List of streets and squares in Hamburg-Ottensen

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Location of Ottensen in Hamburg and in the Altona district (light red)

The list of streets and squares in Hamburg-Ottensen is an overview of the streets and squares currently available in the Hamburg district of Ottensen . It is part of the list of traffic areas in Hamburg .


In Ottensen (district numbers 211 to 214), 35,585 inhabitants (as of December 31, 2019) live on 2.8 km². Ottensen is in the postcode areas 22763 and 22765.

There are 103 designated traffic areas in Ottensen, including four squares.

Overview of the streets

The following table gives an overview of all named traffic areas - streets, squares and bridges - in the district as well as some related information. In detail these are:

  • Name / location : current name of the street, square or bridge. Via the link ( location ), the street, the square or the bridge can be displayed on various map services. The geoposition indicates approximately the middle. In the case of longer streets that lead through two or more parts of the city, it is therefore possible that the coordinate is in a different part of the city.
  • Street code: official street code, consisting of a letter (first letter of the street, the square or the bridge) and a three-digit number.
  • Length / dimensions in meters:
    Note: The length information contained in the overview are overview values rounded up or down according to mathematical rules , which were determined in the Digital Atlas North with the local scale. They are more for comparison purposes and, if official values ​​are known, are exchanged and marked separately.
    For squares, the dimensions are shown in the form a × b for rectangular systems or a × b × c for triangular systems with a as the longest edge.
    The addition ( in the district ) indicates how long the street is within the district if it runs through several districts.
  • Name origin : origin or reference of the name.
  • Date of designation : Year of the official designation or the first mention of a name, in case of uncertainty also the specification of a period.
  • Notes : Further information on nearby institutions, the history of the street, historical names, monuments, etc.
  • Image : Photo of the street or an adjacent object.
Name / location Road
Length / dimensions
(in meters)
Origin of name Date of designation Remarks image

( Location )

A005 0155 Ernst Abbe (1840–1905), physicist and industrialist 1950

( Location )

A875 0080 × 60 × 40 Alma Wartenberg (1871–1928), SPD politician and women's rights activist 1996
At the Born

( Location )

A197 0280 after the name for a spring or a well 1950
In the field

( Location )

A224 0425 according to the former location of the street 1856
At the plow

( Location )

A309 0050 after a field name 1956
At Rathenaupark

( Location )

A318 0225 after the location at the park of the same name, named after the politician Walter Rathenau 1945
At the Sood

( Location )

A333 0070 after a well located there 1889

( Location )

A464 0070 Carl Theodor Arnemann (1804–1866), businessman and first director of the Altona-Kieler Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft 1892 see also Karl-Theodor-Straße

( Location )

A271 0320 after a previous owner of the site before 1856
Bahrenfelder Kirchenweg

( Location )

B031 0195
(in the district)
according to location and function from Bahrenfeld to the church in Ottensen 1950 north of the S-Bahn tracks in Bahrenfeld
Bahrenfelder Strasse

( Location )

B034 1340 Hamburg's Bahrenfeld district before 1856

( Location )

B077 0715 Hans Barner, Drost in Pinneberg in the 16th century 1893

( Location )

B140 0120 after the Mennonite family Beets, who lived in Altona in the 17th century 1950

( Location )

B148 1135
(in the district)
Emil von Behring (1854–1917), physician 1950 west of Griegstrasse in Othmarschen
At the Easter church

( Location )

B179 0115 according to the situation 1930
At the riding school

( Location )

B182 0090 after a riding school that belonged to the Danish hussars before 1860
At the Rolandsmühle

( Location )

B183 0315 after the owner of a mill that fell into disrepair during the Thirty Years War 1924 It is a transmission error because the owner was called Ruland.

( Location )

B257 0285 Friedrich Bergius (1884–1949), chemist 1950

( Location )

B278 1090
(in the district)
Folke Bernadotte (1895–1948), Swedish officer 1948 to Hohenzollernring completely in Ottensen, between Hohenzollernring and Griegstraße only the northern half of the street to Griegstraße, southern half in Othmarschen as well as the further western course from Griegstraße. Former name: Moltkestrasse.
Betty Levi Passage

( Location )

B865 0135 Berta "Betty" Levi (1882–1942), member of a long-established Altona family, victim of National Socialism 1996

( Location )

B310 0225 August Bielfeldt (1874–1948), Altona city councilor 1951

( Location )

B399 0695 Matthias Bleicken (1835–1900), Mayor of Ottensen from 1874 to 1885 1950

( Location )

B469 0100 Eduard von Bonin (1793–1865), General and Minister of War 1895

( Location )

B505 0370 after a field name 1892
Braunschweiger Strasse

( Location )

B566 0140 Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel (1735–1806) 1895

( Location )

