List of streets and squares in Hamburg-Groß Flottbek

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Location of Groß Flottbek in Hamburg and in the Altona district (light red)

The list of streets and squares in Groß Flottbek is an overview of the streets and squares currently available in the Hamburg district of Groß Flottbek . It is part of the list of traffic areas in Hamburg .


In Groß Flottbek (district number 218) there are 11111 inhabitants (as of December 31, 2019) on 2.4 km². Groß Flottbek is located in the postcode areas 22605, 22607 and 22609.

In Groß Flottbek there are 90 designated traffic areas, including three squares. To the east of Beselerstrasse, numerous streets are named after famous painters.

Overview of the streets

The following table gives an overview of all named traffic areas - streets, squares and bridges - in the district as well as some related information. In detail these are:

  • Name / location : current name of the street, square or bridge. Via the link ( location ), the street, the square or the bridge can be displayed on various map services. The geoposition indicates approximately the middle. In the case of longer streets that lead through two or more parts of the city, it is therefore possible that the coordinate is in a different part of the city.
  • Street code: official street code, consisting of a letter (first letter of the street, the square or the bridge) and a three-digit number.
  • Length / dimensions in meters:
    Note: The length information contained in the overview are overview values rounded up or down according to mathematical rules , which were determined in the Digital Atlas North with the local scale. They are more for comparison purposes and, if official values ​​are known, are exchanged and marked separately.
    For squares, the dimensions are shown in the form a × b for rectangular systems or a × b × c for triangular systems with a as the longest edge.
    The addition ( in the district ) indicates how long the street is within the district if it runs through several districts.
  • Name origin : origin or reference of the name.
  • Date of designation : Year of the official designation or the first mention of a name, in case of uncertainty also the specification of a period.
  • Notes : Further information on nearby institutions, the history of the street, historical names, monuments, etc.
  • Image : Photo of the street or an adjacent object.
Name / location Road
Length / dimensions
(in meters)
Origin of name Date of designation Remarks image

( Location )

A030 0585 Franz Adickes (1846–1915), local politician 1904

( Location )

A071 0335
(in the district)
Alexander Zinn (1880–1941), writer and politician 1950 south of the S-Bahn tracks in Othmarschen
At the Flottbek

( Location )

A400 0265 after the location on the Flottbek 1956

( Location )

B078 1500
(in the district)
Caspar Voght (1752–1839), businessman and social reformer 1928 north of the S-Bahn tracks in Groß Flottbek (eastern half of the street) and Osdorf (western half of the street), south of the western half of the street in Nienstedten , eastern side in Othmarschen

( Location )

B115 0740
(in the district)
after the Altona family Baur, from which some Altona mayors emerged, z. B. Johann Heinrich Baur (1730-1819) 1950 north of the S-Bahn tracks in Groß Flottbek (western half of the street) and Bahrenfeld (eastern half of the street), south of the tracks in Othmarschen

( Location )

B127 0210 Dr. Hermann Detlef Beckmann (1861–1908), doctor 1928/39 Beckmann made himself a benefactor, z. B. earned through foundations for the district.
At the Flottbeker Church

( Location )

B166 0185 according to the situation 1928

( Location )

B239 0395 Carl Gottlieb Bellmann (1772–1861), organist and composer 1928

( Location )

B810 0225 Bertha Uhl (1867–1955), school director in Groß Flottbek 1979

( Location )

B294 0080 × 80 Wilhelm Beseler (1806–1884), politician 1897

( Location )

B295 0885 Wilhelm Beseler (1806–1884), politician 1897

( Location )

B433 0130 Arnold Böcklin (1827–1901), Swiss painter 1910

( Location )

C055 0185 Peter von Cornelius (1783–1867), painter 1910

( Location )

C059 0155 x125 x75 based on Cranachstrasse 1916

( Location )

C060 0965 Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472–1553), painter 1910
Thorn pieces

( Location )

