List of natural monuments in the Urfahr-Umgebung district

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The list of natural monuments in the Urfahr-Umgebung district lists the objects designated as natural monuments in the Urfahr-Umgebung district in the state of Upper Austria .

Natural monuments

photo   Surname ID Location description

surface date
1"Mushroom stone" Upload file "Mushroom stone" nd156nd156 Bad Leonfelden
KG:  Weigetschlag
GrStNr: 321; 383/1
The “mushroom stone” is located on the forest property in Weigetschlag. It was placed under protection due to weathering processes on the stone and its special scientific, but also cultural value. 08/27/1980
12 winter linden trees Upload file 2 winter linden trees nd523nd523 Altenberg bei Linz
KG:  Altenberg
GrStNr: 1885/2
The two winter linden trees (Tilia cordata) are located in the village of Oberweitrag to the left and right of the so-called plague column. At the time they were placed under protection, the linden trees had a trunk circumference of 3.1 and 2.75 m (measured at a height of one meter), a common crown diameter of 18 m and a height of 24 and 26 m. Although the two linden trees were not of an exorbitant size, they were placed under protection due to their location and function for the landscape. 12/13/1993
12 English oaks Upload file 2 English oaks nd503nd503 Walding
KG:  Lindham
GrStNr: 1775; 1992
The two common oaks (Quercus robur) are on Aschacher Strasse at km 2.65. At the time they were placed under protection, they had a trunk circumference of 3.65 or 2.55 m (measured at a height of one meter), a crown diameter of 22 or 25 m and a height of around 27 m each. The two trees are likely to be the remains of an avenue. 04/06/1993
13 Schloss-Linden in Waxenberg
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3 Schloss-Linden in Waxenberg nd371nd371 Oberneukirchen
KG:  Waxenberg
GrStNr: .1 / 1; 282; 285/2
Originally, four summer linden trees (Tilia platyphyllos) were protected in 1987 , but the protection of one linden tree was lifted in 1989 due to its poor health. The three still protected trees are located directly next to the old castle building or on the forecourt of the chapel. At the time they were placed under protection, the two linden trees south of the castle had a trunk circumference of 4.7 and 4.6 m and a height of around 30 m. The third linden tree had a trunk circumference of 4.8 m, a crown diameter of 16 m and a height of around 30 m. 02/24/1987
1Sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) Upload file Sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) nd159nd159 Feldkirchen an der Donau
KG:  Mühllacken
GrStNr: .1 / 1
The protected sycamore tree (Acer pseudoplatanus) is located in the Pesenbachtal nature reserve on a hill near the Pichler estate in Feldkirchen. At the time it was placed under protection, the tree had a trunk circumference of 3.1 m, a crown diameter of 17 m and a height of around 30 m. 03/10/1981
1Dr.  Gruberstein (granite rock with inclusions)
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Dr. Gruberstein (granite rock with inclusions) nd093nd093 Steyregg
KG:  Lachstatt
GrStNr: 1573; 1581
The Dr. Gruberstein is located on the road that branches off the Prager Bundesstrasse in Katzbach and leads via Plesching to Steyregg. It consists of granite in which angular clods of greenish colored schisto rock are contained. In addition, both types of rock are criss- crossed by aplit veins. Franz Hermann Gruber used the stone as an example of the Varist mountainous formation during the Carboniferous Age, when granitic magma penetrated the old slate shell and melted it. 02/16/1977
1Double maple tree in Kirchschlag
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Double maple tree in Kirchschlag nd366nd366 Kirchschlag bei Linz
KG:  Kirchschlag
GrStNr: 1164/6
The natural monument on the southern outskirts of Kirchschlag consists of two separate sycamore trees that have grown together in the rootstock over time. At the time they were placed under protection, they were estimated to be 100 years old and each had a trunk circumference of 1.9 m. 01/30/1987
1Triple maple
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Triple maple nd376nd376 Kirchschlag bei Linz
KG:  Kirchschlag
GrStNr: 1200/1
The triple maple , a sycamore tree (Acer pseudoplatanus) with three trunks, is located in the village of Rohrach and is free-standing in a meadow near the Alpenblick guest house. At the time it was placed under protection, the tree had a trunk circumference of 4.3 m, a crown diameter of 13 m and a height of around 28 m at chest height. 07.09.1987