B678 0075 Hans von Bülow (1830–1894), conductor and Kapellmeister 1950

( Location )

B678 0385 Bernhard von Bülow (1849–1929), politician, Chancellor of the German Empire from 1900 to 1909 1909

( Location )

B710 0150 Robert Wilhelm Bunsen (1811–1899), chemist 1915

( Location )

D012 0430
(in the district)
Gottlieb Daimler (1834–1900), engineer and industrialist 1950 north of the railway bridge in Bahrenfeld

( Location )

D013 0080 based on Daimlerstrasse 1950
Thunder road

( Location )

D146 0200 Conrad Hinrich Donner , businessman and banker around 1865

( Location )

E039 0275 Wilhelm Christian Friedrich Egger (1801–1870), major in the Altona vigilante group 1884

( Location )

E122 1190
(in the district)
according to the location (temporarily) parallel to the Elbe 1830 The Elbchaussee begins at Klopstockplatz and is initially to Hohenzollernring completely in Ottensen, west of it to Lüdemanns Weg only the southern half of the street; the northern half of the street is in Othmarschen , as is the rest of the route to Teufelsbrück ; from there to the intersection of Mühlenberg / Manteuffelstraße / Schenefelder Landstraße, it is in the Nienstedten area, and continues to the end through Blankenese .
Elbe stairs

( Location )

E130 0240 after the function leading down to the Elbe 1950

( Location )

E202 0245 Joh. Joach. Erdmann (* 1835), previous owner of the site, who also laid out the road 1874

( Location )

E234 0170 Matthias Erzberger (1875–1921), publicist and politician 1945
Owl Street

( Location )

E260 0525 for an inn with a cat and an owl on the gable before 1856
Fischers Allee

( Location )

F132 0800 Dr. Jacob Hermann Heinrich Fischer (1754–1814), pastor in Ottensen and owner of the site around 1868

( Location )

F224 1390
(in the district)
in memory of the peace treaty of 1871 1887 north of the Bahrenfeld S-Bahn station in Bahrenfeld

( Location )

F231 0230 Friedrich Ebert (1871–1925), SPD politician, President of the Weimar Republic from 1919 to 1925 1951

( Location )

F245 0410 after the Friesenbrauerei, which used to be here 1913 western half of the street in Othmarschen

( Location )

G028 0685 Carl Friedrich Gauß (1777–1855), physicist 1950

( Location )

G077 0195 Martin Germer (1868–1927), co-founder of the Altona savings and construction association from 1892 1955

( Location )

G232 1110 Edvard Grieg (1843–1907), Norwegian composer 1951 western half of the street from Friesenweg in a southerly direction in Othmarschen
Great Brunnenstrasse

( Location )

G265 1175 after a Gesundbrunnen located here around 1800 before 1856
Great Elbstrasse

( Location )

G266 0200
(in the district)
after the location on the Elbe around 1801 eastern part in Altona old town
Great Rain Road

( Location )

G270 0410 after a field name "In de Reien" or "Reienkamp" before 1856 The field name is derived from the term "Reien" or "Reye" and describes a small watercourse.

( Location )

G310 0850 Bernhard Grüneberg , (1861–1935), doctor 1950

( Location )

H044 0115 after a hallway name 1907

( Location )

H141 0265 Georg Wilhelm Harmsen (1854–1908), Mayor of Ottensen 1951 In later years Harmsen was a senator in Altona and a member of the provincial parliament in Kiel.

( Location )

H338 0190 Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894), physiologist and physicist 1912

( Location )

H550 0295 after a field name around 1860

( Location )

H557 1150 after the noble family of the same name 1893 From 1922 to 1933 the Hohenzollernring was divided into Bebelallee, Legienstraße and Von-Elm-Straße, after which it got its original name back; western half of the street between Bernadottestraße and Elbchaussee in Othmarschen
Dutch series

( Location )

H573 0425 after Dutch citizens who settled here in the second half of the 16th century 17th century

( Location )

H768 0335 based on the Holstentwiete 1982

( Location )

H591 0425 after the landowner of the same name 1868

( Location )

K025 0515 according to the location on the Elbe and the quays there 1878 southern half of the street in Altona old town

( Location )

K079 0200 Carl Theodor Arnemann (1804–1866), businessman and first director of the Altona-Kieler Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft 1878 see also Arnemannstrasse

( Location )

K135 0375 Johannes Kepler (1571–1630), astronomer 1950
Church contest

( Location )

K193 0210 old way to the Ottenser Christianskirche 1802

( Location )

K218 0180 Klaus Peters (1812–1878), master carpenter who laid out the street 1889
Small Brunnenstrasse

( Location )

K230 0075 based on the Große Brunnenstraße before 1856
Little Rainstrasse

( Location )

K236 0190 based on the Große Rainstraße before 1856

( Location )