D162 0255 after the hawthorn hawthorn kinks 1951

( Location )

D163 0100 based on the streets of Dornteile 1956

( Location )

D219 0200 Albrecht Dürer (1471–1528), painter 1910

( Location )

E010 0610
(in the district)
Friedrich Ebert (1871–1925), SPD politician 1945 north of the Osdorfer Weg in Bahrenfeld

( Location )

E016 0200 after the Buchecker and the term "Woort" for an artificial hill 1950

( Location )

E245 0370 after a field name (Espenwald) 1957

( Location )

F048 0210 after a painter of the same name (1849–1930) from Altona 1950

( Location )

F349 0080 x60 x55 Fernando Lorenzen (1859–1917), architect 2009

( Location )

F098 0130 Anselm Feuerbach (1829–1880), painter 1926
Flottbeker Marktweg

( Location )

F157 0140 leading to the Groß Flottbeker weekly market in terms of location and function 1968

( Location )

G092 0975 Otto Giese (1855–1904), politician and lawyer 1910

( Location )

G180 0160 Gottfried Keller (1819–1890), Swiss poet 1928
Trench pieces

( Location )

G190 0225 after a hallway name 1928
Gross Flottbeker Strasse

( Location )

G257 1140 according to the location in the district 1928

( Location )

G353 0120 Karl Gutzkow (1811–1878), writer and journalist 1911

( Location )

H116 0075 Hans Thoma (1839–1924), painter 1935

( Location )

H292 0085 Heinrich Bomhoff (1878–1949), architect 1965

( Location )

H302 1455 Heinrich Plett (1908–1963), manager 1965 Land on the east side in Groß Flottbek, street area and land on the west side in Osdorf .
Hemmingstedter way

( Location )

H342 0320
(in the district)
Hemmingstedt , municipality in the Dithmarschen district in Schleswig-Holstein 1950 west of Heinrich-Plett-Straße in Osdorf

( Location )

H857 0075 Hermann Niebuhr (1867–1966), first pastor in Groß Flottbek from 1908 to 1934 2011
Hittfelder rose

( Location )

H475 0115 probably after the Seevetal district of Hittfeld , where the painter Leopold von Kalckreuth had his last residence 1938

( Location )

H569 0385 Hans Holbein the Elder (* around 1465, † around 1524) and Hans Holbein the Younger (1497 or 1498–1543), both painters 1910

( Location )

H497 0445 Friedrich Hölderlin (1770–1843), poet 1828

( Location )

J026 0140 Werner Jakstein (1876–1961), painter and writer 1965

( Location )

K029 1005 Leopold von Kalckreuth (1855–1928), painter and graphic artist 1950

( Location )

K034 0170 Friedrich Kallmorgen (1856–1924), painter 1936

( Location )

K115 0345 Wilhelm von Kaulbach (1805–1874), painter 1910
County road

( Location )

K417 0115 along the course of the road that forms a semicircle 1898

( Location )

L063 0245 after a field name 1935

( Location )

L112 0180 Wilhelm Leibl (1844–1900), painter 1950

( Location )

L118 0200 Walter Leistikow (1865–1908), painter and graphic artist 1950

( Location )

L125 0165 Franz von Lenbach (1836–1904), painter 1912

( Location )

L277 0160 Joachim Lüdemann (1861–1934), community leader in Groß Flottbek from 1895 to 1927 1926

( Location )

L270 0360 Ludwig Richter (1803-1884), painter 1935
Painter's angle

( Location )

M024 0105 based on the numerous streets in the area, which were named after famous painters 1938

( Location )

M153 0315 Adolph von Menzel (1815–1905), painter 1922

( Location )

M187 0240 after the milk merchant (Milcher) Schutt, who had his business in Groß Flottbek and also lived there before 1895

( Location )

M328 0970 Karl Müllenhoff (1818–1884), scientist 1950

( Location )

N045 0105 after a hallway name (court place) 1928

( Location )

