List of streets and squares in Brabschütz

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Location of the Brabschütz district in Dresden

The list of streets and squares in Brabschütz describes the street system in the Dresden district of Brabschütz with the corresponding historical references. Are listed roads in the territory of the district are Brabschütz. Cultural monuments in the district of Brabschütz are listed in the list of cultural monuments in Brabschütz .

Brabschütz is part of the village of Mobschatz , which in turn belongs to the statistical district of Cossebaude / Mobschatz / Oberwartha of the Saxon state capital Dresden. The most important street in the Brabschützer Flur is the federal motorway 4 ( Europastraße 40 / Europastraße 55 ) on its section between the motorway triangle Dresden-West and the junction Dresden-Altstadt. It runs roughly 300 meters south of the village center in an east-west direction through the district without having a junction there. The Lotzebach- / Schützen- / Rennersdorfer Haupt- / Oberlandstraße as part of the district road 6242 , which comes from Cossebaude via Brabschütz and Merbitz to Kemnitz , also plays a prominent role for traffic in the west of Dresden . There are a total of nine named streets and squares in Brabschütz, which are listed in the following list.


The following table gives an overview of the streets and squares in the district as well as some related information. In detail these are:

  • Name / Location: Current designation of the street or the place as well as under 'Location' a coordinate link via which the street or the place can be displayed on various map services. The geoposition indicates approximately the middle of the street.
  • Length / dimensions in meters: The length information contained in the overview are overview values rounded up or down according to mathematical rules , which were determined in Google Earth with the local scale. They are more for comparison purposes and, if official values ​​are known, are exchanged and marked separately. For squares, the dimensions are shown in the form a × b. The addition “in the district” or “in the district” indicates how long the street is within the city / district, provided it runs through several city / districts.
  • Name origin: origin or reference of the name.
  • Year of naming: Time at which the street was given its current name (if known).
  • Notes: Further information on nearby institutions, the history of the street, historical names, monuments, etc.
  • Image: Photo of the street.

Street directory

Name / location
Length / dimensions
Origin of name
Year of designation
Remarks image
At the intoxication
Field name intoxication Am Rausch is a farm road that connects the village center with the fields in the northwest of the corridor.
Cossebauder Weg
Cossebaude , a neighboring district to the north The Cossebauder way is a service road that the village over the New People Ritzer combines Albrechtshöhe with Cossebaude.
Village square Brabsuetz
Location of the old village The village square of Brabsuetz is a round building created by Slavic settlers . This is where most of the cultural monuments of Brabezi are located .
Brabuetz village square
Cossebauder Bergfriedhof The Friedhofsweg is located in the north of Brabschütz on the corridor border to Cossebaude.
Lotzebach , a local body of water The Lotzebach rises on the southern Brabshütz corridor border to Podemus and flows through the Lotzebach valley west of Brabshütz to Cossebaude. Lotzebachstraße also leads there , which continues on Cossebauder Flur as a valley road. The forest mill on Lotzebachstrasse is a listed building.
Gompitz-Mobschatzer Oberland The Gompitz - Mobschatzer Oberland as the Dresden part of the Meißner highlands lies on the plateau outside the Elbe valley . The Oberlandstrasse continues under the same name over the neighboring Alt-Leuteritz to the east to Merbitzer Flur. The former Gasthof Alte Schmiede and the old school are under monument protection.
Rennersdorfer Hauptstrasse
Main street of the neighboring district Rennersdorf The Rennersdorfer Hauptstraße connects Brabuetz via Rennersdorf with the road to Unkersdorf .
Members of the Mobschatzer rifle club The Mobschatzer Schützenverein operates its shooting range on Schützenstraße , which leads down into the valley to Lotzebachstraße .
To the swarm
Field name swarms The road to the swarm leads under the motorway to Podemus . The swarms are the fields around the Dresden-West motorway triangle between Rennersdorf and Roitzsch . The Schwarmweg in Unkersdorf is named after them.
To the swarm at the entrance to Brabuetz

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