1Oak in woodland Upload file Oak in woodland nd368nd368 Walding
KG:  Walding
GrStNr: 467/1
The pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) is located on Gramastettnerstrasse next to the cemetery entrance or across from house number 13. At the time it was placed under protection, the tree had a trunk circumference of 3.6 m, a crown diameter of 17 m and a height of around 25 m on. 01/22/1987
1Gentian meadow in Eidenberg Upload file Gentian meadow in Eidenberg nd560nd560 Eidenberg
KG:  Eidenberg
GrStNr: 1154/26
The gentian area is west of the Traunerhütte in Eidenberg with Czech gentian (Gentianella bohemica) covered and located beyond weather thistle and head broom and rare elements of a rough pasture such as wig knapweed (Centaurea pseudophrygia), heather (Calluna vulgaris), Stiff Augentrost (Euphrasia stricta) or Pipe grass . 0.25 ha
1Hirtstein Upload file Hirtstein nd231nd231 Schenkenfelden
KG:  Schenkenfelden
GrStNr: 2441/1; 3149/3
The Hirtenstein is a rock formation made of Weinsberg granite, it is the highest elevation of the Thierberg and has been crowned by a 2.20 m high, galvanized memorial cross since 1982. It reaches a maximum height of 5 m and an area coverage of around 150 m². The rock formation is covered with mountain ash, birch and pines. 01/24/1984
1Chapel linden tree Upload file Chapel linden tree nd392nd392 Zwettl an der Rodl
KG:  Zwettl an der Rodl
GrStNr: 612/3
The winter lime tree (Tilia cordata) stands at a junction of the “Obere Straß” goods route around 700 m east of the Kaiser farmhouse. 08/08/1988
1Chestnut tree in Goldwörth Upload file Chestnut tree in Goldwörth nd553nd553 Goldwörth
KG:  Goldwörth
GrStNr: 2747
The chestnut tree, a common horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) is located near an old arm of the Danube near the Pfeifersiedlung. At the time it was placed under protection, the tree had a trunk circumference of 4.15 m (measured at a height of one meter), a crown diameter of 17 m and a height of around 28 m. The trunk of the chestnut branches in around 1.5 m into numerous main branches and was estimated to be around 100 years old in 1996. 10/31/1996
1Linden tree Upload file Linden tree nd390nd390 Puchenau
KG:  Puchenau
GrStNr: 1358/1
The winter lime tree (Tilia cordata) is located in the intersection of the Hansberg-Landesstraße and the Prof. Anton Lutz Weg in a garden. At the time it was placed under protection, the tree had a trunk circumference of 3.6 m (measured at chest height), a crown diameter and height of around 30 m each. The age of the linden tree was then estimated to be 100 to 150 years. 07/12/1988
1Linden tree at the Herz Jesu chapel in Feldkirchen Upload file Linden tree at the Herz Jesu chapel in Feldkirchen nd319nd319 Feldkirchen an der Donau
KG:  Bergheim
GrStNr: 76/1
The winter lime tree (Tilia cordata) stands next to the Sacred Heart Chapel on the Mühllackner district road at the Bergheim junction at km 6.95. In the justification for the protection status it was stated that the chapel linden tree is a weak and not high linden tree, which in itself is by no means worthy of a natural monument. However, because of its location in the middle of a completely cleared field, the linden tree was considered worthy of preservation. 10/02/1985
1Linden tree at the school in Walding Upload file Linden tree at the school in Walding nd509nd509 Walding
KG:  Walding
GrStNr: 506/2
The winter lime tree (Tilia cordata) stands west of the Walding elementary school on the upper edge of the road towards Gramastetten. At the time it was placed under protection, the linden tree had a trunk circumference of 3.35 m (measured at a height of one meter), a crown diameter of 17 m and a height of around 30 m.
Note: Assumption of property, entry in the state of Upper Austria is missing
1Linden tree in Eidenberg Upload file Linden tree in Eidenberg nd436nd436 Eidenberg
KG:  Geng
GrStNr: 1290
The summer lime tree (Tilia platyphyllos) is located on an embankment on the Eidenberger district road at km 6.1 in the direction of Geng. At the time it was placed under protection, the linden tree had a trunk circumference of 5.0 m (measured at a height of one meter), a crown diameter of 17 m and a height of around 16 m. 03/04/1991
1Linden tree in Feldkirchen Upload file Linden tree in Feldkirchen nd325nd325 Feldkirchen an der Donau
KG:  Bergheim
GrStNr: 92; 94
The winter lime tree (Tilia cordata) stands in the open ground in front of the Feldkirchen-Mühllacken intersection. In the justification for the protection status it was stated that the linden tree is a weak and compact tree, which by itself is by no means worthy of a natural monument. However, because of its location in the middle of a completely cleared field, the linden tree was considered worthy of preservation. October 29, 1985