K269 0105 × 30 × 10 based on Klopstockstrasse 1938

( Location )

K270 0170 Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock (1724–1803), poet 1846
Klopstock terrace

( Location )

K271 0070 based on Klopstockstrasse 1908

( Location )

L200 0530 Franz Liszt (1811–1886), Hungarian composer 1929

( Location )

L204 0290 after a hallway name before 1856
Lüdemann's way

( Location )

L276 0125 J. Lüdemann, innkeeper 1856 western half of the street in Othmarschen
Mottenburger Strasse

( Location )

M307 0150 after a popular name for the district 1950 Due to the local glass industry and the associated glass dust, many residents suffered from tuberculosis, and their lungs were, according to their own statements, eaten by moths.
Mottenburger Twiete

( Location )

M383 0095 based on Mottenburger Strasse 1976

( Location )

M349 0270 after the location at the Altonaer Museum 1922 eastern half of the street in Altona old town

( Location )

N029 0260 Walther Nernst (1864–1941), physicist and chemist 1950

( Location )

N086 0880 after the water mill "Nege Mole" (New Mill) mentioned as early as 1420 1928
Neumühler quay

( Location )

N087 0760 based on the Neumühlen street, which runs above the Neumühler quay
Neumühler Kirchenweg

( Location )

N088 0190 after the way to the Christian church before 1880

( Location )

N141 0255 Emile Nölting (1812–1899), businessman and banker 1951

( Location )

O071 0045 Georg Simon Ohm (1789-1854), physicist 1915

( Location )

O158 0185 Otavi , city in Namibia 1942
Othmarscher Kirchenweg

( Location )

O159 0150
(in the district)
after the function leading to the Ottenser Christianskirche 1900 west of Griegstrasse in Othmarschen
Ottenser main street

( Location )

O162 0530 according to the location in the district 1950
Ottenser market square

( Location )

O163 0065x65x55 according to location and function in the district 1990

( Location )

O045 0025
(in the district)
after a hallway name 1636 predominantly western part in Othmarschen

( Location )

P249 0070 × 40
(in the district)
Paul Nevermann (1902–1979), SPD , politician, first mayor of Hamburg from 1961 to 1965 1984 according to the street directory only in Altona-Altstadt and Altona-Nord , according to the basic map of the western part from the level of Ottenser Hauptstraße in Ottensen Paul-Nevermann-Platz, view from Max-Brauer-Allee

( Location )

P250 0120 according to the guild of cigar makers 1985 Low German Piependreiher = pipe twister

( Location )

P135 0260 Max Planck (1858–1947), physicist 1950

( Location )

P189 0100 after the Ottenser Vogtsfamilie Prahl 1950
Rainvill terrace

( Location )

R035 0085 César Rainville (1767–1845), French officer and innkeeper in Ottensen 1884

( Location )

R235 0275 Johann Heinrich Röhrig (1859–1937), co-founder of the Altona savings and construction association from 1892 1931

( Location )

R267 0175 after a field name based on the legal scholar Dr. Rütger Rulant 1955 see also at the Rolandsmühle

( Location )

R322 0140 after the "Rothe Hof", first mentioned in 1780 1848

( Location )

R354 0105 Dr. Rütger Rulant (1568–1630), legal scholar and previous owner of the site 1950

( Location )

S126 0295 Karl Theodor August Freiherr Scheel-Plessen (1811-1892), Upper President of Altona 1897 The entire street area is located in Ottensen, only lots 17 and 19 are in the Altona-Nord area .

( Location )

S276 0860 Arthur Schopenhauer (1788–1860), philosopher 1945
Syringe place

( Location )

S560 0080 × 60 × 60 after the fire brigade's syringe house that used to be here 1904

( Location )

S587 0110 Prof. Max Stange (1856–1932), conductor and composer 1950

( Location )

S816 0150 Susette Gontard (1769–1802), lover of Friedrich Hölderlin 1950

( Location )

T120 0405 Gottfried Johann Nicolaus Tönsfeldt (1844–1944), teacher, promoter of hit and soccer games 1950

( Location )

V052 0175 after the landowner JL Völckers (* 1811) around 1874
Windhoek Street

( Location )

W310 0245 Windhoek (from 1903 to 1910 Windhoek), capital of Namibia 1936
Winter road

( Location )

W324 0205 Joh. Christian Friedrich Winter (1818–1891), private teacher and member of the municipal council in Ottensen 1895

( Location )

Z010 0345 Carl Zeiß (1816–1888), entrepreneur 1950 The serial killer Fritz Honka lived at Zeißstraße 74 from 1967 until his arrest in 1975 .

( Location )

Z011 0055 based on Zeißstraße 1950

Individual evidence

  1. Digital Atlas North

Literature and Sources

Web links

Commons : Streets in Hamburg-Ottensen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files