La Victoria de Acentejo

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Parish of La Victoria de Acentejo
coat of arms Map of the Canary Islands
Coat of arms of La Victoria de Acentejo
La Victoria de Acentejo (Canary Islands)
Finland road sign 311 (1994-2020) .svg
Basic data
Autonomous Community : Canary Islands
Province : Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Island: Tenerife
Coordinates 28 ° 25 ′  N , 16 ° 26 ′  W Coordinates: 28 ° 25 ′  N , 16 ° 26 ′  W
Height : 360  msnm
Area : 17.93 km²
Residents : 9,185 (Jan 1, 2019)
Population density : 512.27 inhabitants / km²
Postal code : E-38380
Municipality number  ( INE ): 38051
Mayor : José Fermín Correa Martín ( Partido Popular ) (as of 2015)
Address of the municipal administration: Plaza de la Iglesia, s / n
38613 La Victoria de Acentejo
Location of the municipality
TF LaVictoria.png

La Victoria de Acentejo is a municipality with 9185 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2019) in the north of the Canary Island of Tenerife .

Neighboring municipalities are La Matanza de Acentejo in the northeast, Candelaria in the east, southeast and south and Santa Úrsula in the south, southwest and west.

The municipality of La Victoria de Acentejo has an area of ​​17.93 km² at an average altitude of 360 m above sea level.


In the area of ​​today's city of La Victoria, the Castilian troops finally defeated the indigenous Guanches in the 2nd Battle of Acentejo on December 25, 1495 and named the newly founded place after their victory. In May 1494 they were defeated in the area of ​​today's neighboring town of La Matanza de Acentejo in the 1st Battle of Acentejo .


year Residents Population density
1991 7,435
1996 7,678
2001 7,920 440 inhabitants / km²
2002 8,152
2003 8,235 448.8 inhabitants / km²
2004 8,350 465.7 inhabitants / km²
2005 8,393
2014 9,026 503.4 inhabitants / km²


La Victoria de Acentejo is connected to Santa Cruz de Tenerife by the TF-5 northern motorway .

Individual evidence

  1. Cifras oficiales de población resultantes de la revisión del Padrón municipal a 1 de enero . Population statistics from the Instituto Nacional de Estadística (population update).
