List of Municipios in the Department of Santander

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The Departamento de Santander consists of 87 municipalities ( municipios ). These are subdivided into a community center ( Cabecera Municipal ) and the surrounding area ( Resto Rural ). The surrounding area is further subdivided into so-called police inspections ( Inspecciones de Policía Municipal ), smaller offices ( Corregimientos ), settlement centers ( Centros Poblados ) and homesteads ( Caseríos ). The following lists the municipalities with their total number of inhabitants from the census of the Colombian statistical office DANE from 2005, extrapolated for 2018.

local community Population 2018
Aguada 1,782
Albania 5,289
Aratoca 8,280
Barbosa 29,352
Barichara 7,062
Barrancabermeja 191,495
Betulia 5,031
Bolívar 11,919
Bucaramanga 528.610
Cabrera 2,400
California 2,037
Capitanejo 5,430
Carcasí 4,966
Cepitá 1,819
Cerrito 5,532
Charalá 10,290
Charter 2,549
Chima 3,014
Chipatá 5,062
Cimitarra 48,328
Concepción 5.110
Confines 2,695
Contratación 3,352
Coromoro 7,642
Curití 12,016
El Carmen de Chucurí 20,671
El guacamayo 1.918
El Peñón 5,038
El Playón 11,385
Encino 2,440
Enciso 3.136
Florián 6.276
Floridablanca 267.124
Galán 2.139
Gámbita 5,039
Girón 195,499
Guaca 6.264
Guadalupe 4,519
Guapotá 2,096
Guavatá 3,495
Güepsa 3,730
Hato 2,324
Jesús María 3,045
Jordan 1,089
La Belleza 8,596
Landázuri 15,430
La Paz 5,027
Lebrija 41,122
Los Santos 12,539
Macaravita 2.263
Málaga 18,271
Matanza 5,147
Mogotes 10,864
Molagavita 5,029
Ocamonte 4,702
Oiba 11,980
Onzaga 4,895
Palmar 3,474
Palmas del Socorro 2,196
Páramo 4,252
Piedecuesta 159,760
Pinchote 5,460
Puente Nacional 11,900
Puerto Parra 7,891
Puerto Wilches 31,505
Rionegro 26,461
Sabana de Torres 18,149
San Andrés 8,208
San Benito 4,007
San Gil 45,891
San Joaquín 2,371
San Jose de Miranda 4.214
San Miguel 2,295
San Vicente de Chucurí 35,000
Santa Bárbara 2,085
Santa Helena del Opón 4,266
Simacota 7,493
Socorro 30,985
Suaita 10,072
Sucre 8,172
Suratá 3,196
Tona 7,201
Valle de San José 4,495
Velez 18,871
Vetas 2,464
Villanueva 5,548
Zapatoca 8,803

Individual evidence

  1. Extrapolation of the population of Colombia on the official DANE website