Konrad X. (Oels)

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Konrad X. von Oels (also Konrad X. "the young white one" , Latin Conradus Albus ; * 1420 , † September 21, 1492 ) was from 1450 to 1452 together with his brother Konrad IX. "The black" Duke of Oels , Cosel , Steinau and half of Beuthen . After the division in 1452 he owned the Duchy of Oels (excluding the city of Oels ) and Steinau. He also inherited in 1471 after the death of his brother Konrad IX. Cosel and Beuthen and after the death of his widow in 1483/85 the city of Oels.


Konrad X. came from the Glogau branch of the Silesian Piasts . His parents were Konrad V. "the Kanthner" († 1439) and Margareta († 1449/50), whose origin is unknown. Konrad X. was married to Dorothea Reynkenberg, who died in 1471. The marriage remained childless. All male members of the House of Oels had the first name Konrad , which is why they are called by surnames to differentiate them.

After the death of his father in 1439, Konrad X. "the young white man" and his older brother Konrad IX. "The black", who had not yet reached the age of majority, placed under the tutelage of their uncle Conrad VII the old white . He had only given them the city of Kanth for their support and refused to hand over the entire paternal inheritance to them. After they soon came of age, armed conflicts broke out between them and their guardian. They were supported by their episcopal uncle Konrad IV. "Senior" , who in 1444 imprisoned his brother Konrad VII in Neisse because of his intransigence .

After the childless Duke Conrad VII intended to transfer his territorial shares to the Dukes of Sagan , although this project was in contradiction to the total enfeoffment agreed and confirmed by the Bohemian sovereign in 1437, he was in 1450 by Conrad X and his brother Conrad IX. captured and forced to resign from the government. The two brothers then managed the Oels property together until the death of Conrad VII in 1452. In the subsequent division, Konrad X received the Duchy of Oels ( excluding the city of Oels ) and the area of ​​Steinau and Wohlau , while his brother Konrad IX. the city of Oels and the Upper Silesian areas of Beuthen and Cosel fell.

In the disputes over the Bohemian royal throne after the death of King Ladislaus Postumus in 1457, Conrad X and his brother Conrad IX stood. on the part of governor Georg von Podiebrad . Nevertheless, on April 19, 1458, Konrad X joined an alliance which, in addition to the Breslau bishop Jost II von Rosenberg and his cathedral chapter, also included the hereditary principalities of Breslau and Schweidnitz-Jauer and the dukes Heinrich IX. von Glogau , the Saganer brothers Balthasar and Johann II. as well as Hedwig, the widow of the Liegnitz Duke Johann I. belonged. The federation was directed against the Bohemian electoral kingdom of George of Podebrady, which they also rejected as a non-orthodox king. After Konrad X. and his brother Konrad IX. 1459 paid homage to Georg von Podiebrad, he confirmed their possessions and privileges and appointed Konrad X. to be his field captain in the battles against the Breslauer . It came to an estrangement from Georg von Podiebrad, when he wanted to win the Saxon Elector Friedrich II. By giving him on February 27, 1461 the one of Emperor Friedrich III. illegally documented entitlement to the lands of Duke Conrad VII, who died in 1452, "the old white man" confirmed. After the new Pope Paul II imposed a condemnation judgment on Georg von Podiebrad on December 23, 1466 and the disputes between the Catholics and Utraquists subsequently assumed warlike proportions, Conrad X. and his brother fought together with the royal sons and John II of Sagan again on the part of Georg von Podiebrad. In the same year Konrad's brother Konrad IX acquired. the second half of Bytom, which had been in the possession of Teschen since 1369 , while Konrad X. the widow of Wilhelm von Troppau , Salome von Častolowitz and her son Wenzel III. († 1474), left Steinau .

After the death of his brother Konrad IX. In 1471, Conrad X inherited his possessions. He assigned the city of Oels to his widow Margareta († 1483/85) as a personal asset and took over the guardianship of her then six-year-old daughter Barbara. In July 1471, Conrad X accompanied the heir to the throne Vladislav II, together with other Silesian dukes, on his way from Krakow to Prague. Since both Moravia and the Duchy of Opole were already devoted to the opposing king Matthias Corvinus , they had to take a detour via Auschwitz , Troppau , Neisse and Glatz . Since Konrad X feared expropriation by Matthias Corvinus because of his ties to Georg von Podiebrad and his Jagiellonian successor, he betrothed his ward Barbara, the daughter of his deceased brother, to Albrecht , the only two-year-old son of Duke Heinrich the Elder. Ä. von Münsterberg , to whom he sold his entire Upper Silesian property at the same time . Heinrich d. Ä. was Hultschin and Krawarn immediately to his eldest brother Boček on. In 1475 Heinrich the Elder lost Ä. Beuthen, Cosel and half of Gleiwitz to Matthias Corvinus, who in 1474 also managed to establish himself in Central Silesia by accepting the eventual homage in the Oels towns of Wohlau and Militsch . At the same time he certified Margaretha von Sachsen the promised entitlement to the lands of Konrad's uncle Konrad VII. "The old white man". The indebted Konrad X thwarted his plans by negotiating the sale of the Duchy of Oels with Margaretha's sons Albrecht and Ernst . Matthias, for his part, kept the Electors Albrecht and Ernst from the negotiations by concluding an alliance with them and enfeoffing them with Sagan . Nevertheless, they continued to negotiate with Konrad X. because they wanted to own oils too. King Matthias prevented further negotiations by taking over Konrad's debts and, in return, Konrad's lands. Konrad, who had to undertake not to sell anything more, promised a lifelong usufruct of his lands.

Nevertheless, in 1489 Konrad occupied the town of Steinau without royal approval, which he himself had left to Salome von Častolowitz in 1469. Field captain Johann von Haugwitz then moved in the entire Duchy of Oels, which has now been transferred from Matthias Corvinus to his son Johann Corvinus . Konrad was given to Aura as the only residence . After the death of King Matthias Corvinus in 1490, Konrad X received the Duchy of Oels back from the Bohemian sovereign Vladislav II, but died two years later. With him the Oelser line of the Glogau branch of the Silesian Piasts became extinct. His possessions fell back to the crown of Bohemia as a settled fiefdom .


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