5. Margarete († 1466), Abbess of Trebnitz

Konrad V had four brothers who also had the first name Konrad, which is why they are referred to by individual surnames to distinguish them, as well as two sisters. Konrad V's nickname of the "Kanthner" derives from the town of Kanth , which had been in the possession of the Oels dukes since 1379.

After the death of the father Konrad III. In 1412 the younger brothers were initially under the tutelage of their eldest brother Conrad IV. "Senior" ; he initially took over the joint government over the duchies of Oels, Cosel and Steinau and half of Beuthen. Even after the formal division of the paternal inheritance in 1416, the brothers managed some of their territories jointly. Since Konrad IV. "Senior", Konrad VI. "Dechant" († 1427) and Konrad VIII "the boy" belonged to the clergy, Konrad V. "Kanthner" and Konrad VII "the old white" exercised the regency and were therefore beneficiaries of the inherited possessions. After Conrad IV. "Senior" became Bishop of Breslau in 1417 , he bought himself and his brothers Kanth by virtue of his office , which he pledged to the cathedral chapter to alleviate the financial needs of his brothers and the episcopal cafeteria. In 1431 Konrad V. "Kanthner" and Konrad "the old white" founded a minorite monastery in Cosel . In 1434 they acquired Konstadt from Duke Ludwig II of Liegnitz .

Like their episcopal brother Konrad IV. “Senior”, Konrad “Kanthner” and Konrad “the old white” also fought the Hussites . In 1428 they tried unsuccessfully to prevent their devastation in the Duchy of Opava . On April 4, 1431 they attacked Gleiwitz , which was occupied by the Hussites and where religious talks were taking place in which Siegmund Koribut, a nephew of the Lithuanian prince Witold , was involved. This is probably why the Hussites undertook a raid in 1432 in the Duchy of Oels, which they had largely spared until then. However, Konrad "Kanthner" and his brother managed to beat them at Steinau . Together with their brother Konrad IV Senior, other dukes and the cities of Breslau , Schweidnitz and Neisse , they certified on September 13, 1432 that they owed 10,000 shocks of groschen for the cities of Nimptsch , Kreuzburg and Ottmachau still occupied by the Hussites .

Emperor Sigismund rewarded her efforts in the fight against the Hussites in his capacity as King of Bohemia in 1434 by transferring the customs duties from Hundsfeld and Hünern . In 1437 he confirmed to them the enfeoffment of their territories in full , so that the Bohemian sovereign would not have the right to revert if the childless Konrad "the old white man" died . Two years later Konrad "Kanthner" died of the plague. His brother Konrad "the old white man" took over the guardianship of his not yet mature sons.


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