List of streets and bridges in Hamburg-Curslack

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Location of Hamburg-Curslack in Hamburg and in the Hamburg-Bergedorf district (light red)

The list of streets and bridges in Curslack is an overview of the streets and bridges currently in the Hamburg district of Curslack . It is part of the list of traffic areas in Hamburg .


In Curslack (district number 604) there are 4036 inhabitants (as of December 31, 2019) on 10.6 km². Curslack is in the postcode area 21039.

There are 26 designated traffic areas in Curslack, including nine bridges.

Overview of the streets

The following table gives an overview of all named traffic areas - streets, squares and bridges - in the district as well as some related information. In detail these are:

  • Name / location : current name of the street, square or bridge. Via the link ( location ), the street, the square or the bridge can be displayed on various map services. The geoposition indicates approximately the middle. In the case of longer streets that lead through two or more parts of the city, it is therefore possible that the coordinate is in a different part of the city.
  • Street code: official street code, consisting of a letter (first letter of the street, the square or the bridge) and a three-digit number.
  • Length / dimensions in meters:
    Note: The length information contained in the overview are overview values rounded up or down according to mathematical rules , which were determined in the Digital Atlas North with the local scale. They are more for comparison purposes and, if official values ​​are known, are exchanged and marked separately.
    For squares, the dimensions are shown in the form a × b for rectangular systems or a × b × c for triangular systems with a as the longest edge.
    The addition ( in the district ) indicates how long the street is within the district if it runs through several districts.
  • Name origin : origin or reference of the name.
  • Date of designation : Year of the official designation or the first mention of a name, in case of uncertainty also the specification of a period.
  • Notes : Further information on nearby institutions, the history of the street, historical names, monuments, etc.
  • Image : Photo of the street or an adjacent object.
Name / location Road
Length / dimensions
(in meters)
Origin of name Date of designation Remarks image
Figure eight

( Location )

A022 1815 after the designation for a piece of land outside a place 1924 already mentioned in 1302 as "first strike" or "back strike" (ndt. eighth = behind); between Eschenhofweg and Curslacker Heerweg right half of the street in Curslack, left half in Bergedorf ; south of the Curslacker Heerweg completely in Curslack, north of the Eschenhofweg in Bergedorf
At the Schleusengraben

( Location )

A700 0220
(in the district)
according to the situation 2003 northern part in Bergedorf
On the arches

( Location )

A508 1410 after a bend (ndt. Böge) the Dove Elbe circa 1625
At the blue bridge

( Location )

B163 0190
(in the district)
according to the location and destination leading to the Neuengammer Blue Bridge 1924 western part from Dove Elbe in Neuengamme

( Location )

B619 1640
(in the district)
after the situation at the Brook weather not known only southern half of the street between Holtenklinker Bridge and house number 392 in Curslack; from house number 394 on the southern half of the street in Altengamme , otherwise in Bergedorf
Curslacker Brückendamm

( Location )

C066 0050
(in the district)
leading after the determination over the Dove Elbe 1948 southwestern part from Dove Elbe in Neuengamme
Curslacker dyke

( Location )

C067 5500 after the determination as part of the dike against the Dove Elbe in the Curslacker area 1948
Curslacker Heerweg

( Location )

C068 3475
(in the district)
according to the location in the district 1948 from Holtenklinker bridge north in Bergedorf , as well as the western half of the street between Brookdeich and Achterschlag
Curslacker church bridge

( Location )

C077 0020
(in the district)
leading after the determination to the Curslacker church 1961 crosses the Dove Elbe in the course of the Foortstegel ; western part in Neuengamme
Curslacker new dike

( Location )

C069 1020
(in the district)
according to location and function in the district 1948 northern part from A 25 in Bergedorf
Eggers Mindt Bridge

( Location )

- 0025
(in the district)
Cäsar Eggers (1863–1933), community chairman in Curslack, and Nicolaus Mindt (1857–1938) with the same function in Neuengamme 1960 crosses the Dove Elbe ; southern part in Neuengamme

( Location )

F184 0105
(in the district)
popularly as a bridge leading to a ford 1925 Foort = Furt, Stegel is the diminutive of Steg; south of the Dove Elbe in Neuengamme

( Location )

G197 0110 Heinrich Gramkow (1848–1940), teacher and organist in Curslack 1965

( Location )

G203 0230 popularly for grass yard as a piece of fenced pasture land 1949 first mentioned in 1570

( Location )

H772 0060 based on the Curslacker Heerweg 1979 crosses the A 25 in the course of the Curslacker Heerweg ; western half of the bridge in Bergedorf
Holtenklinker Bridge

( Location )

- 0020th based on the Holtenklinker Straße running on Bergedorfer area 1961 crosses the Alte Brookwetterung in the course of the Curslacker Heerweg; According to street directory running both in Bergedorf and in Curslack, according to the basic map exclusively in Bergedorf

( Location )

K625 0425 after the Low German name "Krühoff" for "Kräuterhof" 1999 the term, particularly in the four and marshlands spread

( Location )

- 005
(in the district)
based on the Kurfürstendeich 1934 western part in Allermöhe

( Location )

K513 0435
(in the district)
Origin not clear; possibly after seven katen on the dike, which were called the "7 electors" 1805 western part from Schleusengraben in Allermöhe
Neuengammer Blue Bridge

( Location )

- 0010
(in the district)
according to the location, function and paint of the bridge 1961 crosses the Dove Elbe at the Blue Bridge ; western part in Neuengamme
Odemann Bridge

( Location )

- 0020
(in the district)
based on the street Odemanns Heck 1961 crosses the Dove Elbe in the course of Odemann's stern ; southern part in Neuengamme
Odemann's rear end

( Location )

O023 0300
(in the district)
after the term “Heck” for a pasture gate and the Odemann family, from 1826 to 1912 property owners 1952 south from the middle of the Dove Elbe in Neuengamme

( Location )

R186 0340 Hans Rieck, previous owner of the site 1949
Crooked bridge

( Location )

- 0020
(in the district)
according to the design, the Dove Elbe crosses at an oblique angle 1961 southwestern part from the middle of the bridge in Neuengamme

( Location )

T117 0675 Theodor Töner (1864–1938), pastor in Curslack 1949
Vierländer Bridge

( Location )

V136 040
(in the district)
leading from Bergedorf to the Vierlande in terms of location and function 1979 crosses the A 25 in the course of the street Curslacker Neuer Deich ; northern part in Bergedorf

Individual evidence

  1. Digital Atlas North

Literature and Sources