1Linden tree in Oberneukirchen Upload file Linden tree in Oberneukirchen nd656nd656 Oberneukirchen , Höhenstraße 26
KG:  Oberneukirchen
GrStNr: 1983/1
The winter lime tree (Tilia cordata) is around 300 m south of the center of Oberneukirchen. At the time it was placed under protection, the linden tree had a trunk circumference of 3.3 m (measured at a height of one meter), a crown diameter of 17 m and a height of around 23 m. The age of the spherical linden tree, which divides into two massive main branches at a height of around 4 m, was estimated to be 100 years. 09/11/2008
1Linden tree in a shower Upload file Linden tree in a shower nd479nd479 Zwettl an der Rodl
KG:  Zwettl an der Rodl
GrStNr: 740/1
The winter lime tree (Tilia cordata), which was around 150 to 200 years old at the time it was placed under protection, stands at a crossroads in the Distl valley around 1 km outside of the Zwettl market. It can be reached via the Schauerschlag supply route and, in the early 1990s, had a trunk circumference of 4.15 m (measured at a height of one meter), a crown diameter of 25 m and a height of around 20 m. The age of the spherical linden tree, which divides into two massive main branches at a height of around 4 m, was estimated to be 100 years. 02/03/1992
1Munterlinde Upload file Munterlinde nd175nd175 Schenkenfelden
KG:  Lichtenstein
GrStNr: 415/2
The winter lime tree (Tilia cordata) is located on a slope north of the “Munter” farm. At the time it was placed under protection, the linden tree was rated as the strongest tree in the district. December 21, 1981
1Summer linden tree Upload file Summer linden tree nd182nd182 Gramastetten , Linzerstraße 11
KG:  Gramastetten
GrStNr: .221 / 1
The summer lime tree (Tilia platyphyllos) is located next to Hansberg-Landesstrasse about 7 m southwest of the house at Linzerstrasse 11. At the time it was placed under protection, the lime tree with a spherical crown shape was 74 years old and had a trunk circumference of 2.3 m at a height of one meter on, had a crown diameter of 11 m and was around 22 m high. 06/29/1983
1Steyregger Höhle (Fuchsloch or Großer Höllweizen)
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Steyregger Höhle (Fuchsloch or Großer Höllweizen) nd626nd626 Steyregg , Weih-Leite 1
KG:  Steyregg
GrStNr: 784/1; 777/1
The entrance to the natural cave is next to the Weih-Leite house 1, whereby the protected position refers to the approximately 200 m² large "fox hole" and the entrance area with its 7.5 m wide and 0.9 m high opening. The adjoining quarry is not a natural monument. 06/17/1994
1Stifterlinde Upload file Stifterlinde nd370nd370 Kirchschlag bei Linz
KG:  Kirchschlag
GrStNr: 832/1
The winter lime tree (Tilia cordata) is located around 300 m east of the Kirchschlager parish church. At the time it was placed under protection, it had a circumference of 4.3 m at chest height, had a crown diameter of 16 m and a height of around 24 m. The gnarled linden tree was estimated to be around 300 years old. 01/09/1987
1Wagner linden tree Upload file Wagner linden tree nd154nd154 Bad Leonfelden
KG:  Bad Leonfelden
GrStNr: 244/1
The summer lime tree (Tilia platyphyllos) is located in front of the Bründl Church in Bad Leonfelden. It was planted in 1886. 08/27/1980
0BW Upload file Winter linden nd415nd415 Vorderweißenbach
KG:  Oberweißbach
GrStNr: 81/1
The winter lime tree (Tilia cordata) is around 20 m from the vicarage in Vorderweissenbach, near a small pond. At the time it was placed under protection, it was around 30 m high and had a trunk circumference of 2.5 m. 11/20/1990
1Zöttllinde at the Iron Hand Upload file Zöttllinde at the Iron Hand nd153nd153 Bad Leonfelden
KG:  Bad Leonfelden
GrStNr: 240
The summer lime tree (Tilia platyphyllos) is located near the health care home of the teacher's health insurance fund in Bad Leonfelden. The linden tree planted in 1886 was around 17 m high and had a trunk circumference of 2.97 m. 10/20/1980
1Two linden trees Upload file Two linden trees nd666nd666 Haibach im Mühlkreis
KG:  Haibach
GrStNr: 1816/1
The two linden trees are in a clearing on the southern slope of Blassberg. In May 2016 they had a circumference of 3.13 m or 3.41 m measured at a height of 1 m. 11/02/2015
1Twin linden tree Upload file Twin linden tree nd435nd435 Gramastetten
KG:  Gramastetten
GrStNr: 1328
The winter linden (Tilia cordata) stands in a valley on a hiking trail. At the time when it was placed under protection, the twin linden tree had a circumference of 3 m or 3.6 m, a crown diameter of 23 m and a height of 26 m.

