List of cities in Magadan Oblast

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This is a list of urban-type cities and settlements in Russia 's Magadan Oblast .

The table below shows the cities and urban settlements of the Oblast, their Russian names, the administrative units to which they belong ( Rajon or urban district ), their population as of October 14, 2010, their coats of arms and geographical coordinates. There are two cities and 28 urban-type settlements in the oblast (according to data from the Rosstat census ; according to data from the Oblast Administration, six of the settlements have now lost this status and are now formally rural settlements, but have largely been abandoned).

f1Georeferencing Map with all coordinates: OSM | WikiMap
City / town settlement Russian Administrative unit Residents coat of arms location
Poor in Армань Ola 1,071   59 ° 40 '  N , 150 ° 8'  E
Atka Атка Chassyn 485   60 ° 50 '  N , 151 ° 48'  E
Belichan ** Беличан Sussuman 0   62 ° 54 '  N , 148 ° 8'  E
Bolshevik ** Большевик Sussuman 96   62 ° 41 '  N , 147 ° 35'  E
Burchala Бурхала Jagodnoye 272   62 ° 39 '  N , 149 ° 7'  E
Cholodny Холодный Sussuman 1,062   62 ° 43 '  N , 147 ° 54'  E
Debin Дебин Jagodnoye 721   62 ° 21 '  N , 150 ° 45'  E
Ducat Дукат Omsukhan 1,351   62 ° 35 '  N , 155 ° 23'  E
Evensk Эвенск Severo-Evensky 1,793   61 ° 55 '  N , 159 ° 14'  E
Galimy ** Галимый Omsukhan 5   62 ° 21 '  N , 155 ° 58'  E
Jagodnoye Ягодное Jagodnoye 4.210   62 ° 31 '  N , 149 ° 37'  E
Kadyktschan ** Кадыкчан Sussuman 0   63 ° 5 '  N , 147 ° 3'  E
Karamken Карамкен Chassyn 336   60 ° 12 '  N , 151 ° 6'  E
Magadan * Магадан Urban district 95,982 COA Magadan, Russian Federation.svg 59 ° 34 '  N , 150 ° 48'  E
Mjaundscha Мяунджа Sussuman 1,663   63 ° 3 '  N , 147 ° 11'  E
Ola Ола Ola 6.215   59 ° 33 '  N , 151 ° 17'  E
Omsukhan Омсукчан Omsukhan 4.157   62 ° 31 '  N , 155 ° 46'  E
Orotucan Оротукан Jagodnoye 1,531   62 ° 16 '  N , 151 ° 41'  E
Palatka Палатка Chassyn 4,244   60 ° 6 '  N , 150 ° 56'  E
Siroki Широкий Sussuman 80   63 ° 5 '  N , 148 ° 3'  E
Seimchan Сеймчан Srednekanski 2,818   62 ° 56 '  N , 152 ° 23'  E
Sinegorje Синегорье Jagodnoye 2,821   62 ° 5 '  N , 150 ° 31'  E
Sokol Сокол Magadan City District 4,685   59 ° 55 '  N , 150 ° 44'  E
Spur buoy ** Спорное Jagodnoye 8th   62 ° 21 '  N , 151 ° 6'  E
Stekolny Стекольный Chassyn 2.023   60 ° 3 '  N , 150 ° 45'  E
Sussuman * Сусуман Sussuman 5,855 Coat of Arms of Susuman (Magadan oblast) .png 62 ° 47 '  N , 148 ° 9'  E
Talaya Талая Chassyn 422   61 ° 8 '  N , 152 ° 24'  E
Uptar Уптар Magadan City District 1.991   59 ° 54 '  N , 150 ° 52'  E
Ust-Omtschug Усть-Омчуг Tenkin 3,914   61 ° 9 '  N , 149 ° 38'  E
Werchni At-Urjach ** Верхний Ат-Урях Jagodnoye 0   62 ° 39 '  N , 150 ° 6'  E

Notes: * City ** rural settlement according to information from the oblast administration


  1. Itogi Vserossijskoj perepisi naselenija 2010 goda. Tom 1. Čislennostʹ i razmeščenie naselenija (Results of the All-Russian Census 2010. Volume 1. Number and distribution of the population). Tables 5 , pp. 12-209; 11 , pp. 312–979 (download from the website of the Federal Service for State Statistics of the Russian Federation)