List of natural monuments in the Wels-Land district

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The list of natural monuments in the district of Wels-Land lists the objects designated as natural monuments in the district of Wels-Land in the state of Upper Austria . Of the ten natural monuments, nine of the protected objects are trees or groups of trees, one natural monument concerns a protected stretch of water. The trees and groups of trees designated as natural monuments include various species, two natural monuments including winter linden ( Tilia cordata ) and two summer linden ( Tilia platyphyllos ) or horse chestnut ( Aesculus hippocastanum ) or pedunculate oak ( Quercus robur ). Spatially, the natural monuments are spread across the municipality of Bad Wimsbach-Neydharting , where three of the twelve natural monuments are located. There are also two natural monuments in Lambach .

Natural monuments

photo   Surname ID Location description

surface date
0BW Upload file Friedhofslinden nd057nd057 Aichkirchen
KG:  Aichkirchen
GrStNr: 582/1; 582/2
The six winter linden trees ( Tilia cordata ) are to the north and east of the local cemetery in Aichkirchen outside the cemetery walls. 02/17/1969
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Kastanienallee nd058nd058 Bad Wimsbach-Neydharting
KG:  Wimsbach
GrStNr: 66/1; 77/1; 434
The double-sided, around 800 m long avenue made of common horse chestnuts ( Aesculus hippocastanum ) between the cemetery of Wimsbach and the Ehrenfeld chapel was supposedly planted in 1893. 02/17/1969
0BW Upload file Tuff springs on the left bank of the Laudach nd577nd577 Bad Wimsbach-Neydharting
KG:  Kösslwang
GrStNr: 438; 463
The tuff springs on the left bank of the Laudach are north of the Blankenberg stop. There are several sources, some of which have cascaded tuff formations over a length of 200 m. 11/18/1999
1Oak in Oberperwend Upload file Oak in Oberperwend nd530nd530 Buchkirchen
KG:  Oberperwend
GrStNr: 1608
The pedunculate oak ( Quercus robur ) is in Oberhocherenz at km 6 on Buchkirchner Strasse . At the time it was placed under protection, the tree had a trunk circumference of 3.35 m (at a height of one meter), a crown diameter of 16 m and a height of around 36 m and was estimated to be around 100 years old. 04/12/1994
12 pollarded willows in Trensing Upload file 2 pollarded willows in Trensing nd551nd551 Eberstalzell , Eberstalzell 100
KG:  Eberstalzell
GrStNr: 3096
The two Sal willows ( Salix caprea ) are located near the Eberstalzell 100 building. At the time they were placed under protection, the willows had a trunk circumference of 6.5 to 6.9 m, a common crown diameter of 25 m and a height of around 12 m. 10/14/1996
1Chestnut tree in Gunskirchen Upload file Chestnut tree in Gunskirchen nd400nd400 Gunskirchen
KG:  Straß
GrStNr: 715/1
The horse chestnut ( Aesculus hippocastanum ) is around 100 m southwest of the house at Sängerstrasse 6. At the time it was placed under protection, the tree had a trunk circumference of 2.65 m, a crown diameter of 15 m and a height of 19 m. January 15, 1990
0BW Upload file 100-year-old linden tree nd505nd505 Lambach , Haferlstraße 9
KG:  Lambach
GrStNr: 332/22
The summer lime tree ( Tilla platyphyllos ) is located in the garden of the house at Haferlstrasse 9. At the time it was placed under protection, it had a trunk circumference of 3.1 m (at a height of one meter), a crown diameter of 15 m and a height of around 30 m . 04/02/1993
0BW Upload file Oak on the anniversary square nd525nd525 Lambach
KG:  Lambach
GrStNr: 808/10
The pedunculate oak ( Quercus robur ) is on the Jubilee Square behind the post office or across from the Lambach monastery. At the time it was placed under protection, the tree had a trunk circumference of 3.05 m (at a height of one meter), a crown diameter of 21 m and a height of around 27 m and was estimated to be 150 years old. 12/13/1993
1Pear tree in Marchtrenk
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Pear tree in Marchtrenk nd596nd596 Marchtrenk
KG:  Marchtrenk
GrStNr: 1134
The wild pear tree ( Pyrus pyraster ) is on the property at Aufeldstrasse 1 in Marchtrenk. 01/30/2003
1Cemetery linden tree Upload file Cemetery linden tree nd243nd243 Pichl bei Wels
KG:  Pichl bei Wels
GrStNr: 157
The summer lime tree ( Tilia platyphyllos ) stands southwest of the parish church at the cemetery of Pichl near Wels. At the time it was placed under protection, the tree had a trunk circumference of 2.5 m, a crown diameter of around 10 m and a height of around 25 m. 02/09/1984

Former natural monuments

photo   Surname ID Location description

surface date
0 Upload file Oak gnd011gnd011 Lambach
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The oak stood in front of the Sand 309 house.
1Upholstered linden tree
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Upholstered linden tree gnd055gnd055 Sipbachzell
KG:  Scharrendorf
GrStNr: 1587/2
The upholstered linden tree , an approximately 18 m high winter linden tree ( Tilia cordata ), stood at the intersection of Sitzberger and Rutzenberger Gemeindestraße. It was already in very bad condition in 2014, was deleted from the list of natural monuments and felled. 06/17/1986
0 Upload file Linden tree at the Ehrenfeld chapel gnd059gnd059 Bad Wimsbach-Neydharting
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The winter lime tree ( Tilia cordata ) stood at the Ehrenfeld chapel at the end of Kastanienallee (nd058) before it suddenly rotted and overturned due to unexplained circumstances. It had a trunk circumference of 5 m and an estimated age of 300 years.
0BW Upload file Friedhofslinden in Wimsbach gnd060gnd060 Bad Wimsbach-Neydharting
KG:  Wimsbach
GrStNr: 66/4
The group of three winter linden trees ( Tilia cordata ) stood in the middle of the local cemetery of Wimsbach around a simple cross on a stone. The trees were around 26 m high, had a common crown diameter of 22 m and trunk circumferences of 3 m, 2.5 m and 1.7 m. 02/17/1969
0 Upload file Linden near Fischlhamerbach gnd518gnd518 Fischlham
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0 Upload file Linden tree gnd056gnd056 Stadl-Paura
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Web links

Commons : Natural monuments in the Wels-Land district  - collection of images, videos and audio files