Former natural monuments

photo   Surname ID Location description

surface date
0 Upload file beech gnd120gnd120 Reichenthal
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The 400 to 500 year old European beech in the Reichenthal cemetery was one of the largest beeches in Upper Austria with a trunk circumference of 5.58 m.
0 Upload file Linden tree in Puchenau gnd470gnd470 Puchenau
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0 Upload file Linden tree gnd287gnd287 Herzogsdorf
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The mighty twin linden tree opposite the municipal office had a height of around 25 m, a crown diameter of 16 m and trunk circumferences of 3.1 and 2.8 m.
0 Upload file Wuksanlinde gnd155gnd155 Bad Leonfelden
coordinates are missing! Help.
The small-leaved lime as the other two Linden (nd153, nd154) 1886 planted by Verschönerungsverein Leonfelden on a hill. It had a height of around 26 m, a trunk circumference of 3.3 m and a crown diameter of 14 m. Since it threatened to break apart, the linden tree had to be secured in 1979 with tension chains and ropes.
1Linden tree to the leaning chapel Upload file Linden tree to the leaning chapel gnd338gnd338 Feldkirchen an der Donau
KG:  Lacken
GrStNr: 1411
The winter lime tree ( Tilia cordata ) was located next to a chapel that was dug through the roots of the tree and was therefore given the name "Lime tree for the crooked chapel". It could be reached from Mühllacken via the Reuterhügel access road and at the time it was placed under protection, it had a circumference of 4 m at chest height, a crown diameter of 22 m and a height of 24 m. The linden tree was felled in January 2014 for safety reasons. 01/10/1986


Web links

Commons : Natural monuments in the Urfahr-Umgebung district  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Office of Upper Austria. State government, agricultural and forest law department (ed.): Nature Conservation Report 1986–1990. Linz 1991, p. 24 ( PDF; 94.7 MB )