N171 0085 Gustav Nordquist (1866–1944), bank director 1951

( Location )

O060 0360 after a field name (old field) 1928

( Location )

O073 0065
(in the district)
Richard Ohnsorg (1876–1947), theater director and actor 1950 Ohnsorg founded the Niederdeutsche Bühne Hamburg e. V., today's Ohnsorg Theater ; south of the S-Bahn tracks in Othmarschen

( Location )

O096 0335 Hermann Oncken (1869–1945), historian 1951
Osdorfer Landstrasse

( Location )

O124 1015
(in the district)
Hamburg district of Osdorf 1929 between Schenefelder Landstraße and Am Botterbarg in Iserbrook, east of Am Botterbarg only the southern half of the street, northern half of the street in Osdorf , from the intersection of Rugenfeld / Isfeldstraße completely in Osdorf; between Heinrich-Plett-Strasse and Fernando-Lorenzen-Platz northern half of the street in Bahrenfeld , southern half in Groß Flottbek
Osdorfer way

( Location )

O126 1230
(in the district)
Hamburg district of Osdorf 1904 southern half of the street between Fernando-Lorenzen-Platz and Baurstraße in Groß Flottbek, northern half in Bahrenfeld , from Baurstraße completely in Bahrenfeld

( Location )

O146 0285 Friedrich Ostermeyer (1884–1963), architect and town planner 1965

( Location )

O218 0085 Otto Siems (1866–1916), Flottbeck town council member 2004

( Location )

P025 0295 for a piece of land that belonged to the church (Pape = pastor) 1928

( Location )

R165 0160 Alfred Rethel (1816–1859), painter 1928

( Location )

R171 0045
(in the district)
Friedrich von Reventlou (1797–1874), statesman 1897 south of the Othmarschen S-Bahn station in Othmarschen

( Location )

R198 0200 Rainer Maria Rilke (1875–1926), poet 1950

( Location )

R225 0360 after a now piped small watercourse in the district 1928

( Location )

R285 0595 Ferdinand Rosenhagen (1830–1920), politician 1911

( Location )

S262 0385 Emil von Schoenaich-Carolath (1852–1908), poet 1951

( Location )

S364 0225 Moritz von Schwind (1804–1871), Austrian painter 1932
Swing path

( Location )

S921 0060 Friedrich Schwinge (1852–1913), painter 1993

( Location )

S389 0455 after a lake that used to be here, which was filled in around 1924 around 1926

( Location )

S476 0595 after a field name 1955

( Location )

S477 0055 based on the Sohrhof 1955

( Location )

S548 0120 Carl Spitzweg (1808–1885), painter 1935

( Location )

S597 0285 Lucas Andreas Staudinger (1770–1842), agriculture teacher 1928

( Location )

S699 0235 after a field name 1928 A "stick" is a collection of tree stumps on cleared land.

( Location )

S731 0285 Karl Friedrich Heinrich Straß (1803–1864), lawyer and poet 1950

( Location )

T176 0260 Wilhelm Trübner (1851–1917), painter 1936

( Location )

U008 0175 Fritz von Uhde (1848–1911), painter 1936
Connecting road

( Location )

V023 0100 after laying the road around 1926

( Location )

V041 0255 after the course of the street 1950

( Location )

V108 0215 Johann Heinrich von Thünen (1783–1850), agricultural and economist 1928

( Location )

W019 0895 Georg Waitz (1813–1886), legal historian 1950

( Location )

W312 0190 based on the Windmühlenweg 1950

( Location )

W313 0755 after the location at the former Flottbeker windmill 1930

( Location )

W318 0075 after a field name 1951

( Location )

W383 0055 after a field name 1950

( Location )

W388 0320 Johann Gottlieb Wolstein (1738–1820), physician 1958
Worpsweder rose

( Location )

W393 0035 to the Worpswede artists' colony 1938

Individual evidence

  1. Digital Atlas North

Literature and Sources