List of IC objects from 5001 to 5386

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The following table contains a selection of IC objects in the range of objects from 5001 to 5386, some of which are detailed articles.

All figures are given for the equinox J2000.0 .

No. 5001 to 5100

IC Alias Object type Star. angle like Right asc. Decl. Del. Lj.
5004 NGC 6923 BaSpiG Mic 2.6 ′ × 1.3 ′ 12.0 20 h 31 m 39.0 s 1695045−30 ° 49 ′ 55 ″
5005 BaSpiG Cap 2.3 ′ × 1.7 ′ 12.7 20 h 25 m 20.1 s 1745056−25 ° 49 ′ 44 ″
5018 = IC 4998
5026 SpiG Oct 2.4 ′ × 0.25 ′ 14.8 20 h 48 m 28.0 s 1219591−78 ° 04 ′ 09 ″
5052 SpiG Pav 20 h 52 m 07.1 s 1308781−69 ° 12 ′ 19 ″ 27 million
5058 NGC 6965 Ling Aqr 0.6 ′ × 0.4 ′ 14.0 20 h 47 m 20.5 s 2002903+ 0 ° 29 ′ 03 ″
5082 NGC 7010 EllG Aqr 1.9 ′ × 1 ′ 13.0 21 h 04 m 39.4 s 1877984−12 ° 20 ′ 16 ″

No. 5101 to 5200

IC Alias Object type Star. angle like Right asc. Decl. Del. Lj.
5114 NGC 7091 BaSpiG Gru 2.1 ′ × 1.7 ′ 12.6 21 h 34 m 07.7 s 1636086−36 ° 39 ′ 14 ″
5115 SpiG Peg 0.65 ′ × 0.45 ′ 14.9 21 h 30 m 57.3 s 2114549+ 11 ° 45 ′ 49 ″
5129 SpiG Ind 0.8 ′ × 0.6 ′ 14.6 21 h 47 m 46.6 s 1347684−65 ° 23 ′ 16 ″
5130 SpiG Ind 1.8 ′ × 0.5 ′ 13.6 21 h 50 m 24.2 s 1264049−73 ° 59 ′ 51 ″
5146 Cocoon mist EmNb, OfSH Cyg 10 ′ 7.2 21532421 h 53 m 24 s 2471600+ 47 ° 16 ′ 0 ″ 3,000
5148 PlNb Gru 2.2 ′ 12.0 21 h 59 m 35.1 s 1607694−39 ° 23 ′ 06 ″ 2,900
5150 = IC 5148
5151 Ling Peg 21 h 58 m 52.6 s 2034541+ 3 ° 45 ′ 41 ″ 395 million

No. 5201 to 5300

IC Alias Object type Star. angle like Right asc. Decl. Del. Lj.
5265 = IC 1459
5277 Ling Tuc 0.5 ′ × 0.5 ′ 14.3 23 h 01 m 59.2 s 1348848−65 ° 11 ′ 52 ″
5283 SpiG Peg 0.7 ′ × 0.4 ′ 13.8 23 h 03 m 17.7 s 2085338+ 8 ° 53 ′ 38 ″ 220 million
5291 SpiG Peg 0.3 ′ × 0.3 ′ 14.7 23 h 13 m 39.6 s 2091429+ 9 ° 14 ′ 29 ″
5294 NGC 7552 BaSpiG Gru 3.4 ′ × 2.7 ′ 10.6 23 h 16 m 10.8 s 1576495−42 ° 35 ′ 05 ″ 61 million
5295 Ling Peg 0.7 ′ × 0.65 ′ 14.7 23 h 15 m 29.2 s 2250713+ 25 ° 07 ′ 13 ″

No. 5301 to 5386

IC Alias Object type Star. angle like Right asc. Decl. Del. Lj.
5350 Ling Scl 23 h 47 m 14.7 s 1724272−27 ° 57 ′ 28 ″ 380 million
5351 Ling Psc 13.6 23 h 47 m 18.9 s 1978 151−2 ° 18 ′ 49 ″ 280 million
5352 EllG Psc 23 h 47 m 19.8 s 1978350−2 ° 16 ′ 50 ″ 300 million
5356 SpiG Psc 23 h 47 m 23.9 s 1977896−2 ° 21 ′ 04 ″ 270 million
5357 Ling Psc 23 h 47 m 23.0 s 1978 198−2 ° 18 ′ 02 ″ 310 million
5361 NGC 7761 Ling Aqr 1.2 ′ × 1.2 ′ 23 h 51 m 28.8 s 1867748−13 ° 22 ′ 52 ″ 335 million
5368 = IC 1523
5381 SpiG Peg 00 h 03 m 11.1 s 2155757+ 15 ° 57 ′ 57 ″ 500 million
5382 SpiG Tuc 00 h 03 m 26.3 s 1348852−65 ° 11 ′ 48 ″ 390 million
5386 NGC 7832 EllG Psc 1.9 ′ × 1 ′ 13.2 00 h 06 m 28.4 s 1965700−3 ° 43 ′ 00 ″ 290 million


Object type Object type Object type
Gal. Galaxy in general SpiG Spiral galaxy BaSpiG Barred spiral galaxy
EllG Elliptical galaxy Ling Lenticular galaxy SeyG Seyfert Galaxy
RaG Radio galaxy ZwG Dwarf galaxy IrrG Irregular galaxy
OfSH Open star cluster KuSH Globular clusters SH Star clusters in general
St. star DS Double star Branch. Asterism
VrS Variable star VrDS Changeable Double star You where Dark cloud
GNb Gas mist in general PlNb Planetary nebula EmNb Emission nebula
ReNb Reflection fog DiNb Diffuse fog SuNo Supernova remnant

Galaxies star clusters stars nebulae____________